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G E n : Software and Analysis Tasks

G E n : Software and Analysis Tasks. Robert J. Feuerbach (JLab) for The GEn Collaboration. Software Requirements of GEn. Special – two new apparatuses (and detectors) Track reconstruction from BigBite (new algorithm – see Seamus’s talk) Cluster/hit identification within BigHand

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G E n : Software and Analysis Tasks

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  1. GEn: Softwareand Analysis Tasks Robert J. Feuerbach (JLab) for The GEn Collaboration GEn software

  2. Software Requirements of GEn • Special – two new apparatuses (and detectors) • Track reconstruction from BigBite (new algorithm – see Seamus’s talk) • Cluster/hit identification within BigHand • Combine “tracks” from the two • calibration, calibration, calibration… • Data Monitoring: normal “fast check” of data quality GEn software

  3. Using the Analyzer for GEn • Worked on our own “cvs branch”, with goal to bring the wanted features back to the trunk. • GenBPM – new cavity BPMs (Brandon Craver) • GenHelicity – improved (Richard Holmes) • Store fully-functional detectors in ROOT-file (to keep calibration information and have access to detector methods, eg: nearest-neighbor’s geometry) • Experiment-specialized software in separate library (agen). • BB required a different processing order: called for a new implementation of THaAnalyzer class (Seamus Riordan) • BigHand veto and scintillators, BigBite detectors, optics, etc. GEn software

  4. ND calibration software (timing) J.Miller (UofMD) GEn software

  5. ND Calibration (cont’d) Scripts by Igor Rachek and Pavel Evtushenko GEn software

  6. BigHand ‘clustering’ • Matches geometrically-close hits and places into a single ‘cluster’ • Neighboring hits are required to have |dt|<10ns. • Time of the hit closest to the target is used and reported as the clusters ToF. • Total cluster energy is calculated, as well as shape characteristics • Need to match to veto-plane as well to identify incident charged tracks. GEn software

  7. BigHand events GEn software

  8. Ongoing Analysis Tasks - Calibrations • Database (mySQL) to collect run conditions, beam, and target information (Brandon Craver) • ND geometry and timing calibration (Jon Miller) • Shower calibration (Sergey Abrahamyan) • BB Scintillator Calibration (Ameya Kolarkar) • MWDC Calibration (Brandon and Seamus Riordan) • BB Optics/tracking (Seamus) • Target polarimetry (Ameya and Aidan Kelleher) • Beam polarimetry (Sergey) • Target field direction (Arie Beck) • Raster corrections (Brandon) GEn software

  9. Ongoing/Future Analysis Tasks • Neutron identification and efficiency • Estimate “false-positive” rate • Monte-Carlo studies of background, rescattering effects within the target • “Cooking” of the ~3500 runs • Link to mySQL database • Use the JLab farm – have scripts to ease handling of submission of jobs and record keeping (Nerses) • Thought is to process kinematics #4 first. GEn software

  10. Used HALOG private ELOG during running to track bugs and fixes, software tools, etc. (A.Camsonne) and Wiki for post-experiment information collection (N.Gevorgyan) Documentation - developments GEn software

  11. Conclusions • Modular framework simplified development and permitted re-use of much of the analyzer even with non-standard equipment. • The reconstruction algorithms are in place, with plans to work to improve them. • Calibrations underway. • Want to have first results available by the Fall. GEn software

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