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Aéroports de Paris Benchmark on air traffic data collection Final report

Aéroports de Paris Benchmark on air traffic data collection Final report. January 2007. *. Table of contents. Synthesis per theme. Details per country. Synthèse des scénarios. Current situation. ENGLAND. NETHERLANDS. Civil Authority Governement Statistics Organisation.

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Aéroports de Paris Benchmark on air traffic data collection Final report

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  1. Aéroports de ParisBenchmark on air traffic data collectionFinal report January 2007 *

  2. Table of contents Synthesis per theme Details per country Synthèse des scénarios

  3. Current situation ENGLAND NETHERLANDS Civil Authority Governement Statistics Organisation Civil AuthorityUK CAA GERMANY COLLECTOR Law Law Law Civil Authority DELSTATIS GentlemanAgreement / Contract COLLECTOR Contract Airline Airport Invoicing and statistical data Invoicing and statistical data Airline Airport Law CANADA FRANCE COLLECTOR Law Airline Airport Civil Authority Transports Canada Civil Authority DGAC COLLECTOR project Financialdata Law Law GentlemanAgreement GentlemanAgreement COLLECTOR Invoicing and statistical data Airport Airline Airline Airport

  4. Synthesis per theme : Regulations • Legal obligation of the airports and the airlines to declare their data to the Civil Aviation since 1982 • Signature of a contract between the airport (British Aviation Authority) and the airlines for the statement of air traffic data ENGLAND • Legal obligation of the airlines to declare air traffic data but in reality the exchanges between the airport and the airlines are more like a gentleman agreement, formalised by a contract NETHERLANDS • Legal obligation of the airlines to declare air traffic data to DELSTATIS. The statement is made by the airports • According to the German law, obligation of the carriers to declare their data to the airports on a daily basis GERMANY FRANCE • Aéroports de Paris collects air traffic data for the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) • Current law does not state the list of data to declare, ending to a gentleman agreement for air traffic data collection from the airlines towards the airports • Legal obligation of the airlines to declare their data to Transports Canada according to three forms • On-going project of law to enforce penalties to recalcitrant airlines • Implementation of a kind of gentleman agreement between Aéroports de Montréal and the carriers. These latter accept to provide to ADM passenger traffic data, similar to those sent to the governmental authorities. Today, 2 out of 36 carriers are recalcitrant to provide the forms to ADM (not Air France) CANADA A more important legislative and contractual control is noticed in the countries visited. This enables to collect air traffic data without any real problem. For information, Canada plans to administrate penalties for recalcitrant or late carriers.

  5. ENGLAND NETHERLANDS Business Centre Support (Glasgow) Collection Collection CANADA Statistics Invoicing Statistics Invoicing InvoicingDepartment Marketing/StatisticsDepartment Collection FRANCE GERMANY Statistics Invoicing Collection Collection Legend Department 1 Statistics Invoicing Statistics Invoicing Department 2

  6. Synthesis per theme : Internal Organisation of airport authorities • British Airport Authority (BAA) : • Collection and invoicing centralised for all the aiports in a Business Support Centre at Glasgow • Workforce : 4 people for air traffic data collection, 4 people for invoicing and 2 people for disputes ENGLAND • SCHIPHOL : • Centralised invoicing NETHERLANDS • FRAPORT : • Collection and Statistics are gathered together in the same Department • Invoicing centralised • Workforce : one person (from Statistics Department 18 persons) in charge of data collection and dispatch to the different databases GERMANY FRANCE • Aéroports de Paris : • Collection and invoicing centralised. Data are then sent to the Statistics Department • Aéroports de Montréal : • Collection spread between Invoicing Department (movements) and Marketing/Statistics Department (passengers) • Workforce : 2 persons for invoicing aeronautical services and one for the leases • Existence of a private sub-contractor AEROMAG for invoicing and the management of the de-icing operations CANADA No typical model of organisation comes out from the study. BAA organisation seems very similar to Aéroports de Paris organisation : collection and invoicing are gathered together.

