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Prof. Dr Goran Djordjevi ć SEENET-MTP Network Office

Prof. Dr Goran Djordjevi ć SEENET-MTP Network Office Faculty of Science and Mathematics , University of Ni š , SERBIA. Bilateral vs. Multilateral Cooperation in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics in an Italian-Serbian Context. Serbia – Italia Workshop Status and Perspectives of the

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Prof. Dr Goran Djordjevi ć SEENET-MTP Network Office

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  1. Prof. Dr Goran Djordjević SEENET-MTP Network Office Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš, SERBIA Bilateral vs. Multilateral Cooperation in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics in an Italian-Serbian Context Serbia – Italia Workshop Status and Perspectives of the Scientific and Technological Bilateral Cooperation June 25-26, 2012, Belgrade, Serbia Design: M. Milošević / www.svetnauke.org

  2. Needs and challenges for bilateral and multilateral cooperationItalian-Serbian ContextMathematical and Theoreticala Physics + Education • State of art • Hitherto experience and record of cooperation of Department of Physics Nis with Institutions from Italy is mainly based on cooperation with International Institution based in Italy and with an extended regional and multilateral motivation, target and background: • 1. UNESCO Office in Venice • 2. ICTP Trieste • 3. CEI Trieste • Notice: Main part of these investments likely came through Italian contributions!

  3. Types of Cooperation • Multilateral projects – Exchange&Training programs - proposed to the International Institution in Italy by Faculty of Science and Mathematics Nis, or Physical Society Nis • Bilateral programs • Between the Abdus Salam International Centre for TheoreticalPhysics (ICTP) Trieste and Department of Physics, University of Nis - Between SISSA and Faculty of Science and Mathematics Nis (under final consideration)

  4. Models of cooperation • Projects: Mainly one-year projects for research, training, capacity building, Data base … • Average amount of the budget ~ 10 000 EUR • Partners and Years • UNESCO Office in Venice: 2005 - 2011 (7 Projects) • ICTP Trieste 2009 - 2012 (4 Projects) • CEI Trieste - 2007 • Agreements • ICTP Federation Agreement 2002 – 2014 (4 agreements) • ICTP-FSM Bilateral Research&Training program 2012-2015 (start of implementation is expected during autumn 2012)

  5. Results • Around 1000 researchers, students, teachers and pupils took a part in the events and programs mentioned above in the period 2002 – 2012 • More than 150 short and mead-term visits-exchanges, fellowships, in the region including Nis and Italy (mainly Trieste) • Around 100 scientific papers in fields of Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology published with an acknowledgement to these projects and programs • More than 10 various types of joint scientific meetings • Several books, monographs and similar publications have been published • Huge impact, visibility and new partners came thruogh this basic Italy-Serbia “ad hock” framework!

  6. Problems • Lack of financial sources for contribution from Serbian side to the bilateral projects • Main source the corresponding national Ministry, but it is, at least quite limited source. A solution should be explored at the national level … • Lack of sources for cofunding at the level of Universities and Faculties, beside a real difficult situation it is followed by a pure tradition in international cooperation and missing support for investments inside institutions. Problem at the level of local community • Lack of administrative and human capacities in the all phases of such kind of cooperation. A general problem, which could be reduced by targeted support, understanding and flexibility inside defined rules of cooperation from Italian side.

  7. Perspectives and proposals- Personal point of view - • Simplification of administration of the projects, in the same time improve visibility of calls and support administrative capcities of existing or promising ``small`` partners in Serbia • Establish a permanent Office for Italian-Serbian cooperation, but with an accent of joint application to the third parties • Open calls for multilateral projects based on existing Italian-Serbian cooperation • To support existing multilateral projects financed by International institutions in Italy but also, in some cases, by International institutions in general • To consider Italian role in projects of European Professional societies, for instance European Physical Society

