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Welcome to your favorite part of the day Aric Foster afoster@armadaschools @aricfoster2

Welcome to your favorite part of the day Aric Foster afoster@armadaschools.org @aricfoster2 Vocab Grab Vocabulary pedagogy, strategies and resources that you can use in your classroom today. Question #1: How many years have I been teaching?. Currently year 15 in Armada English 11,

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Welcome to your favorite part of the day Aric Foster afoster@armadaschools @aricfoster2

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  1. Welcome to your favorite part of the day Aric Foster afoster@armadaschools.org @aricfoster2 Vocab Grab Vocabulary pedagogy, strategies and resources that you can use in your classroom today.

  2. Question #1: How many years have I been teaching?

  3. Currently year 15 in Armada English 11, AP Lit/Comp, Coaching: wrestling, track

  4. Question #2: How many times have I presented about vocabulary instruction?

  5. Answer #2: 6, ISD, MRA, twittershpere, SBL 6years

  6. Question #3: How many children do I have?

  7. Answer #3: One perfect child: Aric Victor 3 years old

  8. Why are you here? Ask a new friend Tell a new friend Lie to a new friend

  9. Why are you here? • To get seat time hours

  10. Why are you here? • To get seat time hours • Principal “insisted” on it

  11. Why are you here? • To get seat time hours • Principal “insisted” on it • Truly interested in improving as a teacher

  12. Why are you here? • To get seat time hours • Principal “insisted” on it • Truly interested in improving as a teacher • 4) Trying to find a suitable significant other

  13. For your convenience… • Everything I will discuss today is explained thoroughly on paper and briefly in this power point.

  14. For your convenience… • Everything I will discuss today is explained thoroughly on paper and briefly in this power point. • The paper in front of you and this power point is at armadafoster.weebly.com

  15. For your convenience… • Everything I will discuss today is explained thoroughly on paper and briefly in this power point. • The paper in front of you and this power point is at armadafoster.weebly.com • If you forget the website, or want more information or clarification, you can email me at afoster@amradaschools.org

  16. For your convenience… • Everything I will discuss today is explained thoroughly on paper and briefly in this power point. • The paper in front of you and this power point is at armadafoster.weebly.com • If you forget the website, or want more information or clarification, you can email me at afoster@amradaschools.org • If you are too young for email, you can follow me on twitter @aricfoster2

  17. For your convenience… • Everything I will discuss today is explained thoroughly on paper and briefly in this power point. • The paper in front of you and this power point is at armadafoster.weebly.com • If you forget the website, or want more information or clarification, you can email me at afoster@amradaschools.org • If you are too young for email, you can follow me on twitter @aricfoster2 • 3-2-1 guide on front page to get the most out of our time together and find it easily on Monday.

  18. Skills, not Words Context clues Parts of speech Word parts (Greek/Latin) Vocab Hunt examples on p. 7-9

  19. Select vocabulary words with a purpose Fifth grade teachers = dinosaurs Me = “obsequious” 10 words per two weeks, not 25 Depth (skills) not breadth (words) “Literacy in Action” MISD Training

  20. Factors in choosing words Words essential to understand the text, perhaps “English terms” FOIL, SATIRE, FABLIAUX Challenging words from the text that learners will see again: FOLIAGE, CHASM, ABHORRENT, OMEN, Words from the text with identifiable word parts: INCONCEIVABLE, AMOROUS Common Core Tier II Words: SYNTHESIZE, COMPILE Overlapping of factors: SOLILOQUY Example on p. 10-11

  21. Now what? You are back in school and excited to revamp vocab instruction; you previewed vocabulary skills; you chose your vocabulary words purposefully… Now what?

  22. Now what? You previewed vocabulary skills, you chose your vocabulary words purposefully, now what? 1) Students rank familiarity of words (p. 10)

  23. Now what? You previewed vocabulary skills, you chose your vocabulary words purposefully, now what? 1) Students rank familiarity of words (p. 10) 2) Practice them with fun activities (p. 14-19)

  24. Now what? You previewed vocabulary skills, you chose your vocabulary words purposefully, now what? 1) Students rank familiarity of words (p. 10) 2) Practice them with fun activities (p. 14-19) 3) Summative assessment: (p. 12)

  25. Now what? You previewed vocabulary skills, you chose your vocabulary words purposefully, now what? 1) Students rank familiarity of words (p. 10) 2) Practice them with fun activities (p. 14-19) 3) Summative assessment 4) Students re-rank their mastery of each word to show themselves growth: (p. 11)

  26. Now what? You previewed vocabulary skills, you chose your vocabulary words purposefully, now what? 1) Students rank familiarity of words (p. 10) 2) Practice them with fun activities (p. 14-19) 3) Summative assessment 4) Students re-rank their mastery of each word to show themselves growth: (p. 11) 4) Easily compile student growth data (p. 13)

  27. Ready to see some groovy activities? Go to armadafoster.weebly.com or email me at afoster@armadaschools.org for a thorough explanation of each activity and for more activities not covered today.

  28. El Serpiente Works with concepts too Kids’ favorite Social motivation Day before quiz 3:00 Video example

  29. El Serpiente https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IU1-KBA1Mg

  30. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?)

  31. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?) • Dice Game • 2 & 3: Act it out • 4 & 5: Draw it • 6 & 8: Kinda not really • 9 & 10: Antonym • 11 & 12: Pre/suffix • 7: Use it in a sentence

  32. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?) • Dice Game • Know/Don’t know • 3  & 3  • Same parentals • Same bf/gf • Same favorite _____ • Same phone • Same # & type siblings • 5:25 Video example • Video reflection

  33. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?) • Dice Game • Know/Don’t know • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuqE9wtdU6g

  34. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?) • Dice Game • Know/Don’t know • Polleverywhere.com • Scrolling, word art, multiple choice, bar graphs, etc.

  35. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?) • Dice Game • Know/Don’t know • Polleverywhere.com • Spectrum • 2:10Video example

  36. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?) • Dice Game • Know/Don’t know • Polleverywhere.com • Spectrum • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM6JYoYkFRI

  37. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?) • Dice Game • Know/Don’t know • Polleverywhere.com • Spectrum • Walk to Remember • Practice right now with words from page 10? 

  38. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?) • Dice Game • Know/Don’t know • Polleverywhere.com • Spectrum • Walk to Remember • Shared Conversation • Practice right now with words from page 10? 

  39. All Stars • Fly swatter (super?) • Dice Game • Know/Don’t know • Polleverywhere.com • Spectrum • Walk to Remember • Shared Conversation • Texting • 4 Most challenging: word, P.O.S., definition to friend in the room, friend not in the room, parental, another adult

  40. Activities with cards

  41. Activities with cards • Sorting • Parts of speech • Synonyms • Antonyms • Most alike/different • Mastery Spectrum • Video example later with white boards

  42. Activities with cards • Sorting • Tomalo • “Take it” • 1-1 • All on desk • Take Answer (or slap it)

  43. Activities with cards • Sorting • Tomalo • Go Fish • “Do you have an abstract noun that means hatred?”

  44. Activities with cards • Sorting • Tomalo • Go Fish • Memory • Just like the kid game • One side: word/P.O.S • Other side: definition

  45. White boards: Home Depot, $35, 12 years

  46. Sorting: Same as with cards :45 Video example

  47. Sorting:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRq_vC6HzxI

  48. 4 Square: pictures

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