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Leadership Development for School Improvement

Discover the Specialist Leaders of Education (SLE) and Local Leaders of Education (LLE) programs offered by Exceed Academies Trust in Bradford. Become a part of Teaching Schools, the Exceed SCITT, and the School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) program to enhance your leadership skills. Benefit from evidence-based CPD and join a network of experienced system leaders. Eligible applicants must have a successful track record and be ready to contribute to school improvement in various areas.

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Leadership Development for School Improvement

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  1. Specialist Leaders of Education (SLE) and Local Leaders of Education (LLE) Paul Butler Director of School Improvement Exceed Academies Trust

  2. Introducing Teaching Schools

  3. Exceed SCITT and Teaching Schools Two Teaching Schools: Copthorne and Horton Grange primary schools School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT): Awarding QTS from September 2017, hubs in Bradford and Leeds Leading provider of leadership development in Bradford’s primary schools – Aspiring Headteacher, Aspiring Executive Headteacher, NPQs Large evidence-based CPD offer £263,500 SSIF project – 11 schools Bradford Opportunity Area board and working groups System leaders: 60+ SLEs. 13 LLEs. 4 NLEs. 3 NLGs. 1 Research Lead, 3 Research Champions, 1 Wellbeing Lead, 4 Wellbeing Champions – best of the best

  4. School improvement Leaders have responded with vigour and determination in addressing the areas for improvement identified at the last inspection. Continued engagement with a range of external partners, such as the local authority and a local teaching school alliance, have been instrumental in bringing about development at a fast pace. Harden Primary School Ofsted report, May 2018

  5. School improvement …the number of middle leaders increased from two in 2016 to seven in 2019, all leading different aspects of the school, including mindfulness and well-being, research and development in education, and parental engagement. As a result, the leadership and management of the school have been strengthened even further . Horton Park Primary School Ofsted report, June 2019

  6. Accountability The support will come from a MAT, an accredited system leader such as a teaching school, or a school improvement provider using evidence-based programmes. DfE, May 2018

  7. Eligibility: SLE • Leadership role below the Headteacher – 2 years+ • e.g. leadership of curriculum • HLTAs cannot apply • Don’t need to be from an ‘outstanding’ school • Your school must have capacity to ‘release’ you (up to 15 days per year)

  8. Eligibility Successful track record within your own school and/or from other schools Used coaching/facilitation skills to bring sustainable improvement Understand and able to communicate what constitutes ‘outstanding’ in your specialist area Understand how your skills can contribute to school improvement

  9. Areas of focus Leadership and management: Assessment, leadership of CPD, school business management, leadership of curriculum Pupil achievement: Closing the gaps, SEN, EY, more able, all curriculum areas, Citizenship Quality of teaching: ITT, NQT Behaviour and safety: Behaviour, attendance

  10. Eligibility: LLE Must: • be judged to be good serving headteacher with at least three years experience and expect to remain at current school for at least two years after designation • be able to demonstrate that you have sufficient experience of providing support as a coach or mentor to another headteacher or senior member of staff at a school other than your own • be able to commit to the minimum time expectation for LLE deployment (20-30 hours) • be accountable for one or more school(s) which meet the LLE school criteria • ‘Good’ school • show consistently high levels of pupil performance or continued improvement over the last three years • show capacity and experience of senior leaders to work with and support other schools

  11. How does your responsibilities and experience relate to these roles? Are you ready to apply? What can you do to support your readiness to apply?

  12. Example deployments Support data analysis and curriculum development Coaching a leader to develop practice Facilitating network meetings or leading training Research using evidence-based practice 1 to 19.5 days

  13. Deployment Doesn’t always have to be away from your classroom! Negotiated with Headteacher/LLE and SLE – capacity at that moment in time - brokerage Commissioning and QA – System leaders and Teaching School Interim/end of support report Record of Visits

  14. Deployment MATs becoming the key mechanism for deployment DfE grants significant Sponsorship Provenance for the school, trust and system leader Teaching Schools add formality to deployment: Vital for success

  15. What deployment(s) would interest you? How would you benefit from a deployment? How would your school benefit?

  16. Recruitment and retention SLE and LLE designation is part of this strategy Provide effective leaders with new opportunities and experiences Keep the best teachers and leaders in Bradford (and Leeds!) Links to Teacher and Headteacher Standards

  17. Payment for Teaching School-led projects/deployments Your school receives payments in some cases Teaching Schools costs covered – sustainability, recruitment, QA, training, applications for funding, reinvestment, etc SLE: £350 per day deployment fee to school/MAT requesting support from the Teaching Schools (£300 to your school/MAT; £50 to Teaching Schools to fund QA)

  18. Applying: SLE • Prepare application • Information pack and application forms • https://exceedacademiestrust.co.uk/teachingschools/s2s/sl/sle/ • Headteacher supporting statement • exceedtsa@exceedacademiestrust.co.uk • Short interview with presentation

  19. Applying: LLE • Prepare application • Information pack and application forms • https://exceedacademiestrust.co.uk/teachingschools/s2s/sl/lle/ • DCS or CEO supporting statement • exceedtsa@exceedacademiestrust.co.uk

  20. Questions or comments? Thank you for your time… @ExceedTSA #WeExceed

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