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Monitoring volcanic SO 2 plumes using the GOME-2 satellite instrument Exup é ry Workshop Hamburg University, 12-13 June 2008 Pieter Valks, Thilo Erbertseder, Meike Rix, Cordelia Maerker, Nan Hao and Katrin Seidenberger. Outline. Introduction and workplan

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  1. Monitoring volcanic SO2 plumes using the GOME-2 satellite instrumentExupéry WorkshopHamburg University, 12-13 June 2008Pieter Valks, Thilo Erbertseder, Meike Rix, Cordelia Maerker, Nan Hao and Katrin Seidenberger

  2. Outline • Introduction and workplan • GOME-2 SO2 monitoring of Mt. Etna and Papua New Guinea • Provision of daily volcanic activity maps • Example data-sets and maps for Exupéry database • Outlook

  3. Monitoring volcanic SO2 using GOME-2 SO2 retrieval and satellite imagery Trajectory Matching Validation GOME-2: SO2 MODIS/AVHRR: Aerosol 3D trajectory matching to determine SO2 source ground-based measurements + particle-dispersion model

  4. Eruption of Mt. Etna (May 2008)

  5. Eruption of Mt. Etna (May 2008) Trajectory Matching MSG/SEVIRI ECMWF (EUMETSAT) - windfield of 200 hPa - 13 May 08

  6. Passive degassing Papua New Guinea (March 2008) Passive degassing of Rabaul and Bagana, March 1st, 2008

  7. Daily volcanic activity maps from GOME-2

  8. SO2 data-sets and maps for Exupéry database • Meta-data on GOME-2 SO2 columns and trajectories • Based on EEA metadata standard for geodata • Example data-sets for Azores and Yemen • Daily GOME-2 SO2 data-files per region (ASCII format) • Contains geolocation information, SO2 and cloud data (level-2 data) • Trajectory data-files (ASCII format) • SO2 maps and trajectory in GIS compatible format • GOME-2 SO2 maps in GeoTiff format • Trajectories in ESRI Shape format

  9. Outlook • Further improvement of GOME-2 SO2 retrieval algorithm • Focus on SO2 sensitivity (passive degassing) • Use of OMI SO2 data from NASA-GSFC/UMBC • Best-effort basis (level-2 data available after ~12 hours) • Additional measurement around 13:45 LT • Comparison with ground-based SO2 measurements • Web service of daily volcanic activity maps (~30 regions worldwide) • wdc.dlr.de/data_products/SERVICES/GOME2NRT/so2.php

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