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D E S I G N , C O M M U N I T Y & E N V I R O N M E N T. PUTTING SB 375 TO WORK ON THE GROUND. Creating Places That Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions. William Fulton. February 24, 2009. POLICIES ARE FINE BUT …. Emissions are caused by the way people actually live their lives

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  1. D E S I G N , C O M M U N I T Y & E N V I R O N M E N T PUTTING SB 375 TO WORK ON THE GROUND Creating Places That Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions William Fulton February 24, 2009

  2. POLICIES ARE FINE BUT … • Emissions are caused by the way people actually live their lives • So how do you create situations where people CAN drive less … and are ENCOURAGED to … rather than REQUIRED to?

  3. HOW CAN WE MAKE THIS HAPPEN? • Higher gas costs WILL reduce VMT. • But there is a FLOOR to how far down VMT Many people MUST drive most places because of our land use patterns. • Thus, the built environment can only absorb SO MUCH when it comes to lower VMT.

  4. WHAT’S THE GOAL? • Clearly, the goal is to increase the ability of the built environment to “absorb” less driving. • Many advocates talk about transit & bicycling • But that’s about MOBILITY.

  5. THE GOAL IS NOT MOBILITY. IT’S ACCESS • How do you provide the things that people need in closer proximity to where they are? • Still driving, but driving less, is still really good.


  7. AND YOU NEED CONCENTRATION, NOT JUST DENSITY • “Mono-Density” – lots more of ONE thing – doesn’t help. • You must have more of EVERYTHING in close proximity to one another.

  8. STRATEGIES • The obvious solution is a TOD • The not-so-obvious solution is a POD (Parking Oriented District) • But the strategies are more or less the same

  9. CONCENTRATION OF ACTIVITIES Maintain a diverse mix of land use patterns Don’t allow any single use – residential, commercial, retail, or anything else – to occupy more than 50% of your land

  10. Concentration of Activities Leverage the presence of civic institutions

  11. Concentration of Activities Intensify employment as well as housing

  12. HORIZONTAL MIXED USE • Activities Need To Be In Close Proximity To One Another • But Not Necessarily On Top of Each Other

  13. IT’S IN THE BUSINESS MIX • The Mix of Businesses And Services Is Just As Important As Land Use • Focus on Neighborhood Services

  14. STRENGTHEN THE ‘CENTER’ ASPECT • Deep Commercial District • Little Through Traffic

  15. STRENGTHEN THE ‘CENTER’ ASPECT • Look For The Emerging Opportunities

  16. USE PARKING TO YOUR ADVANTAGE • On a regional level, you need transit • But on a local level, parking performs the same role as a transit station • Park Once strategy

  17. POD TO TOD • Good parking is the foundation of a good mixed use district • Often a precursor to transit • Pasadena: Parking garages to support retail laid foundation for transit that supports housing


  19. D E S I G N , C O M M U N I T Y & E N V I R O N M E N T PUTTING SB 375 TO WORK ON THE GROUND Creating Places That Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions William Fulton February 24, 2009

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