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INFO 330

INFO 330. Forward Engineering Project User Studies. Logical Design. User studies User need User behavior Info persona Info model Funnel design Page design. How to Serve People . Know them Know more than them Give them what they want Give them what they don’t know they want.

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INFO 330

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INFO 330 Forward Engineering Project User Studies

  2. Logical Design • User studies • User need • User behavior • Info persona • Info model • Funnel design • Page design

  3. How to Serve People Know them Know more than them Give them what they want Give them what they don’t know they want

  4. First FindAn info need How will you know what to design? Next chart theirInformation Behavior www.ariadne.ac.uk www.asis.org

  5. Your system must deliver what they want they way they want itIn a way they will find it

  6. Deliverable 1: An info persona

  7. Deciding by Lifestyle : Michelle Age: 26 Education: Communications Degree, NYU Occupation: Assistant Manager Income Level: $29k a year Current Vehicle: 1998 Honda Civic Favorite Website: Facebook, Tumblr Hobbies: Jogging, Volunteering Favorite TV Shows: Daily Show, Jersey Shore Influencers: Parents, Online Reviews • Michelle began last year her first job since graduating from college. After having her car since high school, she’s reached a point that she’s ready to get a newer car. The problem being, she has no idea where to start or what to get. The only thing she does know, there isn’t a whole lot of money available but wants a car with personality. • Use Case Requirements • Help selecting a car that represents her lifestyle • Rely on online community as a reference • Need online mobile access

  8. MichelleWhat’s the coolest car for me? • Info need: • What kind of cars are there? • How do you buy a car? • What do my friends think? • What car suits my personality? • What can I afford ? • Info behavior: • Ask my friends & family • Look at a lot of cars and think • Google for certain cars • Look at lots of pictures/videos • Info type: Cool Car • Only most basic car facts • Lots of info on styling • Lots of media • Stories and anecdotes • Make it easy to share • Logistics not statistics • Chatty and friendly style

  9. <name><need statement> Info need: Info behavior: Info type: <name>

  10. Info Persona: Requirements • User • We will assign you three users from this class • Interview • Find a common need for all three • Prepare a set of questions (at least 15) that define the need and the behavior • Notes • Long form of the three sections of the persona (3 pages at least) • Persona • Use or find a picture • Use my template or come up with your own • Fill but do not overfill the page

  11. Info Need: Consider • Why does the user want this information? • What will they do with the info • Find one they want? • Complete a task? • Learn something? • To pass info on to others? • Do they want overviews? Facts? Procedures? Advice? other? • How much do they already know about this type of info? • What rational needs is it serving? • What emotional needs is it serving? • How would they judge a good from a bad item of this info? • Appeal • Trustworthiness • Authoritativeness

  12. Info behavior: Consider • What are their current sources for this info (i.e., your competition) • What do they know now that will allow them to find the items that they want? • Who would they ask and why? • Do they have a specific word or question in mind when they look? • Are they looking for a very specific item? • When they make a mistake what wrong items are they likely to land on? • Are they likely to click on something that seems sort of like what they want? • Are there items that they should see whether or not they know about them now?

  13. Info Type: Consider • What is a name that sums up the need? • Of all the ways to look at this info, what are the major attributes you need to have? • What is the tone of the info? • Who should the perceived author be? • Stay at a high level but be specific • Making it easy for the user to “use” the info • Are there “rules of thumb” or design principles for the info?

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