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The Stakeholders

The Stakeholders. INTERESTS. Hydropower. Floods. Irrigation. Aquaculture. Upstream activities. Tourism. Domestic supply. Environment. River bed incision. 1. Navigation. Hydropower. TUYEN QUANG. THAC BA. SON LA. HOA BINH. 2. Hydropower. 3. Hydropower.

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The Stakeholders

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Stakeholders INTERESTS Hydropower Floods Irrigation Aquaculture Upstream activities Tourism Domestic supply Environment River bed incision 1 Navigation


  3. Hydropower 3

  4. Hydropower The goal of the hydropower stakeholders is to maximize profit. 4

  5. Hydropower One or many companies? Only one company (EVN)? Many independent companies ? Which one?

  6. Max profit -> max production ? The most simple indicator might be Expected average energy production per year [Kwh/y] However we think that the value of the energy production changes from day to day, even if the selling (administrative) price of energy is not changing overtime. Therefore the production [Kwh/y] is not a suitable indicator.

  7. Max profit -> could be based on weighted sum of daily production ? Expected average energy production per year [Kwh/y] could be weighted differently for different period of the year, because energy has a different value in different period of the year: PtRR:Energy production of Red River system in day t βt: weights to take into account the different value of energy in different period (t) of the year

  8. In 2011 Vietnam has imported the 4.6% of his total energy consumption in day t The value (opportunity price) of one Kwh Cost for one Kwh imported • If the import is not null saving got by substituting one thermal Kwh with one hydro-generated • If the import is null 8

  9. Annual average cost of lost hydro-power production Energy demand faced by Red River system in day t Energy production of Red River system in day t expenditure for the energy imported saving got by substituting thermal power with hydropower 9


  11. Floods Hanoi 11

  12. Floods Hanoi 12

  13. Floods Pha Lai 13


  15. Why not make reference to Son Tay? SON TAY PHA LAI HANOI 15 15

  16. Floods: Son Tay -> Hanoi 1961-2011 16

  17. Floods: Son Tay -> Hanoi 1961-2011 MIKE 11 simulation 17

  18. Floods: Son Tay -> Pha Lai 1961-2011 18

  19. Floods: Son Tay -> Pha Lai 1961-2011 MIKE 11 simulation 19

  20. Floods In conclusion: Minimize flood levels in Son Tay? Indicators: Frequency of alarm level overcoming (Hanoi-Pha Lai) Duration of overcoming -> risk of dike break …..

  21. Irrigation Nhue Da Do Thuy Nguyen Vinh Bao Tien Lang An Kim Hai Ngu Huyen Khe Bac Hung Hai Nam Thai Binh Bac Thai Binh Nam Nam Dinh 11 Irrigation districts in the Delta 21

  22. Irrigation The lowering of the water level in the river and canal network has caused problems for irrigation and MARD has defined mandatory release period during the dry season, in order to reach the target level in Hanoi (2.3 m at Long Bien station). 22

  23. Irrigation Hanoi water levels and reservoirs release 2011 Target level 2.3 m Hanoi level Hoa Binh Tuyen Quang Thac Ba 23

  24. Irrigation In conclusion: Satisfaction of 2,3 m at Hanoi. But when? Is it sufficient now, and in the future (bed incision)?

  25. Other water uses Aquaculture Urban and Industries Domestic water in rural area Water for livestock Water for environment (canals) 11 Irrigation districts in the Delta 25

  26. Irrigation Aquaculture Urban and Industries Domestic water for rural area Water for livestock Water for environment Other water uses ???? Bac Hung Hai All the water uses in the Delta are accounted for in the estimated water demand, computed for each irrigation district on a ten days base 26

  27. Irrigation Aquaculture Urban and Industries Domestic water for rural area Water for livestock Water for environment Other water uses North Thai Binh All the water uses in the Delta are accounted for in the estimated water demand, computed for each irrigation district on a ten days base 27

  28. Irrigation Aquaculture Urban and Industries Domestic water for rural area Water for livestock Water for environment Other water uses All the districts All the water uses in the Delta are accounted for in the estimated water demand, computed for each irrigation district on a ten days base 28

  29. Irrigation Aquaculture Urban and Industries Domestic water for rural area Water for livestock Water for environment Other water uses Other water uses: environment The critical issues for environment in the Red river system are related to pollution of water from domestic or industrial sources. The water scarcity of the last years has exacerbated the problem, decreasing the dilution effects, with an environmental crisis in the Nhue Irrigation District. The estimated water demand includes the water for environmental services in the Delta. 29

  30. Water deficit Model of the Delta (MIKE 11) • 11 Irrigation Districts • 88 Sluice gates • 293 (equivalent) pumps 30

  31. Water deficit 31

  32. Irrigation <-> water uses In conclusion: Total deficit in the year Total deficit in particular periods Crop stress …. As above but separate for each district

  33. River bed incision 33

  34. River bed incision Sand mining River bed incision is a big issue for the management of the Red-Thai Binh river system. The IMRR project will analyze the effects of reservoirs regulation on this sector through the implementation of a geomorphological model, which could also define future scenarios of river bed incision. 34

  35. River bed incision Stability of bridges 35

  36. River bed incision Water supply 36

  37. River bed incision Navigation 37

  38. River bed incision time evolution 10 – 20 years Indicator: incision of the river bed in critical sections. 2000 2020

  39. Upstream activities 39

  40. Upstream activities Agricultural and forestry activities in the upper catchments may affect the water and sediment flow to the reservoirs. There are no specific data about this influence, and stationarity is expected. 40

  41. Tourism Tourism in Red River and its tributaries has shown its potential and promising room for development, but at present profits from this activity are not relevant and possible indicator should be postponed to further researches. 41

  42. River environment 42

  43. River environment All the interest and uses have an effect on river ecosystem quality. Proposed indicators: Water deficit from a given Minum Environmental Flow in a control section Distance from a reference status (i.e. natural flows without reservoirs) Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration IWARP proposal To be defined 43

  44. Navigation 44

  45. Navigation Navigation water requirement can be summarized with a range of levels at the Long Bien station in Hanoi, presently defined as 1.1 meter, as a minimum, and 11.5, as a maximum. A world bank project and other action have planned to modify some streches of the river in order to improve navigation conditions: the project will be consider if and when these activities will influence the sector requirements. 45

  46. Navigation 46

  47. Navigation 47

  48. Stakeholders and Sectors INTERESTS SECTORS Hydropower Hydropower Floods Floods Irrigation Winter crop Aquaculture Will not be considered Upstream activities Water supply Tourism Domestic and industrial supply Canal Environment R. Environment River Environment River bed incision River bed incision 48 Navigation Navigation

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