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7 day storyteller's action plan - Day 6

Day 6 of the 7 Day Storyteller's Action Plan. Free email course available at http://pickupdaily.net/storytellers7

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7 day storyteller's action plan - Day 6

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  1. 7 Day Storyteller’s Action Plan Day 6 of 7 How to practice your story delivery

  2. 2 Delivery is an attempt to have the listener feel the listener feel the feelings that you want them to feel have

  3. 3 WHAT IS DELIVERY? ⊗ Vocal Volume ⊗ Vocal Timing ⊗ Animation Delivery focuses on creating an attentive focus in your listener.

  4. 4 VOCAL TIMING Test your vocal timing Test your vocal timing Timing deals with Timing deals with events events Vocal timing can influence the feel of the timing of the events in your story. Feel how your story’s Feel how your story’s mood changes mood changes With changes in timing, you can elicit a different mood. Tell a story slowly, pausing in between words. Then, tell it quickly, and evaluate it objectively.

  5. 5 VOCAL VOLUME Test your vocal Test your vocal volume volume Tell a story loudly, projecting your voice. Then, tell it softly, bringing the energy down. Volume also affects Volume also affects mood mood Vocal volume can influence the feel of the intensity in your story. Feel how your story’s Feel how your story’s mood changes mood changes With changes in volume, you can elicit a different mood.

  6. 6 ANIMATION & PANTOMIME Reenact your story Reenact your story with motion with motion Tell a story with the same facial expressions and positions that were used in the original event. Mimic Emotional Mimic Emotional reactions reactions Looks of confusion, surprise, anger, etc. can convey context. Describe Spatial Describe Spatial Scenes Scenes Point to places, show distance, describe location.

  7. 7 If you add animation and facial expression to this then you have a toolbox of hardcore toolbox of hardcore methods methods to add to the depth of your storytelling.

  8. 8 GET ANIMATED. We’re almost DONE - - Re-enact 2 stories today. Practice and notice where you can add more animation To your animated awesomeness, -= Duke =-

  9. 9 THANKS! Any questions? You can find me at: @dukedelaet duke@pickupdaily.net Find out more about the Storyteller’s Action Plan at http://pickupdaily.net/storytellers7

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