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~MEDITATION~. Hebrews 12:22-24 ESV. Hebreos 12:22-24 ESV.

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  1. ~MEDITATION~ Hebrews 12:22-24 ESV Hebreos12:22-24 ESV 22Pero usted ha venido al Monte Sión y a la ciudad del Dios viviente, la Jerusalén celestial y a innumerablesÁngeles en la recopilación de cubierta, 23y a la Asamblea de los primogénitosqueestáninscritos en el cielo y a Dios, el juez de todos y a los espíritus de los justoshechos perfectos, 24y a Jesús, el mediador de un nuevopactoy a la sangreespolvoreadaquehablaunapalabramejorque la sangre de Abel. 22But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering,  23and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect,  24and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.

  2. “Forgiveness, A Cure For Pain”2 Corinthians 2:5-11 I. Why Is It So Hard to Forgive? (2:5-6) A. Sin Brings Pain B. Resolving Conflict Brings Pain II. Why Is Forgiveness Needed? (2:7-11) A. To Bring Healing B. To Test Our Obedience and Mercy C. To Outwit Satan

  3. How Should The Offended Respond During Conflict Resolution? 1. Give yourself time to calm down! Paul waited to confront the slanderous leader and the church. Pray and read the Word a whole lot! 2. Go over the facts as best as you recall them, thrown out all perceptions or if you need to express your perceptions give the person who sinned against you the benefit of the doubt in these areas. 3. If you have difficulty expressing your thoughts orally write them down. 4. Go in with grace and with an eagerness to forgiveor go in praying to God to lead you there.

  4. How Should The Offended Respond During Conflict Resolution? (Cont.) 5. Go in with a desire to understand and not just to be understood. 6. Do not expect the offender to repent of all the things you think they should repent of. It may take more meetings before the offender sees all his/her sin or you may need to humbly admit that you may have gone more by perception than fact in some of these areas. 7. Know when you forgive someone for sin you often need time to get rid of all your unforgiving thoughts and grievances.

  5. “Forgiveness, A Cure For Pain”2 Corinthians 2:5-11 I. Why Is It So Hard to Forgive? (2:5-6) A. Sin Brings Pain B. Resolving Conflict Brings Pain II. Why Is Forgiveness Needed? (2:7-11) A. To Bring Healing B. To Test Our Obedience and Mercy C. To Outwit Satan

  6. How Should The Offender Respond During Conflict Resolution? 1. Do not be defensive—this is hard because usually there is something in what the person says that is not true and it is easy to concentrate on that. Sometime it is best to say, “Could you give me some time to pray about what you have said.” 2. Do not ask for forgiveness if you are not going to ask God for forgiveness (No false humility please!). 3. If something rings true right away, ask for forgiveness by saying, “Please forgiveness me (to just say, “I am sorry,” gives a sense you just made a mistake, asking for forgiveness shows you know it was sin) for speaking harshly to you, making you feel stupid. I know that hurt you deeply because it made you feel small and unimportant.”

  7. How Should The Offender Respond During Conflict Resolution? (Cont.) 4. Wait to hear, “Yes I forgive you for….” 5. Be willing to give time if the offended is not immediately ready to grant forgiveness. 6. If you feel there is no truth to what is said, you need to be willing to go to the next step of discipline. “You can say I am sorry you are hurt, but those things I believe are not true.” I am willing to let someone else look at the evidence.” 7. Pray and read the Word a whole lot and pray Psalm 139:23-24 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!

  8. “Forgiveness, A Cure For Pain”2 Corinthians 2:5-11 I. Why Is It So Hard to Forgive? (2:5-6) A. Sin Brings Pain B. Resolving Conflict Brings Pain II. Why Is Forgiveness Needed? (2:7-11) A. To Bring Healing B. To Test Our Obedience and Mercy C. To Outwit Satan

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