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Introduction to the MarMic Course 2004

Introduction to the MarMic Course 2004. MPI Bremen AWI-Sylt. The Wadden Sea: a threatened Ecosystem?. Human pressure (fisheries, tourism, etc.) Land reclamation Invading species Climate change / sea level rise Eutrophication. Nutrients in the Rhine. N. P. Actinocyclus octonarius.

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Introduction to the MarMic Course 2004

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  1. Introduction to theMarMic Course 2004 MPI Bremen AWI-Sylt

  2. The Wadden Sea: a threatened Ecosystem? • Human pressure (fisheries, tourism, etc.) • Land reclamation • Invading species • Climate change / sea level rise • Eutrophication

  3. Nutrients in the Rhine N P

  4. Actinocyclus octonarius

  5. Actinoptycus senarius

  6. Coscinodiscus radiatus

  7. Actinoptychus splendens

  8. Actinoptychus splendens Round, Crawford, Mann 1990

  9. Phaeocystis globosa

  10. Data: Cadée, NIOZ

  11. Pleurosigma sp.

  12. Diploneis sp.

  13. Delphineis sp.

  14. Data: Cadee, NIOZ

  15. Black Spots

  16. The Course Philosophy • Provide a multiple perspective on the system • Spatial and Temporal Scales • Different Techniques • Interdisciplinary Approach/Team Work • Pivot of the experimental work: • Water vs. sediment • Exposed vs. sheltered • Bioturbators: Experimental plots where the occurrence one of the major “bio-engineers” was manipulated. • 1. Week Rotation (3 Groups) • Microsensors/Macrobenthos (Henk Jonkers/Nils Volkenborn) • Chamber/Oxygen Dynamics (Perran Cook/ Steff Hedtkamp) • Water Processes(Tina Löbl/Justus van Beusekom) • 2. Week: Advanced Biogeochemistry techniques • Ultimate goal: To put all the pieces together in the form of a Report

  17. Provisional Programme, First Week • Tuesday: Wadden Sea Excursion (lectures depend on weather) • 07:45 Excursion: Königshafen • 10:30 Lecture: Wadden Sea Hydrography (Justus) • 11:30-13:00 Lunch Break • 13:00 Excursion + Intro on Geology: Morsum/Wenningstedt • 16:00Preparation for Group Rotation • Wednesday: Group Rotation • Thursday: Group Rotation • Friday: Group Rotation • Saturday: Presentation of results (three groups) 12:00-13:00 • 1) Microsensors/macrobenthos • 2) Chamber-Experiments • 3) Water column processes • Sunday: Off/Free/Sleep/Check out the Island

  18. Productivity and functioning of sandy sediments and the water column Comparison of 4 habitats: water column subtidal sand bioturbated intertidal not bioturbated intertidal

  19. water sampling with MS Mya (Day 1,2 & 3) Lugworm exclusion and control site (day 1 and 2) subtidal sand “Hausstrand”(day 3)

  20. Sediment parameters • Organic content • Water content • Chlorophyll a concentration • Permeability • Oxygen dynamics and penetration depth • Microsensors • Chamber incubation Macrofauna sampling Processes in the water

  21. Provisional ProgrammeSecond Week • Monday • 08:00: Water sampling on Mya • Tim Ferdelman/Volker BrücherBiogeochmical techniques • Jens Harder Microbiology techniques • Tuesday: Continuing Biogeochemistry • Wednesday: Continuing Biogeochemistry • Thursday: • Departure to Bremen

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