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The Gothic Style. Goths were Arian Christians, gradually all other barbarians accepted Arianism from them. Ostrogoth Theodoric, was seventh style of government of Rome. Gothic style only lasted for about sixty years.
The Gothic Style. • Goths were Arian Christians, gradually all other barbarians accepted Arianism from them. • Ostrogoth Theodoric, was seventh style of government of Rome. • Gothic style only lasted for about sixty years. • Emperor Justinian in Constantinople overthrew Gothic rule restored power of Church.
Divisions in the Empire. • 13:3 Sixth Imperial style reinstated - deadly wound healed! • With one emperor in East, barbarians in West established independent sovereignties on territory of the Empire. • By AD 520 - five main divisions - later these became ten.
And the ten horns out of this • kingdom are ten kings • that shall arise… Dan 7
Divided Church. • Rome - headquarters of Roman Catholicism (Trinitarian) at variance with Constantinople - headquarters of Greek Catholicism (Arian). • Emperor Justinian declared in favour of Rome. • In AD 533 Justinian declared pope “Universal Bishop” the first of all the bishops of the empire.
Rome - the Eternal City. • City of Rome regained prestige, ecclesiastical metropolis of world. • Its Bishop, Holy Father or Pope rules and governs as vice-regent of Christ. • Supremacy of Pope finally confirmed by Phocas in AD 608. • Intensely hostile laws enforced against all heretics - those who did not acknowledge spiritual leadership of the Pope.
Bishop of Rome Supreme. • A new era of papacy - bishop of Rome supreme, “The Conversion of Constantine is generally hailed as the final victory of the new faith. It may equally be regarded as the triumph of totalitarianism. The church no doubt won not only tolerance and relief from persecution, but also wealth and the right to persecute. The price was clerical endorsement of the existing order on earth.” (Gordon Childe, “What Happened in History”) • Rome now religious centre - Constantinople the military headquarters of Roman empire.
“Illustrated World History.”(McGraw - Hill) • “In the West, as the sun set on the temporal power of Rome, the papacy emerged as the heir to a new empire - Christendom. Little by little the Roman See made itself supreme in temporal as in spiritual matters ... Indeed, Gregory (590-604) - while insisting on the primacy of Rome over other churches - also ruled and defended Italy as a latter-day emperor ... The popes could thus consider themselves heirs to ancient Rome.”