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Mobile Fundraising: Cannibalization or Augmentation. C. Douglas Plank, CEO / Founder Mobilecause Larry Eason, President / Founder DotOrgPower. Does mobile Cannibalize or Augment other Development tools?. AGENDA Questions NPO should ask: Does Mobile interrupt current development efforts
Mobile Fundraising: Cannibalization or Augmentation C. Douglas Plank, CEO / Founder Mobilecause Larry Eason, President / Founder DotOrgPower
Does mobile Cannibalize or Augment other Development tools? AGENDA Questions NPO should ask: Does Mobile interrupt current development efforts Raising funds Cultivation / Communication Acquisition strategies Special events Facts Case Studies Do’s & Dont’s
Is Mobile disruptive YES…NO, Hope so…. The YES Forcing all NPO’s to look at use as a tool Given adoption of mobile by majority of all ages, genders, ethnicities and social/economic levels…NPO’s cannot ignore Mobile Ease of use Decrease in effectiveness of email as stand alone Annual significant increase in use of texting Awareness due to Haiti --- more than 5 million micro gifts
….The NO Already proven to be a huge success in donor acquisition when done right Proven to not interrupt larger gifts… when done right Shown to augment other forms of solicitation Great for list building Audience interaction and opinions Peer to Peer and viral Upcoming improvements in technology and utilization (upcoming slide)
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. Our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species. Opportunity: Through the Television series Whale Wars on Animal Planet, Sea Shepherd has brought awareness to illegal whaling activities and other oceanic conservation issues. The show generated interest from hundreds of thousands of people who previously had no awareness of Sea Shepherd or their conservation efforts around the world. 150,000+ Facebook fans Challenge: Communicating with fans became increasingly difficult. Sea Shepherd implemented an E-marketing campaign with standard open rates of around 15% Fundraising dollars from individual donors and Fans needed to increase Solution: Implemented a Text2Broadcast solution so Sea Shepherd could instantly engage their most devout followers. Utilizing our web widget Sea shepherd is able to grow their mobile list quickly and easily. Text2give Mobile Fundraising enabled new donors to contribute. Result: Over 10% response rates to questions Increased web traffic and email open rates when messages are paired with online and email campaigns. List continues to grow by over 200 subscribers each month. Text2give allows all donors to make a quick one time gift
Small and Medium sixed NPO Case Studies Full attention of audience– Church mission 64% response rate for $5.00 gift College Football Game –Stadium 1200 in attendance $2,100 raised $10 level—175 responded –14.5% List building alone 30,000 in one month social media push resulting in 200 each month
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides full scholarship grants and educational and family counseling to the surviving children of special operations personnel who die in operational or training missions and immediate financial assistance to severely wounded special operations personnel and their families. Opportunity: Restoring Honor Rally featured nationwide press coverage as well as Celebrity endorsement through Glenn Beck The Event featured 250,000 live attendees and countless virtual attendees The one day event named SOWF as its sole beneficiary. Challenge: Fundraising at a mega event such as this is difficult as people may not have an the ability to contribute instantly Accounting for and tracking the thousands of possible unique donors Engaging virtual donors who may only “tune in” momentarily Solution: Offered our text2give platform for instant $10 donations on the donor’s phone bill. Event consultation helped SOWF fully capitalize on the event and remain compliant. SOWF was able to utilize the MobileCause MCRM portal that tracks the time, Date, cell number, and geography of donors. As well as their donation status. Result: SOWF was able to raise nearly $200,000 in just one day. Donations were accepted from all 50 states! Mobile helped add an additional 4% to their total donate amount. Almost 20,000 first time donors.
Integrating Text Messaging Into Year-End Fundraising Means More $$$$ ChallengeYear-end fundraising 2008 was tough for everyone. The Humane Society could be experiencing donor fatigue. Solution“text to call program.” Result The mobile activists who were suppressed from the text message responded to the final fundraising appeal at a rate of .31%.The mobile activists who received the text message responded to the final email ask at a rate of .55% — a statistically significant 77% increase in response to the appeal!
