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The Swedish Activity Compensation - when the work-incapacity is invisible

The Swedish Activity Compensation - when the work-incapacity is invisible. Sara Hultqvist PhD-Student Departement of Social Work Linnæus University, Växjö Sweden. Background. A rising number of persons on long-term- incapacity benefits

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The Swedish Activity Compensation - when the work-incapacity is invisible

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  1. The Swedish Activity Compensation- when the work-incapacity is invisible Sara Hultqvist PhD-Student Departement of Social Work Linnæus University, Växjö Sweden

  2. Background • A risingnumberof persons on long-term-incapacity benefits • Psychiatricdiagnosesareamong the mostfrequentonesreported on the doctor’scertificate • The proportion ofyoungpeoplereceiving long-term-incapacity benefits has increased

  3. Motives and Selection • The activitycompensation, the reform waslaunched in 2003 • Persons receivingActivityCompensation and whosuffer from anxiety and/or depression • Thesediagnosesare the mostfrequentones

  4. Purpose Statement • The aim of the study is to highlight the process surrounding the activity compensation as policy outcome • The process will be scrutinized from two different perspectives, the person’s receiving activity compensation (the insured) and the handling officer’s

  5. Study Design A ”two-stage rocket” • Individual interviews with 17 insured • Individual interviews with their handling-officers • A second round of interviews where the double descriptions (from the insured and from her/his handling officer) are followed up

  6. Theoritical Assumptions • A bottom-up perspective on a social policy program • Social policy as action. The reform becomes reality in the actions of handling-officers and young individuals. • The Cartesian dichotomy of soma and psyche is present when the citizen meets the Health Insurance

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