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Lean Repair Industrial Plant Equipment Kaizen Trident Refit Facility

Lean Repair Industrial Plant Equipment Kaizen Trident Refit Facility. Presenter: Wayne Collier Lean Coordinator: Wayne Collier 6 Apr 06. Excess Material Update. IPE Management

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Lean Repair Industrial Plant Equipment Kaizen Trident Refit Facility

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  1. Lean RepairIndustrial Plant Equipment KaizenTrident Refit Facility Presenter: Wayne Collier Lean Coordinator: Wayne Collier 6 Apr 06

  2. Excess Material Update

  3. IPE Management Review industrial plant equipment inventory and support processes and target this area for continuous improvement efforts. Project Goals: Identify the RMC/FMA IPE manager Inventory existing Fleet IPE supporting Fleet Maintenance; identify excess IPE. Achieve a standard approach to IPE maintenance & support Establish process to provide budget support for O&MN and OPN funded IPE. Identify & share best practices [Others at your discretion] IPE Kaizen

  4. IPE Kaizen Measures

  5. IPE Repair & PMS • Program manager – TRF Codes 106 and 360 • Funding requirements – By FY divided into quarters • Work execution and documentation – by Codes 360, 106 and Shop 06B • QA – Spot checks conducted by Shop 06B Supervisor • Inventory system of record – Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS)

  6. IPE Funding • Repair parts – O&MN funded, budgeted per QTR and controlled by Code 360, Equipment Maintenance. • Labor– Performed by Shop 06B (TRF planned manning) • Service contracts – O&MN funded, budgeted and executed by Code 360 • Consumables – O&MN Budget planned and executed by Code 360. Occasionally purchased with ROVI (inserts, EDM wire, saw blades, grinding wheels, etc.) • Fixtures – Initially procured as attachments and accessories with new equipment. • Replacements – O&MN funded if >$250K, OPN funded if <$250K. A current funding plan does not exist.

  7. Proposed IPE Definition for JFMM Industrial Plant Equipment (IPE) includes machine tools and accessories used for the purpose of cutting, abrading, grinding, shaping, forming, joining, testing, measuring, heating, treating, coating or otherwise altering the physical, electrical or chemical properties of materials, components, or end items supporting assigned mission capabilities. Examples of IPE include but are not limited to lathes, milling machines, presses, test stands, pier side temporary support equipment and other specifically approved industrial equipment. Examples of items excluded from the definition of IPE are hand tools, material handling equipment, weight handling equipment, laundry, weapons handling equipment, general purpose electronic or mechanical test instruments, standard facility support equipment and information technology equipments that are not integral components of a machine tool. IPE procurement and support is funded from operating accounts up to $250K. IPE procurement above $250K is OPN funded.

  8. IPE KAIZEN pier side temporary support equipment • Rod Gibbens – 06B Supervisor • Tom Raby, Sr – 25D Supervisor • Frank Smith – 72D • Ray Biggers – 06B • Patrick Hill – 06B • Marshal Liger – Union Rep. • Lance Smith – C/300 • Briam Woomer – 11A • John Lockwood III – 71T • Curtis Johnson – 71T • Keyyl Hunnicutt – 11A • Jesse Nettles – 26A • Chad Lowther - Not Pictured: • Catherine Hart – 06B • Steve Buddin – 25D • Griffin Young – C/511 Facilitator: • Wayne Collier – C/107

  9. IPE Kaizen Before Pictures

  10. IPE Kaizen After Pictures

  11. Savings Increased palletized material storage capability to over 2000 sq. ft by adding 21 sections of pallet racks under covered area. Identified approximately 5000 sq. ft. of space to be better utilized outside of covered area. IPE Kaizen pier side temporary support equipment

  12. Team Recommendations • Install/Build covered area around fence line to cover SP Cables • Add on to current covered storage roof • Enclose top 10-15 ft. of C/S area to eliminate blowing rain • Have contractors repaint lines designating different areas • “Driveway Alarm” to alert 06B that a vehicle entered the area • Have shore power cable racks blasted and painted

  13. FY06 Lean Program Overview 4/6/06

  14. June Timekeeping VTC • Ability to identify lost time by department – TRF does not have this ability • Ability to identify missing time by department – Will be reported at the June VTC • Ability to identify top five overtime usage cost centers – Will be reported at the June VTC

  15. June Timekeeping VTC • Accuracy of charges in the system - there is no way to know that our T&A charges reflect actual worker activity. Our current system depends on the supervisor to bear the burden of confirming each T&A transaction before he/she certifies the timecard. DoD FMR Vol 5, chapter 33, states that supervisors who certify time and attendance are considered to be Accountable Officials and as such can be held pecuniary liable for erroneous payments that result from any data they negligently or knowingly provide. Therefore, supervisors must be very careful in determining that the charges reflected on the timecard are accurate BEFORE they "certify" the timecard.

  16. Other Items to Report • [List any items of general interest] If the page number > 18, your brief is not Lean! Also, recheck file size < 5 Megs. Delete this callout.

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