  7. DEPARTURE ARRIVAL PAX Movement Freight (weight) Mail (weight) PAX Movement Freight(weight) Mail(weight) Purchases additional data Surveys ENGLAND Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Yes Yes(UK CAA) NETHERLANDS Often estimated Aucun problème Often estimated Often estimated Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Yes Yes(SCHIPHOL) Good level of satisfaction in terms of deepness and reliability of data GERMANY Yes No Good level of satisfaction in terms of deepness and reliability of data Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Project of buying MIDT Yes FRANCE Corrected / estimated Aucun problème Corrected / estimated Corrected / estimated Aucun problème Aucun problème Corrected / estimated Corrected / estimated CANADA Yes No Aucun problème Problem on aircraft registration Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème Aucun problème

  8. Synthesis per theme : Data • Civil Aviation Authority : data collected considered as reliable. No problem on data. Origins – Destinations are known. Some data can be sold but not at a flight level. Continuous surveys are undertaken on 5 airports for specific studies • British Aviation Authority (BAA) : data reliable at 90-95% ; no problem on any data. Origins – Destinations are known only for the coming and the leaving segment for the airport ENGLAND • SCHIPHOL : no problem on departure data. Airlines which do not provide the information are invoiced on the total number of seats offered. For arrival data, the level of satisfaction is not as high as expected, especially for passengers, freight and mail. In some cases, these data are estimated. No MIDT are bought at the moment. Continuous surveys are undertaken (10 weeks every semester) from 70000 departing passengers and 30000 connecting passengers, enabling to better know the passengers profiles : age, sex, reason of travelling, purchase behaviour…. NETHERLANDS • DELSTATIS :data collection through the airports without any problem • FRAPORT : no real problem on data collection due to its system based on SITA operational messages. Purchase of numerous data : MIDT from ADM (SABRE opponent), JANS (information on airlines for knowledge management), OAG (flights planning's), financial data, studies. No data is sold. Origins – Destinations are known only if it is the same flight GERMANY FRANCE • Aéroports de Paris : problems on PAX arrival and on both freight and mail, arrival and departure • Transports Canada : • No problem on data thanks to the information system used that is directly linked to databases • Plans to add the data collection on freight and general aviation, as well as financial data and Origins – Destinations today sent on paper • Data purchases : Official Airline Guide, MIDT from SABRE, Canadian Transport Agency (flights licenses), Billing Setlement Plan (PAX following), PC Fleet. • Aéroports de Montréal : No problem on data except aircraft registration. Purchase of Canadian MIDT in order to know the Origins - Destinations, but thinks that quality is getting worse CANADA In general, data do not cause any real problem. SCHIPHOL estimates arrival data if necessary. We notice that departure data are always accurate because used for invoicing (otherwise the airline is invoiced at a maximum rate). Most airports and Civil Aviation Authorities buy additional data (MIDT…) or even do some surveys (case of UK CAA & SCHIPHOL)

  9. GERMANY NETHERLANDS Airline database or DCS ~99% FLIRT*FRASwerved system CANADA CISSOperational airport system SITA operational messages FLIRT*FRA Mail, fax Mail, fax Nav CanadaAir traffic control tower FRANCE ENGLAND ADMRoadway control tower AIRPORT 2020 REVEAir France SIOperational airport system Forms 2,4 or 6Airlines (Pax) Mainly ~60% ~39% CEDRESSwerved system CEDRES Airline database or DCS SIGlasgow ~1% Mainly SITA operational messages Mail, fax SARIAOperational airport system Mail, faxAirlines

  10. Synthesis per theme : Information Systems • Civil Aviation Authority : • Implementation in 1999 of an information system AA STAT for data collection • Monthly transmission of files and mails by the airlines and the airports • Exhaustiveness of data checked thanks to flights plans received from ACL (Airports Coordinated Limited) interfaced with AA STAT. • British Aviation Authority (BAA) : • Use of an information system for data collection, invoicing and billing based on Oracle solution. • Data are received on the daily basis through interfaces with operation airports systems and interfaces/fax/mails with the airlines ENGLAND • SCHIPHOL : • Use of operational airport system for data collection (CISS : Central Information System Schiphol). • Controls of data within CISS. • CISS is directly linked to the the billing tool FAVIS, based on Oracle solution and to a Datawarehouse for the statistical part NETHERLANDS • DELSTATIS : • Implementation of an information system SAS (Statistics Analysis System) for data collection • Monthly transmission of information from the most 25 important German airports (about 99,9% of the traffic passengers, freight, mail) through interfaces or mails • FRAPORT : • Implementation of an information system developed with FIPLAN, FLIRT*FRA for data collection • System working on SITA operational messages from airports and airlines • Disposal of a swerved terminal FLIRT*FRA at the carriers’, interfaced to the central system ; otherwise manual declaration GERMANY FRANCE • DGAC : project of implementation of a system for data collection for the French airports except Paris • Aéroports de Paris : implementation of CEDRES with swerved terminal ; system based on SITA operational messages. For Air France, a file is received. Otherwise fax, mail. • Transports Canada : • Implementation of specific system CESTA interfaced with the DCS or a database of the airline (J+1 or even real time) otherwise access through a WEB secured portal or sending of a form through the web. • Aéroports de Montréal : • Implementation of AIRPORT 2020, interfaced with the information system of the air traffic control tower (Nav Canada) and the gateway control tower (SI Smart Airport) for the movements collection. • Passengers are manually keyboarded in AIRPORT 2020. • Use of SAP for finance and accounting. • Release of invoices (EXCEL or PDF) with CRYSTAL REPORT system. • Project of linking AIRPORT 2020 and CESTA (Transports Canada) & implementation of a similar system to FIPLAN for the pax Origins – Destinations pax collection through the reading of SITA operational messages CANADA All the airports have implemented a specific system for air traffic data collection, except SCHIPHOL which uses its operational airport system. FRAPORT uses a system very close to CEDRES using SITA operational messages. Transports Canada and BAA have interfaces with the airlines DCS and/or other databases.

