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Practicalizing the Achievement of MDGs in Our Communities Ireti Adesida 234-8035820593

Practicalizing the Achievement of MDGs in Our Communities Ireti Adesida 234-8035820593 retlinks2000@yahoo.co.uk www.consultiretiadesida.com. The Millennium Development Goals. Goal 1 To Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2 To Achieve universal primary education

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Practicalizing the Achievement of MDGs in Our Communities Ireti Adesida 234-8035820593

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  1. Practicalizing the Achievement of MDGs in Our Communities IretiAdesida 234-8035820593 retlinks2000@yahoo.co.uk www.consultiretiadesida.com

  2. The Millennium Development Goals • Goal 1 To Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger • Goal 2 To Achieve universal primary education • Goal 3 To Promote gender equality and empower women • Goal 4 To reduce child mortality • Goal 5 To Improve maternal health • Goal 6 To Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases • Goal 7 To Ensure environmental sustainability • Goal 8 To Develop a global partnership for development

  3. Goal 1 To Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger This is also a new approach to caring for malnourished children. This goal aims to reduce by half the number of people whose income is less than $1 a day, and those who suffer from hunger. What We can Do Encouraging good saving culture Empowering youths to be financially independent To Build yourself to be self reliant Starting a home garden today to ensure food security for the family Empowering the needy financially and nutritionally

  4. Goal 2 To Achieve Universal Primary Education This simply means, Steps towards the right to education The challenges to these goals in some communities are the low levels of educational provision { inadequate infrastructures} Signs of Accomplishment : Net enrollment in primary education Proportion of pupils starting primary 1 and reaching at least JSS 3 Literacy Rates (for ages between 15 to 24year old), women and men What We can Do Ensure that everybody no matter the gender is educated Support a good cause for a better learning environment Education is an indispensable possession

  5. Goal 3 To Promote gender equality and empower women This is Providing girls with a future and a hope One of the targets of this goal is to enable girls to attend all levels of schooling in equal numbers to boys. Signs of Accomplishment : Gender parity in school enrollment Percentage of women in National Parliament What We can Do Empowering women in the community to contribute their quota to growth and development Let’s give women the opportunity to have their voice heard Women and Men are meant to complete one another and not compete

  6. Goal 4 To Reduce Child Mortality The target for this goal is to reduce by two thirds the number of deaths in children under five. Signs of Accomplishment : Under-five mortality rate Infant mortality rate Proportion of one year old immunized against measles What We can Do Children need to have access to quality health service Children should be prevented from being exposed to diseases e.g malaria; our words of advice matters Health workers should visit new born babies and vulnerable children regularly

  7. Goal 5 To Improve Maternal Health This also focuses on helping women in labour. One of the targets for this goal is to reduce by three quarters the number of women dying in childbirth. Also to achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health Signs of Accomplishment : Maternal Mortality Rate Availability, accessibility and patronage of Antenatal Care Availability of skilled health care personnel What We can Do Pregnant women must have a qualitative access to a better health care They should not be exposed to infection or leave a careless life e.g malaria; our words of advice matters. Health workers should visit the pregnant women regularly; Traditional birth attendants should be properly trained. Good nutrition and attending their clinic days matters.

  8. Goal 6 To Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria And Other Diseases • This focuses on our lives and community, which also focuses on Protecting our families from malaria. • The targets for this goal are to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV and AIDS and the incidence of malaria and other major diseases by 2015.Also By 2010, to have achieved universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS • Signs of Accomplishment : • HIV prevalence rate • Malaria, TB and other diseases prevalence rate • Treatment Availability and Accessibility • What We can Do • Everybody should have access to quality health service. • We should Endeavour to support provision of a sustainable good health system/structures for all. • We should not discriminate or stigmatize those living with HIV/AIDS and other diseases; our love towards them is a healing therapy. • Let’s reduce any form of exposure to infection; Live responsibly.

