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QB50 Project in response to

J. Muylaert, C. O. Asma , R. Reinhard v on Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics Rhode-Saint-Genèse (Brussels) SEMWO 2011 November 16-18, 2011 Vilnius, Lithuania. QB50 Project in response to FP7 Space 2010 call “Facilitating access to space for small scale missions”. QB50 - THE IDEA.

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QB50 Project in response to

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  1. J. Muylaert, C. O. Asma, R. Reinhardvon Karman Institute for Fluid DynamicsRhode-Saint-Genèse (Brussels)SEMWO 2011November 16-18, 2011Vilnius, Lithuania QB50 Project in response to FP7 Space 2010 call “Facilitating access to space for small scale missions”

  2. QB50 - THE IDEA • An international network of 50 double CubeSats for multi-point, in-situ, long-duration measurements in the lower thermosphere and for re-entry research • A network of 50 double CubeSats sequentially deployed (1 CubeSat every orbit) • Initial altitude: 320 km (circular orbit, i=79°) • Downlink using the Global Educational Network for Satellite Operations (GENSO)

  3. QB50 – Studying Lower Thermosphere • A network of 50 CubeSats in the lower thermosphere compared to networks in higher orbits has the following advantages: • The lifetime of a CubeSat in the envisaged low-Earth orbit will only be three months, i.e. much less than the 25 years stipulated by international requirements related to space debris • A low-Earth orbit allows high data rates because of the short communication distances involved • In their low-Earth orbits, the CubeSats will be below the Earth’s radiation belts, which is very important because CubeSats use low-cost Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components • The residual atmosphere at these altitudes would help the CubeSats to scan lower altitudeswithout onboard propulsion and also to achieve a stable attitude • The orbit of the International Space Station (ISS) is usually maintained between 335 km (perigee) and 400 km (apogee). If a network of many CubeSats is launched into an orbit that is above that of the ISS there is a danger of collision with the ISS when the orbits of the CubeSats decay due to atmospheric drag. If the initial orbit of the CubeSats is below 330 km there is no danger of collision. • On all other missions CubeSats are a secondary payload, on QB50 the CubeSats are the primary payload.

  4. QB50 - THE IDEA On a Double CubeSat (10 x 10 x 20 cm3): Science Unit: Lower Thermosphere Measurements Sensors to be selected by a Working Group Standard sensors for all CubeSats ISIS 2U Functional Unit: Power, CPU, Telecommunication Optional Technology or Science Package Universities are free to design the functional unit

  5. QB50 – CubeSat Community 7 Germany 2 Greece 1 Hungary 1 India 1 Iran 2 Ireland 2 Israel 2 Italy 1 Lithuania 1 Netherlands 1 Norway 5 Peru 1 Portugal 1 Russia 1 Singapore 1 Slovakia 2 South Korea 1 Spain 1 Sweden 1 Taiwan 2 Turkey 4 United Kingdom 8 USA 1 Vietnam 81 Letters of Intent 2 Australia 3 Austria 4 Belgium 1 Brazil 1 Czech Republic 3 Canada 1 Chile 8 China 2 Denmark 1 Estonia 1 Ethiopia 1 Finland 3 France

  6. WORK BREAKDOWN – Tasks 1, 2, 3 See separate slide See separate slide

  7. WORK BREAKDOWN – Task 3

  8. WORK BREAKDOWN – Task 4

  9. Advisory Structure

  10. Sensor Selection Working Group Sensors reviewed: • Accelerometer • Energetic Particle Sensors • FIPEX (oxygen sensor) • GPS • Ion Mass Spectrometer • Langmuir Probe • Laser Reflector • Magnetometer • Neutral Mass Spectrometer • Spherical EUV and Plasma Spectrometer (SEPS) • Thermal Sensors (Incl. Bolometric Oscillation Sensor) • Wind Ion Neutral Composition Suite (WINCS - Armada) Information gathered for each sensor: • Science case • Description • Performance • Mass • Power • Data rate • Operations and Commanding • Special requirements • Heritage (TRL) • Cost (development and per unit) • Development schedule

  11. Sensor Selection Working Group CubeSat Configuration • Spacecraft resources preclude accommodating all sensors on all CubeSats • Present sensor budget need to be increased for a scientifically compelling payload • Minimum baseline would be: • 10 x FIPEX+T+LR; 10 x NMS+T+LR;10 x LP+T+LR; 10 x IMS+T+LR • Proposed baseline would be: • 20 x [FIPEX, NMS, Thermal, Laser Reflector] • 20 x [Langmuir Probe, IMS, Thermal, Laser Reflector]

  12. QB50 – Orbital Dynamics • To be determined: • Initial orbital altitude to ensure minimum lifetime of 3 months • Separation speed (present assumption in the range 1 to 5 m/s) • Should the CubeSats be deployed in flight direction, anti-flight direction, upward, • downward, east or west direction? • Deployment sequence (1 CubeSat per orbit or 1 CubeSat every 2 or 3 orbits?) • Which atmospheric models should be used (present assumption several different models) • Which trajectory simulation software should be used? • Which drag coefficient should be used (probably a range of coefficients) • These questions will be addressed by the Orbital Dynamics Working Group (ODWG)

