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Health & Fitness – Unit 2 Assessment

Health & Fitness – Unit 2 Assessment. Ryan Allison. Task One. 1.1 Describe how each of the main food groups contribute to a healthy lifestyle 1.2 Describe what is meant by a balanced diet 1.3 Describe how non-nutrients contribute to a healthy diet.

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Health & Fitness – Unit 2 Assessment

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  1. Health & Fitness – Unit 2 Assessment Ryan Allison

  2. Task One 1.1 Describe how each of the main food groups contribute to a healthy lifestyle 1.2 Describe what is meant by a balanced diet 1.3 Describe how non-nutrients contribute to a healthy diet

  3. Scenario - Your teacher has asked you to prepare some resources that can be used to help school pupils understand the importance of healthy lifestyles. The first resource you are going to prepare will be all about how a balanced diet and good nutrition contributes to a healthy lifestyle. • Your information/resources can be presented in a range of different ways – for example, you might choose to design a poster, create a presentation, write a report, etc. • The information you produce for this Task will need to: • Describe how each of the main food groups contribute to a healthy lifestyle. • Describe what is meant by a balanced diet. • Describe how non-nutrients (such as fibre and water) contribute to a healthy diet. • You may wish to include specific examples that will help to support your answers. • Remember to make your resources as interesting as possible!

  4. The Main Food Groups + How they contribute to a healthy lifestyle (1.1/1.2)

  5. The Main Food Groups: Carbohydrates: These are the main source of glucose, also known as sugar, in the body. Your body also prefers using carbohydrates as a energy source. Carbohydrates are also used in aerobic or anaerobic respiration. Their function is to provide fuel of the central nervous system as well as providing energy for important muscles. Not only that, carbohydrates help to prevent protein from being used as a dependant energy source. This is important as it helps to enable fat metabolism. Carbohydrates are stored in the muscles and liver. As our body becomes active, the carbohydrates are used to give us the energy that we require. As you become more active, then the more energy your body produces from carbohydrates. However, If you are not active then the carbohydrates that you eat will not be burned off. This means that they will be stored as fat. There are found in two forms: Simple carbohydrates: These provide a burst of energy for the body. For example, fruit, chocolate and sweets. Complex carbohydrates: There provide a slow release of energy that is useful for long distance sports. For example, bread, pasta and rice.

  6. The Main Food Groups: Fat: Fats are also another energy source for the body. However, they provide twice the amount of energy that carbohydrates provide. But, this energy source can only be used when exercising at a low intensity. There are two forms of fat: -Saturated -Unsaturated But an excessive intake of fat can lead to future health problems which include: -Heart disease. -High levels of cholesterol. -Narrowing of the blood vessels. This reduces blood flow.

  7. The Main Food Groups: Protein. Protein is required in the body for the future growth and repair of the body’s tissues. Especially in our skin, joints, muscles and bones. As a result, protein is stated as the ‘building blocks’ of our body. Protein is found in: Animal products – fish, cheese, eggs, milk and meat. Plant products – pulses, nuts and beans. Protein is needed by strength-based athletes as they require large amounts of protein to develop muscle tissue which is used to increase their power. Furthermore, the body does not hold protein. This means that it is important to have protein regularly throughout our diet.

  8. The Main Food Groups: Vitamins and minerals Vitamins and minerals are found mostly in vegetables and fruit. These are needed to maintain a healthy body function. Vitamins and minerals perform different uses in the body: Minerals: -For example, calcium is used for bone growth and development. -Phosphorus, this is found in teeth, bones. Its function is to filter waste and repairing tissue and cells. -Iron. This is important as it used in the transport of oxygen in red bloods cells. This is called haemoglobin. -Magnesium. This has many roles throughout your body. For instance, magnesium helps to covert food into energy and plays a part in your muscle movements as magnesium helps with the contraction and relaxation of the muscles. Vitamins: Vitamin C – This is a water-soluble vitamin that performs important roles in the function of your immune system. Vitamin B-12 – This is a important and essential vitamin as it is used in the conversion of foods to be burned into energy.

  9. A Balanced Diet (1.2)

  10. A Balanced Diet: Eating a wide range of food groups in your diet can lead and improve a healthy style. This is because that different foods vary in the amount of important nutrients, such as minerals and vitamins, that they provide. The picture to the right shows an example of how an person’s diet should contain to contribute a healthy lifestyle. The food groups supply our bodies with needed nutrition. They can help us achieve a balanced diet. A balanced diet contains different types of food that gives us the nutrients that we require to stay healthy. This is important as if we do not have regular supply of nutrients will lead to a unhealthy lifestyle. Overall, the food groups contribute to a healthy lifestyle as each nutrient supplies our organs, and muscles with what it needs to maintain it’s level of performance. Without regular intake of these food groups, it can create complications in later life. For instance, the increase chance of developing diseases such as diabetes.