  11. Synthesis per theme : Reporting Reporting COMEX M FRAPORT Every Monday SCHIPHOL Every Tuesday AEROPORTS DE PARIS Every Friday BAA Every week for each airport (traffic PAX) AEROPORT DE MONTREAL Every month on J+10/15 Press release M M+1 BAAJ+6 SCHIPHOLJ+20/21 FRAPORTJ+10+1=11 AEROPORT DE MONTREALJ+20 AEROPORTS DE PARISJ+10+(2)+8=20 One day of work is necessary by the Press Department to make the release Except Aéroports de Montréal, all the airports report on a weekly basis to their Executive Committee. For the press release, the gap between FRAPORT and Aéroports de Paris comes from the duration of writing comments on statistical data by the Press Department (1 day Vs 6 days).

  12. Table of contents Synthesis per theme Details per country Synthèse des scénarios

  13. 100% automatic(98% of traffic = 82 carriers) Semi automatic Airlines and assistants Small airlines Web access @ DCS Database ATC tower Forms 2, 4 & 6 Real time Once a week, or month or semester J+1 Nav Canada Statistics Canada Transports Canada MOUVEMENTS(mail) WEB ENCRYPTION MOVEMENTS(mail/interface?) Purchases of data Official Airline Guide MIDT (SABRE) Canadian Transport Agency (flight licenses) BSP (Billing Setlement Plan) : following of PAX PC fleet STUDIESANALYSISFORECASTS CESTA(data validated at J+5) CPF Airports and carriers codes. Codes used are either under IATA format or ICAO format (10 persons) Air traffic data First airport : Aéroports de Montréal Transport Canadian Agency Statistics Canada Airports (on going)

  14. Transport Canada & Statistics Canada CONTEXT INFORMATION SYSTEMS • Two main missions of Transport Canada are to : • Elaborate politics in the aerial • Take care of aspects Safety / security • Transport Canada elaborates forecasts of traffic and analyses for airports and Nav Canada, whereas Statistics Canada formulates no politics. Statistics Canada makes statistics on the history ( no forecasts), has in responsibility the population census etc. • From then on Transport Canada launched a phase of application of a system of information CESTA (or ECATS in English) to collect the data in a quasi-systematic and real-time way. • During 4 years, the collection was entrusted to Statistics Canada. Since the events of September 11th, 2001, strengthened by the problem of pointed respiratory syndrome ( 2004 ), the government judged that it was necessary to have real-time data and to confide the data collection to Transport Canada. • A pilot was launched at the beginning of 2003 on 6 airports and 6 carriers. The phase of application ended in March, 2006 (phase 1). • The CESTA system is a program of electronic collection of statistics on the air transport. The data are collected according to three streams (interface WEB coded): • 100% automated : • 1/ Link from the DCS or another database of the airline to CESTA ; data provided in real time • 2/ Link from an airline database to CESTA ; data provided at J+1 • These flows concern 82 carriers. • These two streams concern 82 carriers representing 95/98 % of the traffic. ½ day is necessary to set up the system at the carrier. • Automated Semi : • 3/ Access to a portal WEB reassured to complete the information or the sending of a form via the portal WEB. This stream concerns essentially the small companies for which a work of reporting can be made with a lesser frequency (1 time a week or 1 time a month even once by quarter). • All the data is sent via WEB and is coded insuring a perfect confidentiality of the information. • There are besides user profiles to assure a perfect confidentiality of the data. PROJECTS REGULATIONS • The phase 2 of the project (at the end target in March, 2009) consists in: • Spread the program to the freight and to the general aviation. 133 carriers CARGO are in the perimeter. The collection for these last ones will lean on the system Advanced Cargo Information existing in the USA and in Canada, in which the companies declare in advance what will be loaded with in the aircraft. • Collect financial data (States 10, 12, 20, 21 today collected under paper shape). • Know the Origins - Destinations of the passengers (State 3). • The statutory context obliges airline companies to declare to Transport Canada their activities according to the following laws: • Law on Transports in Canada - Article 50 • Law on Statistics – Article 22 • These laws refer to the forms 2, 4 and 6. • A bill is in the course of editorial staff to administer administrative fines to the contrary carriers. • The distribution of the collected information is made after agreement of the carrier. MISC. • During the study shift, FIPLAN was pushed aside because considered too expensive in the purchase and inferring recurring costs due to the use of messages SITA. • No data is sold.

