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Early Political Parties in America: Shaping Government and Democracy

Explore the emergence of political parties in the early Congress and their impact on the new American government. Learn about key events during George Washington's presidency, the influence of trade and westward expansion, Jefferson's administration, and the War of 1812. Discuss whether political parties are necessary for government to function effectively.

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Early Political Parties in America: Shaping Government and Democracy

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  1. Splash Screen

  2. Chapter Introduction Section 1:Washington and Congress Section 2:Partisan Politics Section 3:Jefferson in Office Section 4:The War of 1812 Visual Summary Chapter Menu

  3. Why Do People Form Political Parties? The Constitution does not mention political parties, and the Founders thought they were a bad idea in a democracy, yet almost immediately after the federal government was created, political parties began to take shape. • What role do you think political parties played in the early Congress? • Are parties necessary for government to work? Chapter Intro

  4. Chapter Timeline

  5. Chapter Timeline

  6. Washington and Congress What key events occurred during George Washington’s presidency? Chapter Intro 1

  7. Partisan Politics How did trade with other nations, westward expansion, and the rise of political parties affect the new nation? Chapter Intro 2

  8. Jefferson in Office What are the main legacies of Jefferson’s administration? Chapter Intro 3

  9. The War of 1812 What issues sparked the War of 1812? Chapter Intro 4

  10. Chapter Preview-End

  11. Big Ideas Individual ActionGeorge Washington helped define the new American presidency. Section 1-Main Idea

  12. Content Vocabulary cabinet bond speculator enumerated powers implied powers agrarianism Academic Vocabulary revenue creditor Section 1-Key Terms

  13. People and Events to Identify Tariff of 1789 Bank of the United States Whiskey Rebellion Section 1-Key Terms

  14. A B Do you feel strongly about a political party? A. Yes B. No Section 1-Polling Question

  15. Creating a New Government With the adoption of the Constitution, American leaders had to establish a new national government to deal effectively with the challenges facing the nation. Section 1

  16. Creating a New Government (cont.) As president, George Washington had to take the words of the Constitution and turn them into an effective government. He created the following departments: • Department of State—led by Thomas Jefferson • Department of Treasury—led by Alexander Hamilton Section 1

  17. Creating a New Government (cont.) • Department of War—led by General Henry Knox • Office of the Attorney General—led by Edmund Randolph These department heads came to be known as the cabinet. Section 1

  18. Creating a New Government (cont.) In the Judiciary Act of 1789, Congress established the following: • 13 district courts • 3 courts of appeal • The Supreme Court Section 1

  19. Creating a New Government (cont.) One of the most important acts of Congress was the introduction of the Bill of Rights. • The first eight protect the rights of individuals against actions of the federal government. • The last two set limits on the powers of the new national government. Origins of the Bill of Rights Section 1

  20. Creating a New Government (cont.) James Madison suggested that the federal government raise most of its money by taxing imports. • Congress passed the Tariff of 1789. Section 1

  21. Creating a New Government (cont.) Alexander Hamilton believed the government also needed the ability to borrow money. He asked Congress to redeem the bonds issued during the war at full value in order to gain the trust of creditors, bankers, and merchants. Section 1

  22. Creating a New Government (cont.) Madison opposed Hamilton’s idea for the following reasons: • Many people sold their bonds to speculators. • Northerners owned most of the bonds, while much of the tax money that would pay off the bonds would come from the south. • He worried that creditors would eventually dominate American society and endanger liberty. Section 1

  23. Creating a New Government (cont.) Madison finally agreed to help Hamilton pass his plan, but in turn the capital of the United States would have to be moved south to the District of Columbia. Hamilton asked Congress to create a national bank that would manage the government’s debts and interest payments. The bank would also issue bank notes—paper money. Section 1

  24. Creating a New Government (cont.) Madison argued that Congress could not establish a bank because it was not among the federal government’s enumerated powers. Hamilton disagreed and stated that it was an implied power. Section 1

  25. Creating a New Government (cont.) Washington agreed to sign the bill—in 1791 the Bank of the United States was created with a 20-year charter. In 1791, Congress imposed a tax on the manufacture of whiskey, which led to the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794. Section 1

  26. A B C D Which two rights only appear in the American Bill of Rights? A.Right to petition and no state religion B.No state religion and right to bear arms C.Right to bear arms and freedom of speech D.Freedom of speech and freedom of worship Section 1

  27. The Rise of Political Parties Federalists backed a stronger government and manufacturers; Republicans supported a weaker government and farmers. Section 1

  28. The Rise of Political Parties (cont.) The nation’s first political parties arose during this time. • Hamilton’s supporters called themselves Federalists. • Madison and Jefferson’s supporters called themselves Republicans. Section 1

