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Effective Family Support Communication Strategies

Effective Family Support Communication Strategies. Candace Lindow-Davies Coordinator Minnesota Hands & Voices & Co-Author Karen Putz President Illinois Hands & Voices. Financial Disclosure Statement.

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Effective Family Support Communication Strategies

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  1. Effective Family Support Communication Strategies Candace Lindow-Davies Coordinator Minnesota Hands & Voices & Co-Author Karen Putz President Illinois Hands & Voices

  2. Financial Disclosure Statement • A: I have no relevant financial relationship with the manufacturers of any commercial products and/or provider of commercial services discussed in this CME activity. • B: I do not intend to discuss an unapproved/investigative use of a commercial product/device in my presentation.

  3. How Did This Get In Here? Geez, Mom!

  4. Overview • Minnesota Demographics • Background about MN Hands & Voices • Observations about Changing Needs of Parents • Communication Strategies • Application to Other States • Conclusion

  5. Minnesota Demographics • Approximately 70,000 births per year • 111 Birthing hospitals • Metro Area in Southeast of State • Vast rural communities • No UNHS mandate…yet

  6. Background on Minnesota Hands & Voices • 30 years of family support specific to deaf/hard of hearing in Minnesota • Strong signing, cueing and oral community • Family Support Connection in existence for over 6 years (Now MN Hands & Voices) • Program supported primarily by Greater Twin Cities United Way • Staff consists of 9 paid Parent Guides = under 2 FTE’s • 3 Metro • 6 Greater MN (Guide By Your Side Program) • 492 Unduplicated Parents/Professionals Served in 2006 • Over 700 on mailing list

  7. Observations about Changing Needs of Parents • 10 years ago, families had to personally attend workshops to get information or to find support from other families • Today, families have access to information without leaving their home • Families are far more complicated and heavily scheduled • Our charge is to make sure that parents get accurate, comprehensive information/support for all choices in as many ways as possible

  8. Communication Types Anonymous Interactions Passive Communication Group Interactions One-on-one Communication

  9. Communication Strategies:Passive Communication • Newsletters** • Mass Email Alerts • Web Site** • Fact Sheets** • Parent Welcome Letters** • New Parent Packets • **These items are on our web site

  10. Passive Communication:Newsletters • Mailed Version • Email Version • Web Site Posting • School Flyer • See our web site

  11. Passive Communication:Mass Email Alerts • Custom Designed Database • Client and Professional Information • Email/Mass Email System • Database stores incoming emails under the individual’s profile so history is kept • Past common responses can be searched and used again

  12. Example of MN Database:Mass Email

  13. Example of MN Database:New Client Profile

  14. Passive Communication: Fact Sheets • Variety of fact sheets developed based on common questions from parents • Topics include: Beginning sign language, cued speech, auditory training, communication options, resources in the Spanish-speaking community, unilateral hearing loss and so on • See our web site

  15. Passive Communication: Parent Welcome Letters • Tool used to encourage parents to reach out for support • Opens with explaining the family’s diagnosis story • Discuss one challenge or success • End with words of encouragement • Three letters in Spanish, Hmong and Somali languages • See our web site

  16. Parent Welcome Letters

  17. Communication Strategies:Anonymous Interactions • Chat Rooms/Bulletin Boards • Email

  18. Anonymous Interactions: Hands & Voices Bulletin Board • Parents can post questions about different topics • Moderated • Can pose questions specifically to a state chapter

  19. Hands & Voices Bulletin Board:http://www.handsandvoices.org/hv/phpBB2/

  20. Communication Strategies:One-on-one personal communication • Phone communication between Parent Guides and parent • Email communication between Parent Guides and parent • Facilitated phone/email contact between parents • In person meetings between Parent Guides and parents • Facilitated in person meetings between parents

  21. Communication Strategies:Small Group Interaction • Small group interaction at a setting familiar to the parent • Parent group at a school, church or cultural center • Small group interaction at a setting unfamiliar to the parent • Host organization’s site • Public Place

  22. Communication Strategies:Large Group Involvement • Social Events • Educational Workshops • Retreats • Regional Family Activities/Socialization Days

  23. Application to Other States(Or What I’ve Learned the Hard Way) • Events require months of advanced notice • Advertisements in more than one way/time • Marketing needs to “speak” to parents • Timing must be convenient • Barriers to participation need to be removed • Communication • Financial • Child Care • Parking • Site Location

  24. Other Take Home Points • Make events annual for the best attendance • Vary your events so they are accessible • Strive to appeal to appeal to different ages • Offer events in a variety of locations in your state • Get buy-in/support/recruitment from all groups • Check for Balance/Fairness • Experiment with interesting topics • Mix fun/social events with education

  25. Conclusion Parent education is an opportunity to bring necessary information to families at pivotal decision-making moments in their lives. Many different communication strategies must be engaged in order to reach families at different levels. A family armed with support, information and tools to advocate for their child…priceless!

  26. Contact Information Candace Lindow-Davies Family Support Coordinator MN Hands & Voices Family Support Connection Lifetrack Resources 709 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55104-4804 866-346-4543 Candaced@lifetrackresources.org www.familysupportconnection.org

  27. Contact Information Karen Putz President Illinois Hands and Voices www.Ilhandsandvoices.org Parentsofdeafhoh@aol.com

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