  15. Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) Movements PAX ICAO Airlines and assistants Transports Canada Airlines and assistants PAX, movements, etc. Control tower NAV CANADA Control towers Nav Canada SGAT (ADM) Forms 2, 4 & 6 Transports Canada Management of aeronautical space and runways Management of the gate ways around the terminal CESTA J+1 PAX DCSDatabaseWeb access Movement SmartAirport Target @ Forms 2, 4 or 6(electronic or paper) Marketing Department (ie statistics) Control tower Invoicing Department J+1 PAX J+1 Web access < (M+1) J+15 Movement ADM Marketing/Statistics Department < (M+1) J+5 AIRPORT AIRPORT 2020 Invoice ADM Invoicing Department Reference tables Keyboarding PAX/carrier/month/sector Interface between CESTA and AIRPORT 2020 (=> no contact anymore with the airlines) MONTH M MONTH M+1 All data except PAX per flight M+1 M+2 J+20 MonthlyBetween J+10 & J+15 PAX/vol Arrival & Departure SAP Crystal Report Database Reporting COMEX Finance/accounting Activity report for month M Access Invoice Invoice PAX Month M+1 PDF or EXCEL formats Statistics Invoice Movements Month M (2 times/month)

  16. Aéroports de Montréal CONTEXT SYSTEMES D’INFORMATION • Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) is a non-profit organization and without capital actions (shares). • The main tasks of ADM are to : • Ensure high quality standard for services. • Contribute to the economical development of Montreal county. • Maintain a good cohabitation with the environment. • ADM is since 1992 responsible for the management, the exploitation and the development of 2 airports, according to a 60 years lease signed with Transports Canada : • Montréal-Trudeau international airport (commercial aviation and business aviation). • 36 commercial airlines going to 117 destinations in 34 countries around the world, carrying 11,3 millions of passengers & 225 departures per day in average. • Montréal-Mirabel international airport (Cargo et industrial development). • Passengers • This information is supplied by the carriers before the 15th day of the month following to the Marketing service (ie Statistics) in the form of States 2, 4 or 6 messengers to Statistics Canada and\or Transport Canada. 2 main canals exist : • Electronic format (text, Access, pdf,…) or paper (fax, mail) • Accessible via un web portal CESTA (IS of Transport, with carriers authorisation) today the fifth day of the following month (target) • The passengers thus arise from 2 sources: either Transport Canada or the carrier. Eventually, there will be no more contact with the carrier. • The Marketing Service (ie Statistics) makes every month the work to calculate the number of PAX / CARRIER / MONTH / SECTOR. These data are seized by the department of invoicing in the central system of collection and invoicing AIRPORT 2020 (of the supplier TALGENTRA). • Movements • Movements are collected through interfaces with the control tower IS : • ATC tower : NAV Canada (which manages the air space and the runways), organization managed before November 1996 by Transport Canada • Gateway control tower, owned by : SGAT using the IS SMART AIRPORT. • The data are poured in the central system AIRPORT 2020 to J+1. The existence of two sources of different data allows to cross the information and to make sure of the reliability of figures. Approximately 10 % of the data are manually handled in AIRPORT 2020. The system completes the information by means of reference tables about various subjects (N recording, type of device / carrier, bookkeeper, airports, sector of origin of the flight) updated by the Invoicing in the system AIRPORT 2020. • The invoice is published via a software of creation of report (CRYSTAL REPORT) interfaced to AIRPORT 2020. The invoice is very detailed up to the movement and maybe passed on electronic format (PDF and EXCEL). REGULATIONS • Before 2001, Air Canada was the point of data collection for the other carriers allowing to have the number of embarked passengers monthly magazine of the carriers by sector. The piece of information was very aggregated and incomplete (many omissions of statement). • Since 2001, further to the discussions within a committee formed by 4 carriers (Air Canada, Delta, Air Transat, American Airlines) and of the ATAC (Air Transport Association of Canada), was set up a sort of agreement gentleman between ADM and the carriers. The carriers agree to supply to ADM the data of traffic temporary identical to those passed on in the governmental authorities Transport Canada and\or Statistics Canada (States 2, 4 or 6). To date, 2 carriers on 36 are contrary in the supply of states to ADM (not Air France). • At the end, ADM would like that Transports Canada become its data provider.