Opportunity: The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) was recently approached by Cosmopolitan Magazine with the offer to do a full page ad in their publication. MRF had recently signed up for Mobile Fundraising services but had not yet launched any mobile initiatives. Challenge: Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) not only wanted to run a successful campaign, but they wanted to build relationship with new donors that were being cultivated by the Cosmo/Sun-Safe venture. Raise funds Acquire new donors Utilize a new tool Solution: Cosmo & Melanoma in conjunction with MobileCause came up with the idea of joining Cosmo’s Sun Safe Campaign with the Melanoma Research Foundation and offering Cosmo readers 1 ‘sun-safe’ bracelet if they made a $10 donation or 3 ‘sun-safe’ bracelets if they made a $25 donation. This style campaign meant that readers needed to be able to: Text different donation amounts Give a mailing address where the bracelet(s) could be sent MobileCause recommended MRF use Text2Voice. This product allowed their donors to text their keyword and any donation amount to 27138. That text message would trigger an automated phone call to collect their credit card and address information. Result: 2412 responses 576 individual donations with full donor data attached $8,105.00 raised by text alone
Opportunity: World AIDS Orphans Day (WAOD), May 7, 2010. One day a year the US community seeking to care for orphans living with AIDS and HIV worldwide hosts a nationwide campaign to raise awareness and funding. This year, Ahope for Children sought to utilize multiple media outlets to promote the event and monetize the audience using text2give. Challenge: Ahope for Children needed to promote awareness of World AIDS Orphans Day (WAOD), while allowing current & new donors to give quickly and easily. Coordination of all communication mediums to give the same message: Generate awareness for WOAD and Ahope a small organization with 1 fulltime employee Solution: Recommended Text2give to capitalize on Radio, Television, Bilboard, and Newspaper Media. SOCIAL MEDIA Consultation: In the weeks leading up to World AIDS Orphan’s Day, The staff coordinated their social media in-house. Facebook Cause Page (4,500 fans), Facebook Group Page (1,100 friends), and Yahoo Group page (500 members). Update status on each of these groups 2-3x’s per week. Send direct messages to fans/friends/members 2-3x’s per week. EMAIL Strategy: Quarterly Newsletter was sent digitally to 1,900 people. Daily emails were sent the week leading up to WAOD (5 total). NEWSLETTER/DIRECT MAIL: One mailer with Event and text2give information was sent to 1,500 people. Result: Social Media and Email were the largest pieces of the campaign. reached 5,000 people through digital media. 128 people participated (2% response).Raised $1,200
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization focused on crisis intervention and suicide prevention efforts among youth. Every day, The Trevor Project saves young lives through its free and confidential lifeline, in-school workshops, educational materials, online resources and advocacy.. Opportunity: In September 2010, the deaths by suicide of several LGBTQ young people who were bullied became a focus of national media attention. The Ellen DeGeneres Show wanted to help by launching a donation campaign to benefit Trevor. The Trevor Project already had an active MobileCause Text2give account. In addition to the reach of Ellen’s broadcast show, her Twitter account had 5 million+ followers and 3+ Facebook fans. Challenge: Changing or adding Text2give keywords is usually a 4-6 week process, but the media moment left a very short window of opportunity. Text2voice, which has a faster turnaround time, showed the keyword selected by The Ellen DeGeneres Show was in use. The Ellen DeGeneres Show wished to track their contributions to The Trevor Project separately from Trevor’s existing Text2give keyword, and did not want to use a different word. Solution: MobileCause was able to help implement a Text2Give fundraising solution that applied a new keyword to The Trevor Project’s existing account. The Ellen DeGeneres Show could directly track the efficacy of their fundraising effort aside from donations that came in from The Trevor Project’s existing keyword: TREVOR. Result: More than $150,000 has been raised using The Ellen DeGeneres Show’s Text2give keyword in 8 days
The Mobile ‘Earn’-tegration Process EARN the right to ask... Through Innovative Mobile Integration
What “Not to DO” No Drive by Gifts w/o other media Billboards Live stadium events Professional arena – NFL Unrehearsed Call to Action (CTA) Just because a celebrity CTA doesn’t guarantee success Ben Stiller – Haiti After-thought at run walk event
Upcoming Advancements for Mobile Micro Gifts --Text to Give Recurring Gifts, larger denominations, Macro Gifts—Text to Voice Wap Billing –Web based via phone Integration of social with mobile solicitation Location Based mobile tracking and messaging Other