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GSPC Technical Affairs Sub Committee

Chair Eric M. Flint, President Mevicon Inc . 2534 W. Middlefield Rd Mountain View, CA 94043 (650) 969-2675 www.mevicon.com Eric.flint@mevicon.com. GSPC Technical Affairs Sub Committee. Responsibilities/Scope GSPC : Technical Affairs Subcommittee. Core Support AIAA Journals.

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GSPC Technical Affairs Sub Committee

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  1. Chair Eric M. Flint, President Mevicon Inc. 2534 W. Middlefield Rd Mountain View, CA 94043 (650) 969-2675 www.mevicon.com Eric.flint@mevicon.com GSPCTechnical Affairs Sub Committee

  2. Responsibilities/ScopeGSPC: Technical Affairs Subcommittee • Core • Support AIAA Journals. • Provide focal point for technical expertise in each main discipline of Gossamer spacecraft. • Historical Advocacy • Organize a session every few years at the SDM to provide a forum for the presentation of Gossamer spacecraft related historical materials. Coordinate with the GSF Technical and Program Chairs. • Facilitate public access to technical information on historically significant Gossamer spacecraft systems. • Encourage the use of history as a teacher for future Gossamer spacecraft systems. • Standards Advocacy • Provide continuing liaison with AIAA standards activities committee and other technical society groups. • Organize and implement methods of standardization. Above per Interpretation of GSPC Charter

  3. Current Roster (as of 10/03)GSPC: Technical Affairs Subcommittee • Brett DeBlonk (AFRL) • Houfei Fang (JPL) • Eric Flint (Mevicon Inc.) Sub Committee Chair • Akilash Jha (Nextgen Aero) • Jim Moore (SRS) • Tom Murphey (AFRL) • Gunnar Tibert (University of Sweden) • Jason Tolomeo (Lockheed Martin) • Peter Warren (Foster Miller)

  4. Yearly ScheduleGSPC: Technical Affairs Subcommittee

  5. AI’s: Technical LiteratureGSPC: Technical Affairs Subcommittee • Journals (Activity #1) • Establish working sub-group or find volunteer to encourage conference authors to submit to journals • Perhaps drawn from Best Paper Competition? • Generate List of Volunteer Reviewers to Forward to relevant AIAA Journal Editor/Associate Editors • Aerospace America Article (Activity #2) • Interest in supporting Special Article/GSPC White Paper, ??? • Establish level of interest/relevancy • Establish working group or volunteer to spearhead effort • Establish effective “non-partisan” or “all-partisan” review procedure

  6. AI’s: Historical AdvocacyGSPC: Technical Affairs Subcommittee • Historical Focus Session(s) @ next SDM/GSF Activity (#3) • Generate Ideas • Echo I & II • Robert Forward Retrospective • Solar Sails • . . . • Identify lead session coordinators • Coordinate with 2005 Technical Chair (Prof. Suzanne Smith) • History Advocacy Projects Activity (#4) • Brainstorm on Possible Projects • Down Select • Identify this years effort, effort lead, POC, and/or working group • Implement • One Possible Idea: Generate Historical Reading List (For web site) • Gather references (eg.) • A History of Project Echo, Donald Elder, AAS History Series, Volume 16, 1995 • “The Coming Age of Solar Energy” D.S. Halacy Jr., Harper and Row, 1963, • . . . • Poll user community using GSPC Email list • Coordinate uploading of results with web site manager

  7. GSPCTechnical Affairs Subcommittee Action Items: Add definition to what one of our core responsibilities really means “Provide focal point for technical expertise in each main discipline of Gossamer spacecraft” We need to come to a common agreement on what these major disciplines are • Possibilities include • Technologies/Components Application Areas • Coatings - Support Structures • Materials - Sun Shields • Structures - Solar Sails • Packaging - Thin Film Solar Cell Arrays • Deployment - Concentrators • Rigidization Techniques - For Power Generation • Structural Dynamics - For SOTV • Attitude Control Aspects - Occulters • Active Control Aspects - Apertures • Inflation Systems - Communication • - SAR • - IR • . . . - Optical • How do we provide a focal point? • Generate a database of GSPC members (or friends?) who are active in the above areas • Other Ideas ?

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