  17. Aéroports de Montréal DATA ORGANISATION • Not of real problem on the collection of the data (Arrived and Departure). A satisfaction rather good, the data are reliable for the movements because stemming from 2 sources (less than 1 % of error). For the PAX also. • N° of recording of the device is the information which raises most problem because is collected by means of twins by the control tower, then seized in the IS SMART AIRPORT. Eventually, this difficulty will not exist maybe any more further to the possibility of a project of application of radars of track. Nav Canada possesses nevertheless this information but does not pass on it (will to stock up any more, eventually, data of Nav Canada). • Confidentiality • Only the monthly PAX is seized in AIRPORT 2020 for the invoicing. PAX / FLIGHT Arrival and Departure are stored in an appropriate data base among which only three persons of ADM have access. These data do not thus appear in the store of data. • The whole invoicing is centralized within the same service representing 3 persons. 2 persons for the invoicing of the aeronautical services and a person in charge of the invoicing of the various leases. • Besides, ADM appeals to a deprived subcontractor AEROMAG for the invoicing and the operation of the centre of defrosting. The carriers collection also for ADM a tax on tickets corresponding at the expense of airport improvement ( FAA). The carriers collect a 5 % commission for this task. • Transport Canada collects only rents of airports for their management. Airports have the responsibility to collect besides a tax of safety which is directly put back to the Government. PROJECTS • In 2007, AIRPORT 2020 is going to be upgraded (implemented in June 2003). • The target is the interfacing of CESTA (ECATS in English) or the other source of data passengers with AIRPORT 2020. • Tack radars (see data). • ADM buys Canadian MIDT with the aim of knowing the Origins - Destinations and canvassing the carriers and developing the aerial. A project would be to use a system as FIPLAN to know the segments of flights (collection of the information via the reading of messages SITA) about statistical purposes to stop buying MIDT ; the quality of which degrades strongly. INVOICING • The fixing of a price scale for the temporary traffic (general tax of terminal) corresponds in 2007 (different from 2006) to the cost by embarked PAX by distinguishing the domestic, cross-border and international. The invoicing is made every month for the PAX and is made in advance, based on one estimated by passengers of the month following according to seats subjected to the schedule. An adaptation of invoicing is made late in the year on the final number of embarked passengers. • The air movements are also charged in the form of royalties of landing in 2007 based on the MTOW (Maximal Take Off Weight) of the aircraft: $/1000 kg with a minimal threshold. These royalties are twice charged a month. • We note a significant simplification of the rules of invoicing from 2007. • The carriers who do not respect the politics are charged on the totality of the offer of seat from Montréal-Trudeau for loads calculated on a base passengers. MISC. • AIRPORT 2020 exists in Chicago, Sydney, Dublin etc. AIRPORT 2020 was chosen in depends on the offer of STERIA which was the double of the price.

