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GENESIS OF I/UCRC EVALUATORS. Process began at the NSF with Alex Schwarzkopf in the early 1980’s Alex wanted a measurement of the performance of I/UCRC centers Denis Gray was recommended to Alex by an NSF manager who directed a program to study innovation

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  1. GENESIS OF I/UCRC EVALUATORS • Process began at the NSF with Alex Schwarzkopf in the early 1980’s • Alex wanted a measurement of the performance of I/UCRC centers • Denis Gray was recommended to Alex by an NSF manager who directed a program to study innovation • Thus began a long relationship with N.C. State University and Dr. Denis Gray • The I/UCRC Program has as its primary mission to build research partnerships between Universities and Industry. Evaluators collect data to measure this success

  2. NSF PERSPECTIVEWhy Evaluators?? • To answer questions of program accountability • Build data base of accomplishments and to provide historical perspective • To give important feedback to NSF Program Directors • Provide data to assist in NSF budget requests from Congress • To develop a background of data to assist in the justification for the I/UCRC Program

  3. NSF PERSPECTIVEExpectations of Evaluators • To arrange for all necessary data collection required by the NSF or requested by the N.C. State group • Attend IAB meetings and manage the collection of feedback by use of LIFE forms • Provide a summary of information collected from the LIFE forms to the IAB for review at the meeting • Collect any additional data as requested by Center Director or N.C. State group • Send out and collect all survey information requested

  4. NSF PERSPECTIVEWhat is not Expected • To be technically competent to assess research quality or performance within the center • To take a managerial role in the center • To be responsible for recruitment of center industry members • To develop policy or operational procedures for the center • To make IAB meeting arrangements and develop the agenda

  5. NSF PERSPECTIVEThe Value of Evaluators • The information collected and made available in summary form is extremely valuable to the NSF • The annual reports are used frequently and extensively by Program Directors and Division Management at the NSF • Provides an amazing historical data base that gives a long term projection of trends • The I/UCRC Evaluators Program has built a high level of confidence in the evaluators at the NSF

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