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Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History

Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History. with Mr. Hughes. Monday, 21 October 2013. Planner page 36. 1. Current Events (Set 8) 2. John Adams DVD 3. Declaration of Independence 4. Declaration Apology (music video) 5 . Perspectives on the Revolution. Standard is 8.1.

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Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History

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  1. Welcome to 8th Grade U.S. History with Mr. Hughes

  2. Monday, 21 October 2013 Planner page 36 • 1. Current Events (Set 8) • 2. John Adams DVD • 3. Declaration of Independence • 4. Declaration Apology (music video) • 5. Perspectives on the Revolution Standard is 8.1

  3. Tuesday, 22 October 2013 Planner page 36 • 1. Current Event #2 • 2. Perspectives on the Revolution • 3. Comparison Chart • 4. Ch. 3 Vocabulary • 5. Patriots Gain Hope • *Battles Standard is 8.1

  4. Wednesday, 23 October 2013 Planner page: 36 • 1. Current Event #3 • 2. Revolution Timeline • 3. Ch. 3 Vocabulary • 4. Patriots Gain Hope (I) • 5. Story of Us DVD Today’s History Standard is 8.1

  5. Thursday, 24 October 2013 Planner page: 37 • 1. Current Event #4 • 2. Patriots Gain Hope (I) • 3. Story of Us DVD • 4. Battles Scorecard Today’s History Standard is 8.1

  6. Friday, 25 October 2013 Planner page: 37 • 1. Assembly schedule • 2. Hughes Clues • 3. Valley Forge • 4. Story of Us DVD • 5. Battles Scorecard Today’s History Standard is 8.1

  7. Current Events (Set 8) 1. “Freedom of Speech vs. Pupil Safety: Appeals Court Hears Case of American Flag T-Shirts in School.” School officials barred students from wearing patriotic shirts on Cinco-de-Mayo over racial tensions. U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Students were given the option of wearing their shirts inside out, or going home….. They all went home

  8. Current Event #2 2. “Two Boy Scout Leaders Fired After Tipping Over Ancient Jurassic-era Rock Formation in Utah State Park.” Scouts violated policy of “Leave No Trace,” after toppling sacred 170 million year-old formation for safety reasons. They reportedly received death threats after toppling rock formation in Goblin Valley State Park

  9. Current Event #3 • 3. “Russia Charges 30 Environmentalists with Piracy in Greenpeace Protest Over Oil Drilling.” • Arctic Sunrise activists tried to scale Gazprom energy company oil platform in the Barents Sea. No 1st, 5th, 6th, 8th amendment protections Netherlands appeals to an International Law of the Sea tribunal for release activists 28 Activists and 2 freelance journalists cold be sentenced up to 15 years in prison

  10. Current Event #4 • 4. “Remember the Alamo: Gun Rights Activists Stir Controversy with Rally at Historic San Antonio Mission.” • 2nd Amendment backers break tradition of not staging gun-related events at symbol of Texas independence. Lone Star Republic / State Advocates say they were reasserting their long arms “open carry” rights with rifles & shotguns

  11. Patriot Sam Adams George III Patrick Henry Paul Revere Thomas Jefferson John Locke Thomas Paine John Hancock John Adams George Washington Loyalist

  12. Great Awakening Common Sense The Enlightenment Mayflower Compact: Magna Carta English Bill of Rights 1600’s- 1700’s 1730- 1740’s 1689 1620 1215 1776 Origins of Liberty

  13. Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776 10/19/1735 – 7/4-1826 4/2/1743 – 7/4-1826

  14. Declaration: What it means • “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,… a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” • When a people decide it’s time to separate and declare their independence… • it’s only fair for them to explain the reasons why.

  15. Declaration of Independence We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creatorwith certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, • These facts should be obvious: • All people are born with equal rights • These natural rights are given by God & cannot be taken away • Governments are created by the people to protect these rights. • When government fails to do so, the people have the right to change or replace it.

  16. Perspectives on the Revolution Logan Sam Adams King George III Crispus Attucks Standard is 8.1 John Dickenson (PA) Governor Hutchinson (MA) Abigail Adams

  17. Chapter 3 Preview: Patriots Gain New Hope L Long Island Battle of New York Molly Pitcher African American soldiers Marquis de Lafayette (France) Battle of Trenton (NJ) Battle of Saratoga (NY) Bernardo de Galvez (Spain) Baron Von Steuben (Prussia) Valley Forge (PA)

  18. Chapter 3 / Section 3: Patriots Gain New Hope (Page 90) You are serving as a maid at an inn or tavern in New York City during the Revolutionary War. British Officers and soldiers often stop at the inn for a meal. You can sometimes overhear their conversations, though they don’t notice you. Now a Patriot leader has asked you to bring him any information you hear. You want to help the Patriot cause but wonder what Will happen if you are caught spying. How would you feel about spying on the British soldiers? History Standard: 8.1

  19. Chapter 3 / Section 3: Patriots Gain New Hope (Page 90-91) Think – Pair - Share What do you think was the biggest advantage or disadvantage for the British or Patriotsat the beginning of the American Revolution? Who had the biggest advantage or disadvantage? History Standard: 8.1

  20. Chapter 3 / Section 3: Patriots Gain Hope (Page 92-93) Crossing the Delaware George Washington James Monroe Why was Battle of Trenton an important victory for the Patriots? History Standard: 8.1

  21. Chapter 3 / Section 3: Patriots Gain Hope (Page 94-95) French Navy History Standard: 8.1

  22. Chapter 3 / Section 3: Patriots Gain Hope (Page 96) Valley Forge, Pennsylvania Baron von Steuben Why was Valley Forge considered the low point of the war for George Washington? History Standard: 8.1

  23. Chapter 3 / Section 3: Patriots Gain Hope (Page 97) George Rogers Clark Frontier fighter Continental Navy: John Paul Jones “I have not yet begun to fight!” History Standard: 8.1

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