  18. Amsterdam airport (SCHIPHOL) EUROSTAT Airlines Airlines Civil Aviation Authority Numerous interfaces and translators Government Statistic Organisation MovementPAXFleet configuration IN THE COURSE OF NEGOTIATION Flights details Invoicing Department Statistics Department AIRPORT Invoice Checks of data REPORTS M+2 J+18/20 J+21/22 M M+1 Flight and carry report for the airlines Publications on internet CISS = Central Information System Schiphol Group (Operational Data) CDW = CISS Data Warehouse (Historical Data) FAVIS = Invoice system RIS = Retail Information System CO = Continues Survey information NOMOS = Noise measure system WINGS = Noise monitoring system Every Tuesday, report to the Executive Committee Press release

  19. Amsterdam airport (SCHIPHOL) CONTEXT DONNEES • The status of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is a private company. The Government is one of the major shareholders with 78%. 20% belong to Amsterdam and 2% Rotterdam • For the outgoing data on flight basis, there is no problem on data collection because if the information is not provided, airlines are full charged for passengers, based on the seat capacity. • For incoming data, some problems exist on data collection for PAX, freight and mail. The level of completion and accuracy is not as expected. In some cases it is necessary to estimate the load. • Outgoing Data on flight level are collected on a daily basis. The day after, data are systematically checked. Incoming and outgoing data with load on route level per flight are collected on weekly or monthly basis. • In addition to flight reports collected, airlines provide information about their aircraft fleet (MTOW, Noise, aircraft configuration….). • A continues survey is also undertaken on departing PAX (70000 local boarding, 30000 transferring per year). By this survey, which is taken place during 10 weeks every trimester, Schiphol is able to get a complete passenger profile of sex, age, travel reason, buying behaviour etc.. • The level of accuracy of data can be considered as good. • Some data are bought by the Cargo Marketing Department; Nature and type of freight are not known. Maybe in the future some data will be bought from CARGONAUT which owns a huge database, which contains also type of cargo. MIDT are not bought at the moment. REGULATIONS • The law demands that airlines declare general air traffic data. For data on flight and route level there are Airport Regulations, but the situation is more like a gentleman agreement between the airport and the airlines, through a contract signed between the two actors. INFORMATION SYSTEMS • The information system, which is also used for air traffic data collection is the operational system of the airport (renewed system called CISS Central Information System Schiphol). CISS include all flights: commercial and non commercial ones. Many checks are processed in this system according to the different data coming from the various sources. • FAVIS is directly connected to CISS and later on the final results are connected to the flights in the CDW. Blocktimes/Gate etc. are put into the CISS by Schiphol Airport Operations and other information like load, aircraft specifications etc. are put in by an Airport Administration Office, who also takes care of the invoicing. • FAVIS, CISS, CDW are specific developments. About 60/80 interfaces or translators exist between the external sources and CISS. A project is planed next year to harmonize the inputs of load (Pax, Cargo and Mail per route) into CISS. INVOICING • Invoicing is made four times a month for movements and outgoing passengers. There is no invoice on freight. • Fees invoiced are the following: Landing, Take off, Parking, Passenger (departing and transferring), Air traffic control (for the Government), Noises charges (for the Government) ORGANISATION • 5 people collect and control data at the Administration. They do invoicing as well. • 3 people work on the specific topic of airport noise, due to the penalties that have to be given by the Government in case the level of noise is too high and exceeds at different locations of the airport. • 6 people are working at Statistics & Intelligence, the department who makes all the analyses, reports and forecasts for the Airport Management, the Airlines, the Handlers and other various parties. PROJECT • Replacing the present way of Data collection by a more modern way of electronic data interchange with the Airlines and Handlers directly into the CISS

  20. EUROSTAT Airport ICAO Politics & Industry Airports Airlines Airline National Office of Statistics(Statistisches Bundesamt) Airline Airport Every month (mail, interface) Airline Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Airport About 25 airports (representing 99,9% of the traffic PAX, fret & mail) Flight report List of official data to be provided by carriers

  21. DELSTATIS – Statistisches Bundesamt (~ Civil Aviation Authority) CONTEXTE DONNEES • DELSTATIS or Statistisches Bundesamt is a governmental body close to the DGAC, dependent on the Home Office. • Its role is to elaborate statistics of traffic and to satisfy the obligations of reporting of the country to EUROSTAT and to the ICAO. • No real problem really exists for the data collection as far as all the information is collected in a automatic way via the operational messages. • The data are collected with 25 airports (the most important that is those whose passenger number a year is superior to 150000), representing 99,9 % of the traffic (passengers, freight and mail). REGLEMENTAIRE PUBLICATIONS • The law demands airlines to declare their data of traffic. The statement of these data to DELSTATIS is made via airports. • Since 2003, DELSTATIS has an obligation to supply statistical states of traffic in the European body EUROSTAT. • DELSTATIS supplies numerous monthly and annual analyses available on internet. • A press review is elaborated all the quarters. • The data processing before publication is of the order of 5 in 6 weeks. SYSTEMES D’INFORMATION • The major part of the German airports are equipped with information system of FIPLAN, identical to that implemented at the airport of Frankfort. This system leans on the operational messages sent by airline companies, reads them and translated. • DELSTATIS implemented an information system SAS (Statistics Analysis System) for the collection and the management of the data of traffic.

