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Enterprise Portal Presentation CoSN – Florida CTO Clinic

Enterprise Portal Presentation CoSN – Florida CTO Clinic. Debbie Karcher, Chief Information Officer Miami-Dade County Public Schools. MDCPS Background. Fourth largest school district Over 340 public schools; over 80 Charter schools Serving 2,400 square miles Over 300,000 students

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Enterprise Portal Presentation CoSN – Florida CTO Clinic

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  1. Enterprise Portal PresentationCoSN – Florida CTO Clinic Debbie Karcher, Chief Information Officer Miami-Dade County Public Schools

  2. MDCPS Background • Fourth largest school district • Over 340 public schools; over 80 Charter schools • Serving 2,400 square miles • Over 300,000 students • Over 45,000 employees; over 5,000 Charter employees • Services 180 different home languages • Mobility rate – 27%

  3. The Big Picture • The Vision • Have all users connected to all information at anytime • Based on Two Beliefs • Prices for computing will fall ($100 Laptop) • Everyone will have connectivity • Benefits • Increase parental involvement • Users have access to their systems in one area • Parents have an easy and consistent way to monitor their child’s progress • Connect silo systems • Reduce paper-based systems • Provide easy and consistent access to information

  4. Implementation/Timeline Portal LiteMay 1, 2006 2009 - 2010 Business Partners Food Service Live@Edu Links to Learning Teacher Assessment Volunteer SAP SOS Employee Self-Service SharePoint 2010 • 2008 - 2009 • Attendance • Intervention • SPOT • SES • Weekly Briefing • Internship • Professional Development • RiverDeep • Unified Communications (OCS) 2007 - 2008 District and Community Deployment; Global Registration System Enterprise Portal 2006 - 2007 Infrastructure and Employee Portal with Collaboration

  5. Data Warehouse to Mainframe

  6. Mainframe to Data Warehouse

  7. Digital Equity Challenges eSCHOOLNEWS….Educators wrestle with digital-equity challenges….. Paul E. Resta, director of the University of Texas at Austin’s Learning Technology Center, framed the digital-equity challenge as one of providing not just technologies, but "digital opportunities," for students. Resta listed six things that he called "essential conditions" for digital inclusion: (1) basic literacy skills; (2) access to information and communications technology (ICT) devices, software, and connectivity; (3) access to culturally relevant content in the student's local language; (4) the ability to create, share, and exchange digital content; (5) access to educators who know how to use digital tools and resources in pedagogically sound ways; and (6) access to effective leadership in policy and planning. 2, 3, 4 enabled through Education Portal

  8. Learning Village(3) access to culturally relevant content in the student's local language

  9. The Learning Village Vision To create a repository for all of the district’s digital resources, aligned to standards, and accessible from one point of entry

  10. The Learning Village How did we set out to get there • Use local content-area experts to develop lesson plans linked to district resources • Require publishers of district adopted instructional materials to provide digital versions of • Lesson plans • Textbooks • Assessment items

  11. The Learning Village Current Status • Approximately 10,000 Lesson Plans • Organized by nine-week periods, grade levels, and subject areas • About 150 Digital Textbooks (student and teacher texts) • Linked and displayed by course codes • Roughly 25,000 Assessment Items • Organized by grade and subject area, and subject area and standard

  12. The Learning Village Lesson Plans Goals • Standardize instructional focus and pacing across subject areas and schools • Provide support to new and new to subject area or grade level teachers • Link activities within plans to other district instructional resources including • RiverdeepLMS • Gizmos • Online databases

  13. The Learning Village Assessment Items • Both publisher produced and customized items produced by ETS • Accessible via Examview Test Generator • Automated creation of Edusoft answer sheet for scanning and scoring (Publish to Edusoft)

  14. Education Portal(2) access to information and communications technology (ICT) devices, software, and connectivity

  15. Students Parents Employees Community The Solution - www.dadeschools.net

  16. Principal

  17. Reports • Access to Active Student Reports including: • Accountability • Academic Achievement • Attendance/Suspensions

  18. Parent

  19. Student

  20. Community

  21. Collaboration(4) the ability to create, share, and exchange digital content

  22. Collaboration

  23. Beyond the Walls • Links to Learning – Educational opportunities outside of the school house. Based on student performance, will provide links to educational software partners and specific Learning Path

  24. Get Connected • $3.5 Million Broadband Stimulus Grant - “Get Connected – Go Global” • Sustainable Broadband Adoption brings educational equity to vulnerable students/families. • Provide technology tools and access to the internet, empowering these families to improve their quality of life as they bridge the digital divide. • Marketing efforts will create awareness about educational benefits to “being connected” and the value of staying connected. • Expanding Broadband Public Computer Center Capacity

  25. Q & A

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