  11. Reasons for a balanced diet: -A balanced diet contains a whole variety of food that gives us all the nutrients our body requires to stay healthy. -Energy that is not used is stored as fat can lead to obesity which will increase the chances of developing serious health problems. For instance, diabetes. -A balanced diet allows us to consume suitable amounts of calories to exercise and carry out any other physical activity that we may perform in our daily lives. -Furthermore, a balanced diet gives us a variety of nutrients to grow and repair tissue as well as staying hydrated. Proportions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is recommended to have these following percentages of fats, proteins and carbohydrates: -Carbohydrates – Should consist 55-60% of a person’s diet -Fat – Should consist of 25-30% of a person’s diet. -Protein – Should consist of 15-20% of a person’s diet.

  12. Non-Nutrients (1.3)

  13. Non-Nutrients: Water: This is a transparent substance that our bodies require to consume to remain hydrated. Water is important as it helps to maintain the balance of your body fluids. This is because your body is made up of 60% water. Furthermore, the functions of these bodily fluids involve: -Digestion. -Creation of saliva. -Maintenance of body temperature. -Circulation. -Absorption. Water can also help to energize your muscles. This is important as cells that don’t maintain the balance of fluids will shrivel. This will lead to muscle fatigue. This will affect your performance in exercise.

  14. Non-Nutrients: Fibre: Fibre is an important and essential substance of a healthy diet. This is because it helps to keep your digestive system in healthy and working order. For instance, fibre helps to move food along your digestive tract quickly which further prevents constipation. Fibre is located in may carbohydrate-rich and plant-based foods. For example, fruit and vegetables and wholemeal bread. Fibre can help reduce the chances of developing future diseases: -Bowel Cancer -Type 2 Diabetes -Heart Disease

  15. Task Two 2.1 Describe lifestyle diseases related to lack of physical activity and poor diet 2.2 Explain the effects of a long-term sedentary lifestyle on health and well-being 2.3 Explain reasons why people do not take part in physical activity

  16. Task 2: The next resource you have been asked to prepare is all about lifestyle choices and the impact they can have on health and fitness. • As before, your information/resources can be presented in a range of different ways – for example, you might choose to design a poster, create a presentation, write a report, etc. • The information you produce for this Task will need to: • -Describe lifestyle diseases related to a lack of physical activity and poor diet. • -Explain the effects of a long-term sedentary lifestyle on health and well-being (remember to also explain what is meant by a sedentary lifestyle, in case this term is not familiar to the pupils you will be sharing your information with). • -Explain a range of reasons why people do not take part in physical activity-

  17. Lifestyle Diseases (2.1)

  18. Living a unhealthy lifestyle will create a higher chance of you suffering from a lifestyle disease in your later life. These factors all contribute to the chances of developing the disease: -Drinking too much alcohol. -Not Exercising -Smoking -Being over-weight. -Having a unhealthy diet. These factors increase the risk of developing lifestyle diseases like: -Heart Disease -Obesity -Type 2 Diabetes -Some forms of cancer -Stroke

  19. Obesity: Obesity defines someone as very overweight. This means they have a high percentage of fat. This is a very common in the world’s current population due to the lifestyles of the modern day. For instance, more and more people consume food that contain high level of sugar, fat and alcohol then ever before. Also, people are more inactive in the modern day as modern technology solves many physical problems for us. This means that people are using less amount of energy then they are gaining through unhealthy food. This leads the energy stored by the body as fat which eventually leads to obesity. Obesity can cause future lifestyle diseases, such as: -Type 2 Diabetes -Heart disease -Different types of cancer – For example, Bowel Cancer. -Strokes. This can be prevented by losing weight. This can be done in a change of diet and regular exercise.

  20. Stroke: By following a sedentary lifestyle, you increase the chances of having a stroke. This is because of the increased in blood pressure. Being overweight increases your blood pressure. Blood pressure can be reduced by: -Reducing your consumption of salt. -Taking part in exercise more regularly. -Losing weight. -Stop smoking. -Reduce the consumption of alcohol.