  8. SEENET-MTP – a regional story • Recognizing the importance of bridging the gap between Southeastern and Western European scientific community the participants of the UNESCO-ROSTE - sponsored BALKAN WORKSHOP BW2003 "Mathematical, Theoretical and Phenomenological Challenges Beyond the Standard Model: Perspectives of Balkans Collaboration" (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, August 29 - September 3, 2003) came to a common agreement on the Initiative for the SEENET-MTP NETWORK • Structure Development 2004 - 2012 • 19 institutions from 10 countries in the region joined the Network • 14 partner institutions all over the world • about 300 individual members

  9. The Main Objectives and Aims • Provide the regional framework for the institutional capacity-building in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics • Strengthening of close relations and co-operation among faculties of science, research institutions and individual scientists in South-East Europe • Joint scientific and research activities in the region and fostering interregional collaboration, first of all European context, but also with a strong worldwide dimension • Support capacity building in science and technology for development by initiating intensive, new approaches to teaching physics and sciences • Promote exchange of students and encourage communication between gifted pupils • Support establishment of local and regional centers of excellence in physics and mathematics.

  10. Network Nodes

  11. Partner Institutions Department of Physics & Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimor, USA Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Department of Physics, Buffalo University, Buffalo, USA Institute of Applied Physics, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Mathematics Department, Lusofona University, Lisbon, Portugal Department of Theory of Nuclei and Quantum Field Theory, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine Department of Theoretical Physics (F-1), Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Lab 170, ITEP, Moscow, Russia Sring Theory Group, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Munich, Germany Faculty of Science, Podgorica, Montenegro Algebraic Structures in Field Theory Group, CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria Particle Physics Group, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, University of Warwick, Warwick, UK

  12. Executive Committee (EC) • The primary objectives • the final elaboration and implementation of the Program for each year, • widening of the Network financial basis. • Consists of 8 representatives from 10 countries • Meets regularly once per year • Administration of the Network – SEENET-MTP Office at Faculty of Science and Serbian Physical Society - Nis, Serbia • Responsible for maintaining and improving the official web site of the SEENET-MTP, www.seenet-mtp.info

  13. Representative Committee (RC) • Each of 19 Network nodes - represented by one person. President Prof. Radu Constantinescu, Craiova (Romania) • Included in preparation and implementation of the Network activities • One institution from Kiev, Ukraine applied to join the Network. Just Montenegro is missing here.

  14. Scientific-Advisory Committee (SAC) • Consists of (currently 18) outstanding and leading international researchers both from the SEE region and elsewhere in the world. Coordinator since 2009, Goran Senjanovic (ICTP). • The main responsibilities: • consideration of research project proposals submitted by the nodes • to recommend promising research topics of high international interest • support of the activities and participation in the events • supporting bilateral and multilateral co-operation between the SAC members’ home institutions and the SEENET-MTP

  15. Members of SAC Luis ALVAREZ-GAUME CERN Geneva, Switzerland • Guido ALTARELLI • Universit`adi Roma Tre, Italy and CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

  16. Members of SAC Ignatios ANTONIADIS CERN Geneva, Switzerland Metin ARIK Department of Physics, Bogazici University Istanbul, Turkey

  17. Members of SAC • Jonathan Bagger • Baltimor • WA, USA Loriano Bonora SISSA Trieste, Italy Lars Brink Department of Fundamental Physics, Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, Sweden

  18. Members of SAC EmilianDudas Centre de Physique Theorique of EcolePolytechnique Paris, France GeorgiDvali New York University NY, USA NemanjaKaloper Department of Physics, University of California Davis, USA

  19. Members of SAC George Lazarides University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece Jan Louis II. InstitutfürTheoretischePhysikderUniversität Hamburg Hamburg, Germany Dieter Luest Theory Group, Max-Planck-InstitutfuerPhysik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) Muenchen, Germany

  20. Members of SAC • Alexei Morozov • Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics • Moscow, Russia Sunil Mukhi Department of Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research India Kumar Narain ICTP Trieste, Italy