  22. Frankfort airport (FRAPORT) ICAOEurostat Airlines StatistischesBundesAmt Airlines LDM MVT PTM SLS BTM DCS Traffic data SITA operational messages Statistics Department Arriving flight Departing flight DCS Invoicing Department FLIRT*FRA From the carrier or the airport Airport Swerved system Invoice FRAPORT J+1 SITA operational messages MONTH M MONTH M+1 FLIRT*FRA Operational system of the airport LDM MVT PTM SLS BTM J+9 J+10 J+11 M+1 M+2 “Flight report” from the carriers with an electronic signature J+8 Every Monday Checks on data exhaustiveness Comments on data and sending to Press Department All the data are collected and checked for month M Reporting COMEX Press Department work DCS : Departure Control System SAP Stat. Statistisches BundesAmt Activity Report for month M available at 7am on internet Invoice

  23. Frankfort airport (FRAPORT) CONTEXT DATA • FRAPORT is a privatized company the main shareholders of which are: • Governement 58% : Francfort, « Germany exchangeable », Hesse • Private 37% : Lufthansa, Julius Bar, Free Float • Capital group 5% • FRAPORT collects air traffic data for the Statistisches BundesAmt which reports to EUROSTAT. • FRAPORT Group owns the following airports : • Germany : Frankfort, Hanover, Saarbrücken, Frankfort Hahn (low costs airlines) • Abroad : Antalya (Turkey), Le Caire (Egypt), Lima (Peru), Varma & Burgas (Bulgaria) • Data are collected on a daily basis. • At last, at J+3, 100% of the data are collected. There is no specific problem on data collection except for some exotic destination where FLIRT*FRA can’t read the message, but the problem nearly never occurs. • In terms of volume, about 1300 flight reports are collected every day • In addition, FRAPORT buys a lot of data: • MIDT (from ASM ; competitor of SABRE) • JANS (airline information for knowledge management) • OAG (flight planning) • Financial data • Studies • The various produced studies and the data are not sold. • The Origins-Destinations with the PAX breakdown are known only if it refers to the same flight. REGULATIONS • According to the Germanic law on the statistics, the carriers have obligation to declare their data of traffic in a daily way. • The law does not allow to reveal information of traffic on a segment of flight if there is not at least three airline companies. The broadcasting is necessarily made then at an aggregated level. INVOICING • The invoicing is made by decade. At the latest, the second day of the next month, all the invoices are sent. • The invoicing is made in SAP interfaced with FLIRT*FRA. INFORMATION SYSTEMS • FRAPORT has developed with the software company FIPLAN a program called FLIRT*FRA in 1991. Then the program was sold to FIPLAN and to other airports. This program is based on SITA operational messages that the system collects and reads. • This program has been implemented in the following airports: Frankfort, Hanover and Saarbrücken • In Frankfort, the system is used by 20 airlines and handlers covering 100% of commercial airlines and more than 95% of cargo and general aviation. The fax is used to declare the flight report when FLIRT*FRA has not been implemented. Sometimes, for charterfreight flights, paper is used as well. • For new airlines, a contract is signed with the airline for the use of FLIRT*FRA. • Note: FLIRT*FRA is the standard of exchange in Germany for data (like Excel or whatever could be). ORGANISATION • A person (of the Service Statistics 18 persons) handles the data collection and the sending in the various data bases.

  24. 35-40 carriers and 110 smaller ones 70 airports Airlines Airports Commercial flights and Cargo EXCEL or CSV lines EXCEL or CSV lines MONTHLY AA STAT (data validated at J+5) UK Civil Aviation Authority ACL Airports Coordinated Limited (flight plans) Studies & Analysis ICAO EUROSTAT

