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Week Five

Week Five. Outside. e, ec, ef, ex = outside, out of. eccentric (adj). Definition = odd; ignoring regular social rules The eccentric old woman lived with her 50 cats in a mansion-sized house. eccentric.

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Week Five

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  1. Week Five

  2. Outside • e, ec, ef, ex = outside, out of

  3. eccentric (adj) • Definition = odd; ignoring regular social rules • The eccentric old woman lived with her 50 cats in a mansion-sized house.

  4. eccentric • Dressing as a superhero wasn’t the strangest thing about the eccentric principal, Mr. Thurman.

  5. ecstasy (noun) • Definition = happiness; overwhelming feelings of joy • Jim experienced feelings of ecstasy when he discovered the winning lottery ticket in his hand.

  6. ecstasy • Ecstasy filled her every pore as the out was called at home plate.

  7. effervesce (verb) • Definition = to give off bubbles • The soda began to effervesce in the can after Timmy shook it.

  8. effervesce • The effervescence of the bubbles from the Alka Seltzer tickled her nose as she drank the liquid.

  9. effusive (adj) • Definition = pouring out; overflowing • Effusive praise from his coach made Terrell believe that he could do anything.

  10. effusive • Sandy’s noneffusive response made Jack think that she didn’t like her new puppy.

  11. eject (verb) • Definition = throw out • He was ejected from the game because of his poor sportsmanship.

  12. eject • The pilot was able to eject and land safely when the wheels would not engage for a proper landing.

  13. emit (verb) • Definition = to send out • The dolphin could to emit a sound that was recorded by the scientists.

  14. emit • It might be rather creepy if water emitted from the shower ran red instead of clear.

  15. expulsion (noun) • Definition = a forcing out • Her expulsion from school was unfair because she was never involved in the fight.

  16. expulsion • Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden was not unexpected after Eve ate the apple from the tree.

  17. excerpt (noun) • Definition = a selected passage from a book or article • Time Magazine is going to run an excerpt of the newest book by JK Rowling.

  18. excerpt • I will finish reading the excerpt and then decide if I want to purchase the entire book.

  19. Week Six

  20. All Together • co, col = with, together • com,con = with, together • syn, sym = with, together

  21. coexist (verb) • Definition = to exist at the same time • The two tribes coexisted peacefully in the same valley for over 400 years.

  22. coexist • The church council was hoping to provide an environmnet whereby the students could coexist while studying abroad.

  23. coherent (adj) • Definition = making sense; logical • She gave a coherent speech about the program which encouraged everyone to try harder to recycle at home.

  24. coherent • The coherence and simplicity of his plan was obvious once everyone saw the chart on the wall.

  25. collaborate (verb) • Definition = to work together • The students will collaborate and make one presentation to the class.

  26. collaborate • If they collaborate effectively, there will be less work for each person to do.

  27. collide (verb) • Definition = to crash or come together with force • The football players collided in the middle of the field, so the ref called a timeout.

  28. collide • To collide with such force in space, life on Earth as we know it would certainly change.

  29. compound (noun) • Definition = a mixture; a military camp • The pyrotechnicians mixed the compounds to produce the spectacular fireworks. • He was ordered by the general not to leave the compound until the investigation was complete.

  30. compound • The transition “and” is used to connect two complete ideas in this compound sentence.

  31. congregate (verb) • Definition = to gather together • All the families on the block congregated at the park for the picnic.

  32. congregate • The picnic in the park gave the men a chance to congregate and discuss their mutual problems with women.

  33. symmetry (noun) • Definition = both sides have the same size and shape • The butterfly’s wings showed perfect symmetry in design.

  34. symmetry • Summetry in a tire provides a smooth and comfortable ride.

  35. synthesize (verb) • Definition: to form new things by combining parts from other things • The doctors were able to synthesize a new drug by carefully studying its effects on the new patients.

  36. synthesize • Anaylsis of the catch allowed the coach to synthesize what the running back was doing wrong.

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