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Revising important people in Nelson Mandela’s life (1918-2013). who is who ?. Was born in Qunu (Transkei) 1918. He studied Law at the university Witwatersrand. He was one of the founders of ANC and also gave support to MK. He spent 27 years in prison.
Revisingimportantpeople in Nelson Mandela’slife (1918-2013) whoiswho?
Was born in Qunu (Transkei) 1918. He studied Law at the university Witwatersrand. He was one of the founders of ANC and also gave support to MK. He spent 27 years in prison. HE received the Nobel Peace Prize together with F.W. de Klerk. He later became the President of South of Africa ( 1994 – 1999) He got married three times: Evelyn Mase, Winnie and GraçaMachel. He had six children. Rolihlahla David Montsamayi Madiba NELSON MANDELA
And ethnic groups descendents from Holland (Dutch). They speak Afrikaans and nowadays the represent the 5% of South African population. Most of them are white. The were mainly Afrikaners the ones who introduced the apartheid law. (segregation of races) BOErs(Afrikaners)
(1928 – 1986) He was the chief of Thembu people. He was the uncle of Nelson Mandela, and raised him when his own father died. He was 56 years when he died. He taught to Nelson Mandela: how a leader should behave, History of Africa and the arrival of white people. Thembu people are part of the Xhosa nation. Chief Jongitaba
He wasa South African anti-apartheid politician. And a central figure and founder of the ANC. In 1955 becamethesecretary general of ANC after Walter Sisulu, but he hadtoorganiseitabroadfrom London where he becametheactingpresident (of the ANC). 3 yearsbeforehisdeath (1990) he waselectedthenationalcharmperson of the ANC. . Oliver Tambo
Born in 1936 and he’sstillalive. He wasthelaststatePresident of apartheid era in South Africa. De Klerkwasthe leader of thenationalparty. He putanend to the apartheid and he alsorelesed Nelson Mandela and otherpoliticiansfromprision. He receivedthe Nobel PeacePrize 1993. FrederikWillem de Klerk
Activiststhatfoughtagainst apartheid. Bram Fischer was a South Africanlawyer notable forthe anti-apartheid activistforthe legal defence of anti-apartheid figures. Joe Slovo /Ruth First/ Bram Fischer
Shewasborn in South Africa, 1922. Shewas a nurse and married Mandela in 1944. Theyhad 4 children. Shemet N. Mandela throughhercousin Walter Sisulu and his Albertina Sisula. EvelynMase
Shewasthesecondwife of Nelson Mandela. Shewas a South Africanactivist and a politicianwhoheldtheNationalAfricanCongressWomen’s League. Shewas a member of ANC ExecutiveCommittee. Shewasnominatedforthe Nobel PeacePrize and sheis 77 yearsoldnow. Winnie Madikizela
Daniel François Malan (1874 - 1959), more commonly known as D.F. Malan, was the Prime Minister of South Africa from 1948 to 1954. He is seen as a champion of Afrikaner nationalism. His National Party government came to power on the program of apartheid and began its comprehensive implementation. Dr. Malan (Daniel Françoise malan)
He wasborn in Netherlands in 1901- 1966 in Cape Town. He wasfirsttheMinister of Education in South Africa. He wasthe Prime Minister of S.A. in 1958-1966. He isremembered as theman of theconception of apartheid. Dr. Hendrik VerwoeRd
In 1961, during the first months of Mandela going underground, Kodesh hid him for nearly eight weeks in his one-room bachelor apartment in a white suburb of Johannesburg. WolfieKodesh
He wastheChief of OdlalaLakota notable in American History. He receivedthe Nobel PeacePrizebecause he worked as a peaceful leader in the ANC. He isthefirstAfrican to receive a Nobel Prize in 1961. Chief Luthuli
He was born in San Angelo. He graduated in sociaology. Teacher, journalist, theatre director, political activist, Vice-Chair of the Congress of Democrats Committee and member of uMkhontoweSizwe (MK), was in the car in which Nelson Mandela was arrested by the Security Police Cecil Williams
He wasborn 1912 – 2003. He was a South African anti-apartheid activist and member of the ANC. Serving at times theSecretary General and DeputyPresident of ANC. He wasjailed at Robben Island and spent more than 25 years in there. Walter Sisulu