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Low Power RF Tests (2) in S1-G

Low Power RF Tests (2) in S1-G. Low power rf tests in S1-G. Cryomodule-A . Stroke and hysteresis of piezo tuner . Single pulse response of piezo tuner . Stability of frequency . Reproducibility . Mechanical vibration. Cryomodule-A&C . HOM external Q. Cryomodule-A&C

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Low Power RF Tests (2) in S1-G

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  1. Low Power RF Tests (2) in S1-G S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  2. Low power rf tests in S1-G Cryomodule-A . Stroke and hysteresis of piezo tuner . Single pulse response of piezo tuner . Stability of frequency . Reproducibility . Mechanical vibration Cryomodule-A&C . HOM external Q Cryomodule-A&C . Multi-pulse response of piezo tuner . Mechanical vibration . Damping of mechanical vibration modes Measurement time at 2 K ; Tue. – Fri. for 4 days 13:00 ~ 19:00 for 6 h 24 h per week S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  3. Blade Tuner for FNAL Cavities C2/ACC011 cavity Blade tuner does not work. One piezo does not go > +110V. S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  4. Blade Tuner for FNAL Cavities S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  5. Slide-Jack Tuner for KEK Cavities A4/MHI-09 cavity Slide-Jack tuner does not work. S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  6. Hysteresis of Piezo Tuner (Cryo-A) Network Analyzer (Vpiezo = 0 ~ +500V) 100Hz/div 100Hz/div 250Hz 400Hz 50Hz/div 100Hz/div 450Hz 250Hz S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  7. Reproducibility of Piezo Tuner (Cryo-A) Network Analyzer (10 cycles, Vpiezo = 0 ~ +500V) 50Hz/div 100Hz/div 250Hz 400Hz <100Hz <100Hz 50Hz/div 100Hz/div 250Hz 450Hz <100Hz <100Hz S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  8. Stability of Frequency (Cryo-A) D f Network Analyzer (40GHz) 20Hz 20Hz 0.01 kPa/div. 0.1kPa Network Analyzer (3GHz) Network Analyzer (3GHz) 200Hz 60Hz S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  9. Hysteresis of Piezo Tuner (Cryo-A) 50W RF Amp. + PLL (Vpiezo = 0 ~ +500V) 50Hz/div 50Hz/div 350Hz 200Hz 50Hz/div 100Hz/div 200Hz 450Hz S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  10. Pulse Response by Pezo Tuner (Cryo-A) Single Pulse Response (parameters ; frequency ; amplitude ; delay time) Pt D f Piezo Drive Pulse (freq., Vpp) Piezo Drive Frequency = 250 Hz S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  11. Mechanical Vibration Modes (Cryo-A) 300W RF Amp., Vpp (f) = +200V (CW) 536Hz 318Hz 521Hz 227Hz 351Hz 246Hz Pt Vpp (f) = 0 - 200V 330Hz 571Hz 382Hz D f 54, 204, 376, 548 Hz in Simulation S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

  12. S1-G@Webex meeting Global Design Effort

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