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dragon town

dragon town. zoo bookstore park hotel town log off house news paper . Map swing slide monkey bars. Map back. Map back. Map back. Inside map. Outside suite map. Front desk map hallway. Suite map elevator. Map hallway. 2 go to. Map suite front desk.

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dragon town

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Presentation Transcript

  1. dragon town

  2. zoobookstoreparkhoteltownlog offhousenews paper

  3. Mapswingslidemonkey bars

  4. Mapback

  5. Mapback

  6. Mapback

  7. Insidemap

  8. Outsidesuitemap

  9. Front deskmaphallway

  10. Suite mapelevator

  11. Maphallway • 2 go to

  12. Mapsuitefront desk

  13. Back to room 1mapfrank towncart network

  14. House insidemaplog off

  15. bedroom kitchenoutside

  16. Hallwaymap

  17. Map hallway

  18. Hallwaymap

  19. Mapbuy

  20. Do you want to go in the zoo click to go

  21. Backnext cancel

  22. Thank you for buying have a nice day at the zoo.ps 7$ buy cancel

  23. mapoutsidebeartigerelephantwolfsharkbig ratmonkeybunny

  24. back

  25. back

  26. back

  27. back

  28. back

  29. back

  30. back

  31. back

  32. back

  33. Town party map

  34. mapstorm at sea the old duck

  35. Bookstorenext

  36. map • A old duck named Joe was a mean old grump

  37. Storm at sea openmap

  38. map Closenext • It was a dark night a ship named the ss adventure . Was about as big as a football field. And it almost crashed in a ice berg.it was storming at sea every one was frightened. The sea was angry. Every one ran and swam away. the ship stop on a island they camped there. Then they called for help.

  39. Back next • They ran and panicked. But it didn’t help.

  40. Backnext • Then some people had Heart Attack. every one else had survived. and went to the woods

  41. Back next • They made a fire with sticks .Then they went to the camping place and slept for the night

  42. Backnext • The next day they went hunting for bears. Then left the guns there by accident then a bear showed up and shot so one and lived then they killed the bear.

  43. Backnext • They slept in tents and had a broke ship to. they made a plan to help them survive .

  44. Backbookstoremap • Then they all went home. with a new ship

  45. MAP

  46. map

  47. Insidetop of the ship map

  48. Maparcade

  49. map • Captain adventure was a brave man he took on many dragons. He salad the big one known as a big wave

  50. map He was a brave man. He would go any were any time. He took money and gold but he took on a dragon sadly he got eaten the dragon red him

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