  21. Members of SAC GoranSenjanovic ICTP Trieste, Italy Contact person of SAC • Ivan T. Todorov • INRN • Sofia, Bulgaria George Zoupanos Department of Physics, National Technical University, Athens, Greece

  22. They were with us ZvonkoMaric (1930-2007) Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Belgrade, Serbia Wolfgang Kummer(1935 – 2007) Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology Wien, Austria

  23. They were with us Julius Wess (1934 – 2007) Max-Plank-Institut fuer Physik Muenchen, Germany Founders of the WIGV initiative Wissenschaftler In Globaler Verantwortung One of founders of the SEENET-MTP Coordinator of SAC (2003 - 2007) Director of Max-Plank-Institut fuer Physik

  24. Main Results and Activities • Mobilty program: • About 140 exchanges in the region (2005-2011, in average 20 per year • Duration of visits: 5-7 days • Network meetings: 14 meetings in 6 years, about 700 participants • Publications-Monographs, Network Conference Proceedings: about 10 issues • Research: Numerous joint papers with acknowledgements to UNESCO and ICTP for support, partially or even fully based on collaboration during exchanges • SEENET-MTP web portal became one of the most popular source of information concerning MTP in our region: • Promotion of science in particular physics (main activities in Serbia): • 30 lectures and 3 books • Meetings and Competitions of High School students and undergraduate students: ``Science and Society`` in Craiova (Romania) in 2008 and 2009 • Special class for high school students with special interests in sciences, Nis, Serbia, www.pmf.ni.ac.rs/f_odeljenje

  25. Network Meetings in Serbia2003-2011 • BW2003 - Mathematical, Theoretical and Phenomenological Challenges Beyond the Standard Model (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia) • BW2005 - II Southeastern European Workshop: Challenges Beyond the Standard Model (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia) • QM2005 - Quantum Models on Noncommutative and Deformed Spaces (Nis, Serbia) • STMP2006 - Selected Topic in Modern Physics (Nis, Serbia) • SQ2007 - New methods in string theory and quantization (Nis. Serbia) • SQIQC07 - School Of Quantum Information And Quantum Computation (Kragujevac, Serbia) • BW2007 - III Southeastern European Workshop: Challenges Beyond the Standard Model (Kladovo, Serbia) • SSSCP2009 - Spring School on Strings, Cosmology and Particles (Belgrade/Nis, Serbia) • BSI2011 - Balkan Summer Institute 2011 (Nis/Donji Milanovac, Serbia) • BSS2011 Seminar : Trends in Modern Physics • BS2011 School : Cosmology and Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Models • JW2011 Workshop: Scientific and Human Legacy of Julius Wess • BW2011 Workshop: Particle Physics from TeV to Plank Scale

  26. Some of Network`s publications

  27. Local Support • mainly in Serbia and Romania • SMS - Serbian Ministry of Science • University of Craiova • SMS - from 2006 to 2009 was 10% of the international support; • No funding in 2010 and 2011 ...

  28. “Mediana” - Roman Emperor Constantine Residence, Naissus - Nis, SSSCP2009-?2013, From Science to the Cultural Networking…?

  29. Who is who, or what is what in Physics and Mathematics in Balkans • BASIC AND ENGINEERING SCIENCE • SOUTHEASTERN EUROPEAN PHYSICS & MATHEMATICS • E-SURVEY • UNESCO-BRESCE Office, Venice, Italy • SEENET-MTP - Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics • Faculty of Science and Mathematics, SEENET-MTP Office, University of Niš, Serbia • Faculty of Physics and Sociology Department, University of Craiova, Romania • Profile of 40, of 54 in total, research/higher education institutions in SEE! • October 2010 • http://www.unesco.org/en/venice • http://www.seenet-mtp.info/

  30. Join us at the next Network meeting Beyond Standard Models VrnjackaBanja, Serbia,26-28 April, 2013

  31. Let us try, continuously, at least ... Italian-Serbian cooperation?

  32. Thank you!Grazie!!ХВАЛА ! ! !

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