  21. Types of cancer: An unhealthy lifestyle may lead to obtaining different cancers: For example; -Lung cancer – Smoking is the main cause of developing lung cancer. -Bowel cancer – having a unhealthy diet can lead to the development of bowel cancer. -Liver Cancer – Drinking high amounts of alcohol can lead to liver cancer. By changing your unhealthy lifestyle, for example; stop smoking, you can prevent the chances of developing cancer.

  22. Type Two Diabetes: According to the NHS, type two diabetes is a disease ‘that causes the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood to become to high’. The symptoms include: -Needing to pee frequently. -fatigue . -Excessive thirst. -Increase in chances of developing health problems with your nerves, eyes and heart. -Weight loss. Type Two Diabetes is a lifelong condition that will affect a person’s everyday life. This is because your diet may have to be changed. Medication will have to be taken and frequent doctor check ups Type Two Diabetes is caused by a chemical called ‘insulin’. This is a hormone that allows your body to use sugar (glucose) from the carbohydrates in the food that you consume for energy and to store glucose for the future. Type two diabetes is caused when your body doesn’t produce enough insulin or when your body cells do not react to insulin. You can easily reduce the chances of developing diabetes by following a healthy and balanced diet and exercising to reduce fat build up and cholesterol levels.

  23. Coronary Heart Disease This non-communicable disease has the chances to develop in overweight people. This disease occurs when the coronary arteries become more and more narrow due to the built of fat deposits. This restricts blood flow which leads to a lack in oxygen being supplied to the heart muscle. This can increase the chances of having a heart attack. This disease has a increased chance of developing if you lack in exercise. This is because not exercising can lead to a increase in body composition. This increase in weight may end up being stored in your coronary arteries. However, this can be easily avoided by exercising regularly and eating a healthy balanced diet. Coronary heart disease is treated in two ways: -Stents: These are inserted in the coronary artery to keep the artery open. -Statins: These drugs are taken to decrease blood cholesterol levels. This decreases the rate at which fatty material build up.

  24. Effects of Sedentary Lifestyle (2.2)

  25. Effects of a Sedentary Lifestyle: A sedentary lifestyle will increase the chances of developing many long-term and perhaps chronic diseases: -Heart disease. -Stroke. -Type 2 Diabetes. It can also lead to health problems: -Anxiety. -Osteoporosis. -Depression. -Weakened immune system. However, reducing sedentary behavior: -You can improve your self-esteem and your quality of sleep. -You can help reduce the feelings of depression and stress.

  26. Effects of a Sedentary Lifestyle: A sedentary lifestyle is a lifestyle that is not active. This can lead to damages in physical, social and mental well-being. Physical Effects: -Can lead to cancer -Can cause heart disease and heart attacks -Increase in blood pressure. -Can lead to diabetes. -Can cause high levels of cholesterol. -Can lead to more frequent injuries. Mental Effects: -Can lead to depression.. -Can cause a loss of confidence. -Can make a person feel worthless. Social Effect: -Can make someone not wanting to socialize with society. -Can make people feel like they can not leave their homes. -can make a person feel self-conscious about their appearance.

  27. Why do people not take part in exercise? (2.3)

  28. Age: As people grow older, our bodies go through physical changes. These physical changes can affect our performance in physical activities: -Our body will become a lot less flexible, furthermore, we are more than likely to have gain weight as we live in a modern society. This further reduces our flexibility. -Our overall strength weakens. -The lung capacity reduces which causes our heart to work less efficiently. This means that it is more difficult for our bodies to produce the energy needed when exercising. -As we grow older, it will take longer to recover from illness and injury.

  29. Disability: Disabilities can affect someone’s ability to perform or take part in physical exercise. However, in modern day society, there are currently many things in place to support different disabilities in exercise. For instance; Sport is adaptable. This means that sport can be made accessible to everyone. This is done by adapting the equipment or technique of a sport to suit a range of people’s physical wellbeing.

  30. Gender: In men and women, there are many physical differences. This means each gender has either stronger or weaker abilities in physical exercise: -Men and women have different body shape. For instance; size. Women tend to be smaller then men. This means that they have a smaller lung capacity and smaller height. This means that they ability to process oxygen is significantly weaker than men. Also, women tend to have a higher percentage of fat due to their smaller size. However, Discrimination can have a affect against men and women on their ability to take part in exercise. For example, Women have not always had access to the same opportunities as men when it comes to precipitating in certain sports. A example of this is football. This was traditionally shown as a male sport and only in the recent years that women have become more involved. Another factor is religion and culture. Some women may not be able to take part in sport due to their religion beliefs. For example, their religion may not let women to wear certain types of clothing. This can prevent their opportunities to take part in some physical sports, such as swimming.

