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Michael D. Fleetwood and Michael D. Byrne HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, 2006

Modeling the Visual Search of Displays: A Revised ACT-R Model of Icon Search Based on Eye-Tracking Data. Michael D. Fleetwood and Michael D. Byrne HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, 2006. Contents. Introduction Relevant Visual Search Literature ACT-R 5.0 General Procedures

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Michael D. Fleetwood and Michael D. Byrne HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, 2006

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  1. Modeling the Visual Search of Displays:A Revised ACT-R Model of Icon Search Based on Eye-Tracking Data Michael D. Fleetwood and Michael D. Byrne HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, 2006

  2. Contents • Introduction • Relevant Visual Search Literature • ACT-R 5.0 • General Procedures • Computational Modeling of the Experiment • Model, Results • Eye Tracking the Icon Search Task • Model Predictions, Methods, Results, Discussion • Revising the Model • Number of Gazes per Trial • EMMA • Improving the Model Search Strategy • Modeling Results • Discussion of Modeling Revisions • Discussion

  3. 1. Introduction InGUI, Icons are becoming increasingly prevalent. How does a person search for an icon in a typically croweded screen of other icons? Building a cognitvely plausible model of an icon search.

  4. 1.1 Relevant Visual Search Literature • Paradigm • Efficiency of visual search can be assessed by looking at changes in response time(RT) or accuracy as a function of changes in the set size. • Preattentive search effects • Preattentive Searches • Conjunction Searches • Distractor Ratio Effect • Distinctiveness, Complexity

  5. 1.2 ACT-R 5.0 • ACT-R architecture has been used to successfully model a variety of behavioral phenomena. • This research extends the methodology to a more complex visual environment. • ACT-R system configuration • Procedural memory, Declarative memory • Buffers • Vision Module, Motor Module

  6. 1.2 ACT-R 5.0 • Vision module • Where, what • Shift of visual attention: 135ms • Production to fire: 50ms • Shift and process: 85ms • Motor module • Selecting the icon • Prepare: 50ms • Complex movements: Fitts’ law

  7. 1.2 ACT-R 5.0 keeping track of current goals & intentions retrieving information can only respond to a limited amount of information that is deposited in the buffers of these modules. Identifying objects controlling the hands

  8. 2. General procedures • Set size: 6, 12, 18 or 24 icons • Icon quality: good, fair, poor • Icon border: without, circle, box ☞ 4*3*3 = 36 trials • TM (target-matching) icon ☞ Six icons: one (the target), one (TM icon), four (non TM) • 2.1 Materials • 2.1 Procedures • Show target → “Ready” button → Find target and Click target • Response Time(RT) : Click “Ready” ~ Click target

  9. 3. Computational Modeling 3.1 Model • Each icon is “seen” by ACT-R’s vision module as a list of attribute pairs. • Good Icons : A Single Attribute Pair, “circle red” • Complex Icons : A number ofAttribute Pairs, “circle top white;rectangle top dark-gray: - - - ” • The model stores only one attribute pair of the target icon.

  10. 3. Computational Modeling 3.1 Model The search process 1. Random icon is found. 2-3. Visual attention is shifted to the filename. 4. If the filename matches the filename stored..., then visual attention is shifted up to the icon (to click); 85ms If not matches, then the search keeps progressing. ☞ 50ms * 4 productions + 85ms = 285ms Simulated time = # of productions that fired + # of shifts of visual attention + motor movement ☞ Actions occurred in parallel

  11. 3. Computational Modeling 3.2 Results • R^2, RMSE, and PAAE : 0.98, 126 ms and 4.27%, respectively ☞ Both models only fit the response time data well. ☞ The model accomplished the task in a humanlike manner?

  12. 4. Eye tracking the icon search task 4.1 Model predictions • Number of shifts of attention per trial • Number of shifts of visual attention to TM icons • Search strategy • Reexamination of icons

  13. 4.2 Methods • Gazes, rather than fixations • An uninterrupted series of subsequent fixations on a region of interest was considered a gaze. • ACT-R 5.0 describes patterns of visual attention but does not explicitly predict eye movements or fixations • A given shift of visual attention • a saccade and a single fixation  single gaze • A shift of visual attention is followed by several fixations • A number of fixations  single gaze • Multiple shifts of visual attention occur before any eye movements  Difficult to analyze

  14. 4.3 Results ☞ Patterns in the gaze data were similar.

  15. 4.3 Results Figure7. Ratio of TM gazes to Total gazes ☞ Participants used different strategies. • Good quality of the icons : Directed at TM icons • Poor quality of the icons : Un-directed, covered whole set of icons

  16. 4.3 Results Directed search with Good quality icons Undirected search with poor quality icons

  17. 4.3 Results • Analysis of Fixation Contingency • A participant’s next fixation would be contingent on the location of current fixation. • Nearly all of the participants’ contingent fixations were directed to a nearest TM icon. • Reexamination of Icons • People reexamine icons infrequently.

  18. 4.4 Discussion of eye-tracking results • Despite predicting the response time data well, the model overestimated the number of gazes per trial • A shift of visual attention and encode the item (50 ms production fire and 85 shift attention and encode an item; 135 ms) is too fast • participants are shifting visual attention and encoding information Without making a measurable fixation on the information • Participants can examine multiple icons within a single gaze • The model’s behavior of reexaming icons

  19. 5. Revising the model 5.1 Number of Gazes per Trial 5.2 Eye Movements and Movements of attention EMMA Model • A computational model that serves as a bridge between observable eye movements and the unobservable cognitive processes and shifts of attention • The time T need to encode object I is computed as follows • EMMA describes how cognition, visual encoding, and eye movements interact as interdependent processes.

  20. 5. Revising the model Incorporating EMMA • The number of shifts of visual attention will not decrease • we could expect the number of eye movements, or shifts of POR, to decrease 5.3 Improving the Model Search Strategy • The model would simply select the TM icon nearest to the current focus of visual attention. • The new model would not shift attention to locations that it had previously attended.

  21. 5.4 Modeling results Previous model Revised model  Revised model fares much better

  22. 5.4 Modeling results • General search patterns of participants • Directed strategy (examining only TM icons) • Grouping strategy [modeling data] [Eye tracking data]

  23. 5.5 Discussion of Modeling Revisions • The EMMA model to disassociate eye movements and movements of attention. • Overall increase in response time • Shifting visual attention to and encoding each new icon: greater than 85ms • Two major improvements • Nearest strategy: shorter average times • Marking strategy: no longer revisits icons • substantial improvement in fitting human performance

  24. 6. Discussion • Effect of icon quality • Searching the icon nearest • Beyond the realm of icon search • Grouping of information • Realm of screen design issues • Contribution • A more complex visual environment and task in modern GUI • More humanlike strategy

  25. ? Q & A

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