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Vocabulary. By: Glady s Sotelo And Marquez Price. Period 4 June 2, 2011. Lambaste – verb- attack, usually with words, criticize. Isabella regularly lambasted celebrities in letters to local newspapers. Impasse - noun- A situation in which No progress is possible.

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  1. Vocabulary By: Gladys Sotelo And Marquez Price Period 4 June 2, 2011

  2. Lambaste – verb- attack, usually with words, criticize Isabella regularly lambasted celebrities in letters to local newspapers.

  3. Impasse- noun- A situation in which No progress is possible Stewie had an impasse with Bryan when he was trying to say “cool whip” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lich59xsjik

  4. Jargon-noun- slang Mr. Abrams doesn’t like jargon, he prefers proper English when his students are upon him.

  5. Deter-verb- prevent, block Wrong way signs deter you from car accidents .

  6. Tenuous-adj.- weak, thin The structure from the golden gate bridge became tenuous due to the rain and fidget weather.

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