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  1. Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. #1 producer of oil in South AmericaArepa is a common bread from this countryLake MaracaiboFlag recently changed to have an 8th star and the horse running to the left

  3. Venezuela

  4. Tango is the national dance.Pampas Plains are hereAgricultureSouth America’s #1 exporter of beefCristina Fernandez – current presidentAconcagua – tallest peak in South America

  5. Argentina

  6. Chilean President 1973-1990Human rights violationsControversial figureChile did well while he was in office

  7. Augusto Pinochet

  8. 2nd largest producer of petroleum in South AmericaUS Dollar for currency19,000 foot volcano

  9. Ecuador

  10. Current president of VenezuelaAnti-AmericanSocialistA coup attempt to overthrow him a few years ago

  11. Hugo Chavez

  12. Landlocked countryMany mineral resourcesLots of tin95% in extreme povertyPoorest country in South AmericaDonkey sitting on a gold mineNamed after Simón Bolivar

  13. Bolivia

  14. Spanish conquistadorConquered Inca in 1526

  15. Francisco Pizarro

  16. Spanish conquistadorConquered AztecsFamous for burning ships to fully commit his men to not leaving Mexico

  17. Hernando Cortez

  18. From ArgentinaMedical studentTraveled by motorcycle to see Latin AmericaBecame friends with Fidel CastroAccomplish goals by using violenceGuerilla warfare

  19. Che Guevara

  20. Captain of Chilean NavyLiberator of ChileDesigned Chilean flagFirst Chilean head of stateStatues of him in Chile

  21. Bernardo O Higgins

  22. Fishing plays a major role“Ceviche” – national dishHeart of Inca empire is hereApproximately 50% of country is below poverty lineWorld’s top producer of silverWind instruments very popular

  23. Peru

  24. 2nd poorest country in South AmericaWorld’s 3rd largest exporter of soybeansGuaraní still spoken here90% work in agricultureLandlocked country50% go beyond the 6th grade

  25. Paraguay

  26. Cuzco, Peru was the heart of thisMachu Picchu – ancient city high in the Andes Mtns.Quechua – native languageQuipu– Numbering system

  27. Inca Empire

  28. Ancient civilization in Guatemala and Yucatan Peninsula in MexicoOnly known fully developed written language of pre-Columbian AmericasBuilt pyramids, human sacrificing at times

  29. Maya

  30. Lush tropical country full of a variety of wildlife and plantsNo national armyA center of peaceOscar Arias won Nobel Peace PrizeOver 1200 types of butterfliesApproximately the size of West Virginia

  31. Costa Rica

  32. Spanish dictator from 1939-1975Controlling with many rulesCatholicism enformed, no divorce, men and women not to mix at pools/beaches, classical music onlySpain opened its doors to the world upon his deathHad friendly relations with Hitler

  33. Francisco Franco

  34. Island located south of FloridaCommunist historyFidel Castro ruled here from 1959-2008Government forbids its citizens from leaving this country without 1st getting permission

  35. Cuba

  36. 5th largest producer of wine in the worldMost fertile soil in the worldMichelle Bachelet – current presidentAtacama Dessert – driest dessert in the world, astronomy here

  37. Chile

  38. La Fiesta de San Fermín in Pamplona, SpainOne week festival in JulyBulls run through the streets(What is bull fighting called?)

  39. El Encierro(La Corrida de Toros)

  40. Spanish author who wrote the best-selling fiction book of all time – Don Quixote de La Mancha

  41. Miguel Cervantes

  42. Revered as a hero throughout much of South America – their “George Washington”Brought 5 South American countries (the northern most 5) their independence from Spain as well as Panama from Central America (6 total)

  43. Simón Bolivar

  44. Island in the Caribbean that borders HaitiBaseball most popular sport hereSugar a major exportMuch of the country consists of a mixed African descent

  45. Dominican Republic

  46. Island in the Caribbean that is a semi-autonomous territory of the United StatesNo passport needed to travel from US to this islandTainoindians lived hereOriginally called “San Juan Bautista” island

  47. Puerto Rico

  48. 80% of the world’s cocaine comes from hereFARC – terrorist groupOne of the world’s leading suppliers of emeraldsOver 70% of cut flowers in US come from here15 major volcanoes in this countryNo middle classVariety of ethnic groups – more than half are “mestizo” in this country

  49. Colombia

  50. Agriculture main source of economyMore than 90% of its people are of European descentSmall coastal countryFerries go between its capital and the Argentine capital daily

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