  9. Goal 7 To Ensure environmental sustainability • This focuses on our lives and community, which also focuses on Creating cleaner cities. • The Targets include the need to protect the environment, to reduce by half the number of people without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, and to significantly improve the lives of slum dwellers. Signs of Accomplishment : • Reduction of Threats to environment • Affordable housing • Greener Cities • What We can Do • Let’s support provision of shelter for our neigbours. • Let encourage a good hygienic lifestyle; provision of safe drinking water for communities. • Let’s conserve our environment; let maintain it and not destroy it.

  10. Goal 8 To Develop A Global Partnership For Development • This Focuses on our lives and community, which also focuses on Campaigning for change. • The Targets for this goal are aimed at Northern governments; which include major increases in development aid, relieving debt in resource-poor countries and developing a fair international trading system. Signs of Accomplishment : • More Favourable Trade • Reduction in Debt Burden • Cross Country Partnership What We can Do • We all have one role or the other as individuals and as a nation to come together and make our world a better place to live in. • Let the stronger countries extend their hands of fellowship to support weak countries

  11. Supporting Establishments/Policies in Nigeria That We Can Work With UNITED NATIONS Worlds Umbrella Body WORLD BANK Supporting Countries African Union (AU)‏ An African image maker WORLD BANK Supporting Countries European Union (EU) An European image maker United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)‏ Focusing on development programmes United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)‏ Taking care issues related to Children

  12. Supporting Establishments/Policies in That We Can Work With UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Focusing on Education, Science and Cultural Issues UN Habitat Supporting Good Housing United Nations Population Fund {UNFPA} , provides women’s health care and promotes the rights of women around the world. It is the largest international source of such assistance. World Health Organization (WHO)‏ Health Related Issues Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)‏ Agricultural Development Issues NEW PARTNERSHIP FOR AFRICA DEVELOPMENT {NEPAD} Africa's Development Agenda WATER AID Solving water related challenges CHE/WATDC

  13. My Activities- Communities - Rural – De-worming, Medical Check up

  14. My ActivitiesCommunities - Prisons/Juvenile – Re-Orientation

  15. My Activities-Communities - Urban- Exhibitions/Shows

  16. Reflection In other to achieve this, Let’s act justly – to love according to need, and not according to greed. Let’s love mercy – to recognize in every person the image of God, and grant them the same dignity, the same respect, the same opportunities that we enjoy, in this life as well as in the life to come. It is a challenge to all of us, to spread hope in this hurting world. As individuals, we can all help to put pressure on Local, National & Global leaders to play their part in securing a more just and merciful world. May God help us

  17. “Little Drops Makes An Ocean” Our Efforts Combined Together Will Surely Make A Difference Even If It Is Just 1% It Makes A Difference

  18. Words Of Wisdom Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God.Leviticus 19:10 43-I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.‘’44-"They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?‘’45-"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.‘ Mathew 25:43-45 Join The MDGs Dream Team

  19. Group Work {Brainstorming Session} • There will be Eight {8} groups each representing a goal and each group are to discuss the questions below. The groups will go into discussion for 20 minutes and they will choose a presenter to present during the plenary session, for every group, there will be a moderator and a Secretary. • What are the various problems/symptoms associated with the goal discussed in your own community? • What are the various steps that can be taken to tackle the problems stated above? • In your own view, State the different obstacles in your community in achieving the goal discussed?

  20. Group Work {Brainstorming Session} 4. In your community; state the various institutions/associations that have been contributing to the achievement of the goal discussed and also those who are expected to be involved? 5. What are the various government policies and agencies in your country responsible for the goal studied? 6. Which other goal aligns with your goal?

  21. Personal Reflection • State in your own language at least three major lessons you have gained in this section? • What can you do as a person or a group in achieving the goal studied starting from your immediate community and the outside community, using the following steps? Aim/Goal, Need Assessment, Objectives, Methodology/Strategy, Resources Needed, Resource Sourcing, Action Plan, Partnership, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation and Sustainability.

  22. Join The MDGs Dream Team Thank You IretiAdesida 234-8035820593 retlinks2000@yahoo.co.uk www.consultiretiadesida.com

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