  25. UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) CONTEXT DATA • The CAA, which is a Public Corporation was established in 1972. The CAA is an independent aviation regulator with all civil aviation regulatory functions – Economic Regulation, Airspace Policy, Safety Regulation and Consumer Protection integrated within one specialist body. • Data is collected through two different separated channels: • Airports : sourced from UK airports, data illustrates operations made by UK and non UK carriers • Airlines : sourced only from UK carriers illustrating their total operations • Data collected represent: • 70 airports • 35-40 large airlines and 110 smaller ones • For the airports, data collected refers to both commercial and non commercial traffic with flight by flight detail with regard to Air Transport Movements (ATMs). For 53 out of 70, airports the level of detail of data collected is down to individual flight. • Data collection is made on a monthly basis. • The Data collected is considered as having a good level of accuracy. Once data files are received, they are loaded onto AASTATS which provides a number of complex logic checks giving the capability to check the data and to highlight different gaps or errors or non rational figures. Accuracy is then reviewed by staff using a complex set of exception reports. The staff working on the data provide a very deep knowledge enabling the detection of errors that would not otherwise be detected by the system. • Roughly, about 200 000 records (flights) are received every month within the Airport data collection • Contrary to the French CAA (DGAC), the Origin – Destination are known together with (where supplied) the breakdown per PAX for multi sector flights REGULATIONS • The 1982 Civil Aviation Act, requires UK registered airlines and UK airports to submit data to the CAA. In addition the 2003 EU Air Transport Statistics Regulation requires member states to collect and submit data to Eurostat within prescribed formats according to traffic volume. INFORMATION SYSTEMS • Data is received by email via Excel spreadsheet, CSV or data file format.. They are then loaded into a bespoke system AASTATs (Airline & Airport Statistics). The data base is is 7 years old and was developed specifically for the needs. It is planned to replace it in the following years. FEES PUBLICATION • The CAA fees are comprised of both fixed and variable charges. • The CAA invoices fees: • To the airports Rate per PAX (number) and every 200kgs of cargo (freight+mail) on both arrivals and departures. • To UK airlines: AOC Charges - Rate per 1000 seat kms and 1000 tonne kms OR Rate per block hour flown. ATL Charges – Rate per 1000 passengerkms and 1000 tonne kms. • For the airports, the intended publication dates are as followes: • Up to the 21st (target), data are sent by both airlines and airports for month M. • The 14th of month M+1 : first snapshot of raw data • The 21st of month M+2 : second snapshot with more accurate figures. • In fact many airlines and airports tend to deliver data with delayHowever the publication dates are challenging as not all data is received by these due dates. About one month is required to process the data and produce complete validated tables • For the Airports, data is published about seven or eight weeks after month M end, for Airlines, nine to ten weeks after data month. • The planning of publication on internet is rolling on a monthly basis (figures per month or per year). • Every Friday, some releases are provided: Provisional CAA airports statistics, Provisional international routes, Provisional domestic routes • A wide variety of statistical data is freely available on the CAA website. In addition, it is possible to provide bespoke reports from the Airport database only. Data can only be released down to monthly aggregate due to confidentiality constraints. MISC. • The level of satisfaction is very good. Data received are accurate. Lots of communication is undertaken with the airports and the airlines. Therefore the CAA is highly regarded and is considered as being pro-active. The requirements of IACO are met for data collection. • In addition to the airport and airline data collection above . Passenger surveys are undertaken in a number of UK airports (including a continuous core of 5 airports). The passenger survey looks to identify mode of transport to/from the airport in question, passenger socio demographic data and business / leisure passenger splits. This information is used in assessing the type of market served by airports, for forecasting air transport demand and for planning airport facilities.

  26. Heathrow Airport (BAA) CONTEXT DATA • BAA manages 7 airports : Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Southampton, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen • 12000 employees worldwide ; 10000 in UK. • Data collection is centralised at Glasgow within a Business Support Centre. • The data collection is daily from 2 sources: • Airports via their operational management systems • Airline companies by fax, e-mail, via interfaces • The level of reliability of the data is estimated between 90 and 95 %. • The Origins-Destinations with PAX breakdown is known by the system for the incoming flight and departing flight segment (referring to the airport). INVOICING REGULATIONS • The invoicing is made every 5 days. • The BAA charges approximately 900 £ millions a year of loads. So the process since the collection until the covering was the object of a revision of the tasks / individual to try to gain a maximum of time to maximize the cash flow of the company. • Efforts are today still supplied to win some days on the invoicing. • Invoices are electrically sent. • The rate of disputes is of the order of 3 %. • A contract is signed between the BAA and the airline companies for the statement of the data of traffic. INFORMATION SYSTEMS • The information system of collection of the data, the invoicing and the covering is based on a solution Oracle. • Airports have access to the base of the data of traffic. ORGANISATION • 5 persons handle the data collection, 4 persons for the invoicing, 2 for the disputes.

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