  13. Importance of Attitude Stability

  14. Lifetime Prediction (h0 = 320 km) Launch

  15. Launch Vehicle • The Shtil -1 was used to launch : • TUBSAT-N (8kg) and TUBSAT-N1(3kg) nanosatellites into a 400x776 km orbit on 7 July 1998 • Kompass-2 satellite (77kg) into a 402x525km orbit on 26 May 2006 • On the Shtil-1, the payload is placed inside a special container which is custom designed and mounted next to the third stage engine nozzle. • The Shtil-2.1 is an improved version of the Shtil-1 where the payload is accommodated inside a fairing on top of the third stage • The Shtil-2.1 is fully developed and hardware has been built and tested Shtil-1 Shtil-2.1 15

  16. QB50 – Launching & Deployment

  17. QB50 – Launching & Deployment Shtil - 2.1

  18. QB50 – Launching & Deployment Precursor flight 2013 QB50 2014 Shtil - 2.1

  19. Study of platforms and deployers for CubeSats on SHTIL CubSat containers Launcher telemetry Optional :Solar Sail protective capsule SHTIL

  20. Accommodation on Shtil 2.1 (may not be to scale) 20

  21. QB50 – CubeSat Accommodation Batt Lower bay and 3rd stage engine Shtil - 2.1

  22. In-Orbit Technology Demonstration VKI’s Re-Entry CubeSat A modular deployment system for double and triple CubeSats Gossamer-1 Solar Sail demonstration package De-orbiting and debris mitigation by electrodynamic tether • Other In-Orbit Demos: • End of life analysis, Debris • Formation flight • Micro-propulsion systems • Micro-g experiment InflateSail demonstration mission

  23. Inflate-Sail for testing a solar sail with inflatable booms

  24. Gossamer-1 Project Solar Sail Deployment Demonstration • During the launch, the sail is stowed in a container (45 x 45 x 40 cm3, 15 kg). • It remains attached to the third stage (to the deployment system) and uses the battery on board. • The solar sail is deployed after all the CubeSats • It brings down the Shtil 2.1 3rd stage in 15 days, thereby demonstrating rapid de-orbiting Solar sail attached to 3rd stage sail and boom compartment

  25. VKI Re-EntSat – Concept Atmospheric Re-Entry Flight Data Flight data for Debris/Disintegration Tool (RAMSES) Validation Re-EntSat to survive until ~70 km altitude • Light ablative material as thermal shield • Temperature & Pressure measurements on the thermal shield • Skin friction measurements on the side Temperature field and heat flux estimations De-orbiting techniques using aerodynamic means

  26. Formation Flying CubeSats DelFFI Project: with triple CubeSats “Delta” and “Phi” • Delft University of Technology intends to provide two triple-unit Cubesats, both being equipped with a highly miniaturized propulsion system in addition to the standard science payload. • This allows for a coordinated formation flying of these two satellites using baselines, which can be realized, maintained and adjusted during the mission based on scientific and technological needs. • The position of the satellite will be determined by GPS. The inter-satellite communication will be realized by ground stations • Therefore, formation flight will be possible at any distance

  27. Call for CubeSat Proposals • The Call for Proposals will be issued on the QB50 web site on • 1 December 2011 • Deadline for submission of proposals to VKI • 15 January 2011 • Proposal evaluation and clarification period • 15 Jan – 20 Feb 2012 • Page limit: 15 pages • - incl. figures, tables, references • - excl. cover page, Table of Contents • Annexes for • - Cost section (detailed and realistic cost breakdown • - CubeSat management (organigramme, key personnel) • Availability of a ground station is an advantage but not a necessary condition for selection

  28. QB50 NEWSLETTER • The QB50 Newsletter No.2 (mid September) will have articles on • - Status of the QB50 project • - Second QB50 Workshop • - 4th European CubeSat Symposium • - Call for CubeSat Proposals for QB50 • - Sensor selection • - Ground station network • - Frequency allocation • - Deployment system • - Gossamer-1 • - A few articles on special double and triple CubeSats on QB50 for science and technology demonstration • If you wish to publish a short article (5-20 lines) in the QB50 Newsletter contact the Editor • Cem O. Asma, asma@vki.ac.be • also if you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to the Newsletter FP7QB50

  29. Important Dates: 30 Oct 2011: Deadline for the submission of abstracts 15 Nov 2011: Notification of acceptance 15 Dec 2011: Publication of the programme and the abstracts 15 Jan 2012: Deadline for online registration 30 Jan-1 Feb 2012: CubeSat Symposium Registration fee: 100 € (this includes 3 lunches and all coffee breaks) CUBESAT SYMPOSIUM www.vki.ac.be/CubeSatSymposium

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