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TOTAL OZONE MONITORING BY GROUNDBASED INSTRUMENTS AS PART OF GAW. J. Staehelin 1 , R.Stübi 2 , U. Köhler 3 and A Redondas 4 1 Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, Switzerland

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  1. TOTAL OZONE MONITORING BY GROUNDBASED INSTRUMENTS AS PART OF GAW J. Staehelin 1, R.Stübi2, U. Köhler 3 and A Redondas 4 1Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, Switzerland 2 Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology, MeteoSwiss, CH-1530 Payerne, Switzerland 3 Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeissenberg, Regional Dobson Calibration Centre RA VI, Albin-Schwaiger-Weg 10, D-82383 Hohenpeissenberg, Germany 4Regional Brewer Calibration Center – Europe, Izaña Atmospheric Research Center, AEMET- Meteorological State Agency, Spain, C/ La Marina 20, 6 Planta, 38071 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Spain

  2. 1. Introduction CIMO guide Chapter 17

  3. Challenge:Total ozone series of Arosalong-term changes: small

  4. Outline 2. Instruments and method 3. Dobson network 4. Brewer network 5. Experience with networks 6. Future 7. Conclusions

  5. 2. Instruments and methodoperated by MeteoSwiss at Arosa: 2 Dobson instruments 3 Brewer instruments (2 single and 1 double Brewer) Brewer spectrophotometer commerc. available: middle of 1980th completely automated, SO2 column, UV-B Dobson instrument Earlier version: 1920th method presently used: IGY: 1958

  6. Basic measurement principle (most precise measurements: direct sun) Sun photometry, wavelength region: 305-340 nm I (λ) = Io(λ) exp (-α(λ) X μ - β (λ) (ps/po) mR - δ (λ) ma) X: total ozone amount (in Dobson units (DU) I (λ): solar irradiance at the wavelength λ measured at the Earth’s surface Io (λ): intensity outside the Earth’s atmosphere α(λ) is the monochromatic ozone absorption coefficient μ: relative slant path through ozone (air mass factor) β(λ): Rayleigh scattering coefficient ps: station pressure; po: mean sea level pressure at 1013.25 hPa; mR: relative optical air mass corresp. to Rayleigh scattering (extinction) δ(λ): aerosol optical depth ma: relative optical air mass corresp. to aerosol scattering (extinction)

  7. Wavelengths used in Dobson (wavelength pairs (AD)) and Brewer instruments (other Russian filter instruments and SAOZ (absorption in visible)

  8. Calibration of instruments Io (λ): intensity outside the Earth’s atmosphere • Extrapolation for m (m = 0) Langley plot method • Requirement: clean atmosphere and stable ozone for one half day • Difficult to ensure in extratropics • Langley plot calibration for standard instruments in Mauna Loa observatory (Hawaii)

  9. 3. Dobson network Central Calibration Laboratory: NOAA, Boulder, USA (R. Evans) Calibration of station instruments: Dobson intercomparisons (every 4 years) (Ulf Köhler): Responsibility of Regional Calibration Centers

  10. 4. Brewer network Central Calibration Laboratory: Environment Canada, Toronto (T. McElroy) : Triad: 3 Brewer instruments, regular Langley plot calibration of one instrument at Mauna Loa Observatory European regional Brewer calibration center: Izaña (Tenerife) (A. Redondas): triad of Brewer spectrophotometers, regularly calibrated by the Langley plot method (redundancy in calibration scale) Calibration of station instruments (every 2 years): • Canadian instruments: EC • for European instr.: European Brewer calibration center • Private companies (needs financing by stations) - IOS (International Ozone Service) - Kipp and Zonen (company producing Brewer instrument)

  11. 5. Experience with networks Dobson Stability of calibration of World primary Dobson instrument (D083): Percent difference in calculated total ozone based on corrections to D083 A and D tables from Langley plot calibrations at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (Evans et al., 2004 and Komhyr et al., 1989).

  12. Relative differences between standrad Dobson instruments and compared station instruments during initial calibrations of the intercomparisons since 1969 (from Köhler et al., 2004).

  13. Experience with network: Brewer • Brewer instruments: More advanced technology (fully automated, more flexible) • Different institutions involved in calibration of station instruments (private companies, need funding from stations) • Biannual Brewer workshop: information of new developments, training of station personnel, exchange in experience

  14. Comparison with satellite measurementsAbsolute and relative (in percent from the total number) number of sites with ‘‘no issues’’ (see text) in the record in 5 bins for Dobson, Brewer, and filter instrument sites located between 60oS and 60oN (from Fioletov et al., 2008).

  15. 6. Future

  16. Ozone anomalies from model CMAM and measurements; Cly (Shepherd, 2008)more ozone at lower stratosphere: greenhouse gas

  17. 7. Conclusions • For column ozone: two independent networks operated under the auspices of GAW/WMO • Networks: high quality measurements (except in polar regions at low solar elevation): suitable for long-term trend analysis and validation of satellite measurements • Satellite instruments: limited life times, merged satellite series required for long-term trend analysis. High quality ground based networks need continuation !

  18. Conclusions, cont. • Ozone layer will recover from Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS, e.g. CFCs) (Montreal Protocol, 1987) • Beneficial effect of Montreal Protocol on ozone layer by data analysis: controversial • Demand for continuation of stratospheric ozone monitoring in future: Prediction of “super” recovery (more O3 in extratropical tropopause region): climate change

  19. Acknowledgement: SAG-Ozone Geir Braathen (WMO) Johanna Tamminen (IGACO-O3/UV) Frank Baier, Jack Fishman, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Robert Evans1, Ulf Koehler12, Takeshi Koide12, Ed Hare, Tom McElroy2, Alberto Redondas2, Herman Smit, Rene Stübi12, Johannes Staehelin (chair), Richard Stolarski, Ronald van der A, Karel Vanicek12, Mark Weber 1: involved in Dobson measurements 2: involved in Brewer measurements

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