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Articles. A, AN, THE OR /?. ___ Royal Society for ___ Prevention of Accidents held ___ exhibition at Harrogate, in ___ north of England. Some shelves were put up to display ___ exhibits. During ___ exhibition, ___ shelves fell down, injuring ___ visitor.
A, AN, THE OR /? • ___ Royal Society for ___ Prevention of Accidents held ___ exhibition at Harrogate, in ___ north of England. Some shelves were put up to display ___ exhibits. During ___ exhibition, ___ shelves fell down, injuring ___ visitor.
THE Royal Society for THE Prevention of Accidents held AN exhibition at Harrogate, in THE north of England. Some shelves were put up to display THE exhibits. During THE exhibition, THE shelves fell down, injuring A visitor.
A, AN, THE OR /? • In ___ same way in which ___ philologist has to study ___ language of ___ past in order to understand that of ___ present, so also ___ student of law cannot properly appreciate ___ law of his country as it exists today without paying some attention to its history.
In THE same way in which A philologist has to study THE language of THE past in order to understand that of THE present, so also A student of law cannot properly appreciate THE law of his country as it exists today without paying some attention to its history.
A, AN, THE OR /? • ___ United Kingdom, unlike ___ majority of ___ civilised world, does not have ___ written constitution, but rather it has ___ unwritten one.
THE United Kingdom, unlike THE majorityofTHEcivilisedworld, doesnothave A writtenconstitution, but ratherithas AN unwritten one.
A, AN, THE OR /? • ___ division between ___ public and private law is considered very important in ___ English law. • Common law has absorbed only ___ few rules of ___ Roman law.
THE division between public and private law is considered very important in English law. • Common law has absorbed only A few rules of Roman law.
A, AN, THE OR /? • In England part of ___ law is ___ common law as created by ___ courts, and ___ other part is statute law, as set out in ___ statutes and approved by ___ Monarch.
In England part of THE law is common law as created by THE courts, and THE other part is statute law, as set out in THE statutes and approved by THE Monarch.
A, AN, THE OR /? • Criminal law is concerned with ___ behaviour such as stealing or murder, which, though committed against ___ individual, is regarded as harmful to ___ society as a whole, and action is taken against ___ wrong-doer in ___ name of ___ society.
Criminal law is concerned with behaviour such as stealing or murder, which, though committed against AN individual, is regarded as harmful to society as a whole, and action is taken against THE wrong-doer in THE name of society.
A, AN, THE OR /? • ___ Parliament is ___ English legal system’s principal law making body. It consists of ___ House of Commons, ___ House of Lords and ___ monarch.
Parliament is THE Englishlegalsystem’s principal lawmakingbody. Itconsistsof THE HouseofCommons, THE HouseofLordsand THE monarch.