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Articles. Objectives: to be able to tell the difference between “the” and “a”. NOUN = a person, place or thing. borrador. regla. bolígrafo. pegante. mochila. computadora. Why are some nouns in blue and why are some in pink?. bolígrafo. regla. mochila. borrador. pegante.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Articles Objectives: to be able to tell the difference between “the” and “a”

  2. NOUN = a person, place or thing

  3. borrador regla bolígrafo pegante mochila computadora

  4. Why are some nouns in blue andwhy are some in pink? bolígrafo regla mochila borrador pegante computadora

  5. List the masculine and feminine nouns regla bolígrafo mochila pegante computadora borrador

  6. But how do we say... THE The pencil The eraser The computer

  7. Well... In Spanish there are TWO ways! La El Which both mean.... The

  8. La is for feminine nouns La mochila

  9. El is for masculine nouns El lápiz

  10. Quick quiz!!!! • How you say THE for masculine? • What does “pegante” mean? • Is libro masculine or feminine? • How do you say “the” if you’re talking about a backpack?

  11. But how do we say... A A notebook A backpack A chair

  12. Well... In Spanish there’s TWO ways! una un Which both mean.... A

  13. la El una un

  14. Translations • Unaregla • A ruler • Unescritorio • Adesk • Unaagenda • An agenda

  15. What if there’s more than one though?!! Los

  16. For example: Loscolores Losbolígrafos

  17. La becomes Las in the plural • Lascalculadoras - Las agendas

  18. And one last thing!! how do we say... some Some books Some calculators

  19. For example: unascalculadoras Unoslibros

  20. nouns feminine elgendermasculinesentence la Masculine and Feminine Nouns (1)________ are words that tell you the name of a person, place or thing, e.g. table, book, school. In Spanish, all nouns have a (2)________ – they are either (3)____________ or (4)___________. It’s important to know which gender a noun is, as this affects other words in the (5)_________. When you learn a new word, try and learn which gender it is at the same time. The easiest way to do this is to remember whether you use (6)___ or (7)___ before it.

  21. EllápiceslasLos computadorareglabolígrafo lamochilaspapel To say ‘the’, you use: Masculine - _____ e.g. ____ ______________ words Feminine - _____ e.g. ____ ______________ Words Words that start - ____ e.g. ___________________ with a vowel Plural words - _____ e.g. ____ ___________ (more than one)

  22. unacolores un boligraforeglaslibrounosunasmochilas To say ‘a’ or ‘some’, you use: Masculine - _____ e.g. ____ ______________ words Feminine - _____ e.g. ____ ______________ words Plural words - _____ e.g. _____ ____________ (more than one)

  23. ¡Vamos a jugar!

  24. 1 What does “el/la” mean? Back to menu

  25. 2 What does “un/una” mean Back to menu

  26. 3 What is the difference between “el” and “los”? Back to menu

  27. 4 What does “una/un” mean Back to menu

  28. 5 Why do Spanish have two words for “the”? Back to menu

  29. 6 Pass! Pick on someone else! Back to menu

  30. 7 Why does Spanish have two words for a? Back to menu

  31. 8 I can now explain to someone else that… Back to menu

  32. Fastest person wins!!!!!! Translate the following words and remember to use the correct word at the start “el/la, un/una, los/las, unos/unas”

  33. Abinder Un carpeta

  34. The backpack La mochila

  35. The rulers Las reglas

  36. A book Un libro

  37. The colored pencil El lápiz de color

  38. The computer La computadora

  39. Some pens Unosbolígrafos

  40. The crayon El crayón

  41. A chair Unasilla

  42. The marker El marcador

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