  29. The Rise of Political Parties (cont.) Hamilton believed in the following ideas: • A strong national government • A government in the hands of the “rich, well born, and able” • Manufacturing and trade were the basis of national wealth and power Section 1

  30. The Rise of Political Parties (cont.) Jefferson believed in the following ideas—sometimes referred to asagrarianism: • The strength of the U.S. was its independent farmers. • Too much emphasis on commerce would lead to a society sharply divided between the rich and poor. • The wealthy would corrupt the government and threaten the rights and liberties of ordinary people. Section 1

  31. The Rise of Political Parties (cont.) These two parties divided the country regionally, leading to later problems. Section 1

  32. A B The rural South and West tended to support which party? A.Republicans B.Federalists Section 1

  33. Section 1-End

  34. Big Ideas Government and SocietyDisagreements between political parties early in the nation’s history threatened citizens’ rights. Section 2-Main Idea

  35. Content Vocabulary most-favored nation alien sedition interposition nullification Academic Vocabulary radical neutral Section 2-Key Terms

  36. People and Events to Identify Jay’s Treaty Pinckney’s Treaty Quasi-War Alien and Sedition Acts Section 2-Key Terms

  37. A B Do you agree that the United States should avoid engaging in war when at all possible? A. Agree B. Disagree Section 2-Polling Question

  38. Trade and Western Expansion During Washington’s presidency, the United States faced several challenges in foreign policy and territorial expansion; the French Revolution and conflict between Britain and France divided Americans. Section 2

  39. Trade and Western Expansion (cont.) Shortly after George Washington was inaugurated in 1789, the French Revolution began in Europe. Americans were divided between the British and the French positions. In April 1793, Washington declared the U.S. to be “friendly and impartial” toward both warring powers. Section 2

  40. Trade and Western Expansion (cont.) When the British began intercepting all neutral ships carrying goods to French ports, as well as inciting Native Americans to attack western settlers, Washington sent John Jay to Britain to seek a solution. Section 2

  41. Trade and Western Expansion (cont.) Jay’s treaty included the following concessions: • Britain had the right to seize cargoes bound for French ports. • No compensation would be rewarded for merchants whose goods had been seized. However, the issue would be submitted to international arbitration. Diplomacy and Westward Expansion, 1790–1796 Section 2

  42. Trade and Western Expansion (cont.) • The British would give up their forts on American territory and grant the U.S. most-favored nationstatus. • Americans were also allowed limited trade with Britain’s colonies in the Caribbean. The treaty was ratified and implemented in order to avoid war with Great Britain. Diplomacy and Westward Expansion, 1790–1796 Section 2

  43. Trade and Western Expansion (cont.) Spain, fearing the U.S. and France would unite and seize their territories, signed Pinckney’s Treaty. This treaty granted the U.S. the right to navigate the Mississippi and to deposit goods at the port of New Orleans. Diplomacy and Westward Expansion, 1790–1796 Section 2

  44. Trade and Western Expansion (cont.) In the 1780s, Americans flocked to the area between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River. • Kentucky and Tennessee became states during this time. • Other settlers moving into the Northwest Territory clashed with the Native Americans, eventually leading to Treaty of Greenville and creation of the state of Ohio. Diplomacy and Westward Expansion, 1790–1796 Section 2

  45. A B Which party was immediately against Jay’s treaty? A.Republicans B.Federalists Section 2

  46. The War Between the Parties Conflict between Federalists and Republicans began to threaten social stability. Section 2

  47. The War Between the Parties (cont.) With Washington stepping down, the United States held its first openly contested election. John Adams became the second president. Enraged by Jay’s Treaty, the French began stopping American ships en route to Britain and seizing their goods. The two nations were soon fighting an undeclared war at sea that came to be known as the Quasi-War. Section 2

  48. The War Between the Parties (cont.) In September 1800 the two countries signed the Convention of 1800. • The U.S. gave up all claims against France for damages to American shipping. • France released the U.S. from the Treaty of 1778. Section 2

  49. The War Between the Parties (cont.) At the height of public anger at France in 1798, the Federalists pushed four laws through Congress—known as the Alien and Sedition Acts. The first three laws were aimed at aliens; the fourth law tried to prevent sedition. Section 2

  50. The War Between the Parties (cont.) In 1798 and 1799, the Republican-controlled legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia passed resolutions arguing that since the states had created the Constitution, they could declare federal laws unconstitutional. • The Virginia Resolutions introduced the theory of interposition. • The Kentucky Resolutions advanced the theory of nullification. Section 2

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