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Greeting. For Grade VII. GREETING. Skills : listening and writing Indicator : Completing dialogue based on the audio Objective : At the end of the lesson, students are able to : Completing dialogue based on the audio. Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar. Mendengar
Greeting For Grade VII
GREETING • Skills: listening and writing • Indicator :Completing dialogue based on the audio • Objective :At the end of the lesson, students are able to : Completing dialogue based on the audio
StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar • Mendengar 1. Memahamimaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal sangatsederhanauntukberinteraksidenganlingkunganterdekat. 1.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secaraakurat, lancar, danberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkunganterdekat yang melibatkantindaktutur: menyapaorang yang belum/sudahdikenal, memperkenal-kandirisendiri/orang lain, danmemerintahataumelarang.
Menulis 6. Mengungkapkanmaknadalamtekstulisfungsionalpendeksangatsederhanauntukberinteraksidenganlingkunganterdekat. 6.2 Mengungkapkanlangkahretorikadalamtekstulisfungsionalpendeksangatsederhanadenganmenggunakanragambahasatulissecaraakurat, lancardanberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkunganterdekat.
What is greeting? Greetingis an act of communication in which human beings (as well as other animals) intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other.
Read the dialogue below and pay attention to underlined expression
Conversation I • Mr. Jimmy : “Hi, Tom” • Tommy : “Hello, Mr. Jimmy. How are you today?” • Mr. Jimmy : “I’m fine, thanks. And you? • Tommy : “Pretty God, thank you. • Mr. Jimmy : “Where do you want to go? • Tommy : “I want to buy a kilogram of sugar in the store. • Mr. Jimmy : “Oh really?, See you Tom. • Tommy : “Good bye Mr. Jimmy.”
Examples based on the dialogue ! Greeting : • HI • HELLO • HOW ARE YOU ? • SEE YOU • GOOD BYE Note : the other examples are on the next of this sheet.
Listen to them carefully ! Mr. Smith Mr. Abdul
Complete the dialogue ! 1. A: Hi B : ______ A: How are you? B : _______, thanks. 2. A: Good morning B: _________ A: What’s new? B: _______________ ? 3. A: Good afternoon B: ___________ A:How’s it going? B: _______ 4. A: Good evening B: __________ A: What’s up? B: ____________
5. A: _________ ? B : No I’m tired A: __________ ? B: All I do is study 6. A : ___________? B : Ok A : ____________ ? B : I’m a little stressed. 7. A : _____ B : Hey A : ________ ? B : I’m upset 8. A: Hello B: ___________ A: My girlfriend left B: ________________
9. A: Howdy B : _____ A : You seem a little unhappy B : __________ 10. A: Hello B : _______ A :You look wonderful B : _________
The Red words are the answer ! Check Your Answer ! The red words are the answer ! A : Good afternoon B : Good afternoon A : How’s it going? B : Not bad A : Good evening B : Good evening A : What’s up? B : Nothing much A : Hi B : Hello A : How are you? B : I’m good thanks. A : Good morning B : Good morning A : What’s new? B : Did you see my new cell phone?
A : Are you all right? B : No I’m tired A : What’s wrong? B : All I do is study A : How’s it going? B : Ok A : What’s wrong? B : I’m a little stressed. A : Hi B : Hey A : What’s the matter? B : I’m upset A : Hello B : What’s new? A : My girlfriend left B : I’m sorry to hear that
A : Howdy B : Hi A : You seem a little unhappy B : Really? I feel great A : Hello B : Hello A : You look wonderful B : Thanks a lot!