  31. Health: The health of a person may restrict them from partaking in physical sport. This may be a case of feeling unwell or not having the energy to exercise. Furthermore, to be more specific, a person who suffers from fatigue, stress will find it a lot more difficult in physical exercise. This is because if a person is experiencing fatigue then this can cause temporary loss of strength and energy. If a person was suffering from stress then they may experience high amounts of tension which can cause tightness in the muscles. This may lead them to feel nervous or agitated which can reduce their motivation resulting in a reduction of energy levels. Injuries can prevent a person from partaking in physical exercise as they are not physically able to perform.

  32. Social Issues: The social groups around us may not allow a person to precipitate in sport. This may because your friends are not interested in taking part in physical exercise. This then may cause you to be convinced to not take part. This is known as peer-pressure. However, another social factor may be the availability of money that a person has access to. Money is needed to purchase sport equipment and clothing. This can limited someone in their ability to partake in sport as they are financially not able to.

  33. Task 3 3.1 –Explain reasons why people are motivated to take part in physical activity 3.2 - Describe ways to improve individual motivation 3.3 - Demonstrate ways to improve individual motivation 3.4 - Review ways to improve individual motivation

  34. Physical Motivation: Some people are motivated to exercise based on their appearance or conditions of their body: -Some people may want to lose weight. This will improve their physical appearance. -Some people may want to improve their body shape. This will also improve their physical appearance -Some people may want to improve their overall appearance. -Some people may want to exercise to build muscles. -Some people may want to improve their speed, strength, and stamina. -Some people may want to improve their general levels of fitness. -Some people prepare for future physical challenges. This could be training for a -upcoming marathon.

  35. Psychological Motivation: Some people are motivated to partake in physical exercise to achieve mental goals. -Some people may want to improve their self-confidence as well as their self esteem. This is because exercise can make people feel happier with their physical appearance. This means that they will feel more confident. -Some people may partake in physical exercise to build confidence in their ability to perform in certain sports. This is done by regular practice which will improve skills which will result in people feeling more confident. -Some people may want to have fun and enjoy taking part in sport -Some people may want to simply enjoy the feelings of success and achievement which will improve their mental health -Some people may conduct sport to feel relieve stress and tension. This will allow a person to relax. -Some people may take part in exercise to enjoy a mental challenge. This can be learning new skills or improving existing.

  36. Social Motivation: Some people are motivated to partake in physical exercise to achieve social goals. -Some people may want to meet new people and hopefully created new friends. -Some people may want to be more involved with other people by mixing with different social groups. -Some people may want to develop new and useful social skills. This can be teamwork and co-operation.

  37. Health Motivation: People may be motivated to exercise to improve on their overall health. -This can be just to improve general health. -Some people may be motivated to exercise to help reduce the chances of developing lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. -Some people may be motivated to rebuild strength after a injury or illness -People may also want to reduce the feelings of stress or tension

  38. Describe ways to improve individual motivation Individual motivation can be easily lost. This is because training may to hard, the fitness program is boring or they might have other things better to do. However, levels of motivation can be improved. For example, settings goals is the best way to improve an individual’s motivation. This is because settings goals gives you a clear idea for what you want to achieve in training and exercise. When setting goals, you should focus on one goal. You then follow smaller steps in order to help achieve reach that main goal. This will help break down a person’s task into small manageable focus’. This is so that it doesn’t feel the individual doesn’t feel overwhelmed. After when your goals are set, you best write them down. This is because a written record of what you are trying to achieve can be motivating and encouraging as you see your progress improving.

  39. Demonstrate ways to improve individual motivation: The best way to improve a individual's motivation is by demonstrating a approachable way towards your training. This can be done by setting SMART targets. Specific – Your goals must be specific about what you want to achieve. Measurable - Your goals must be measured so it makes training much easier to see the improvements of your progress. Achievable – Your goals must be accessible. Realistic - Your goal must something that you are going to have enough time and the resources for. Time – Your goal must achievable in a certain time frame. This could be a start and end point.

  40. Demonstrate ways to improve individual motivation:

  41. Review ways to improve individual motivation: An individual’s motivation can be reviewed to help improve their motivation. For example, they could look back at their SMART targets can change things if they have achieved their simple goals in the set time frame. However, if the individual’s progress has not meant the standards of their targets then it might be due to a lack of motivation. This might be because that the targets may not be achievable or realistic. This means that the person will lose motivation quickly as they are working towards something that cant be reached. This means that they should review their targets and make them simpler and more easy to achieve. This will then improve motivation levels towards achieving the new and updated goals.

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