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Present by Ayesha Alseri

Present by Ayesha Alseri. Wooow amazing!! . Have you ever heard that some of Mexican culture are from Arab cultures!!?? How is that happened?!! and not many Arabs live now in Mexico! Let us see! . Outline :. What interesting things you will tell us about Mexico?. Language

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Present by Ayesha Alseri

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Present by Ayesha Alseri

  2. Wooow amazing!! Have you ever heard that some of Mexican culture are from Arab cultures!!?? How is that happened?!! and not many Arabs live now in Mexico! Let us see!

  3. Outline: What interesting things you will tell us about Mexico? • Language • Arabian appearance • Arab Mexican Culture: • Palm fronds baskets • Pottery • Scarf & dress

  4. Spanish Arabic Words!!! http://www2.ignatius.edu/faculty/turner/arabicspanish.htm

  5. Sister Dua’ & Danae from Mexico want to share with me by saying to you …

  6. Aljamiado in spanish Ajamiyah in Arabic http://www.arabic-islamic.org/biblioteca/aljamiado/aljamiado.html

  7. Mexican ladies look like Arabs!!! Dua’ Aisha Jameela& her daughter Kareema

  8. The secret that Ayesha noticed!!! • Arab immigration to Mexico started from • 19th& 20th centuries. • The present population stands at 400,000 people with Arab ancestry. • Mostly from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Iraq. • “Now there are second and third generation Arabs in Mexico. But the first Arabs who came are not there anymore”. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D02E1DA1139F936A25756C0A962958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all

  9. Palm fronds baskets tarahumara alsafafa http://www.mississippiclayworks.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=TARAH-BASKETS

  10. Mexican hand-woven palm fronds baskets aljefir tortilleros http://www.mississippiclayworks.com/tarah_baskets.htm

  11. Mexican pottery cerámica fakhar http://www.lafuente.com/talavera.php

  12. http://www.mexicanconnexion.com/

  13. Rebozo – Mexican scarf http://www.theartofmexico.com/gallery9.htm

  14. Traditional Mexican was so modest!

  15. Mexican Traditional Dress Sister danae Typical dress of Mexican from the state of Oaxaca, they wear it in special celebration.

  16. "Of course we are proud of the Arabs, and why should we not be? Here, many of us in Mexico say, 'Our fathers were Mexican but actually our grandfathers were Arabs' ".

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