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Setting the Stage for War

Setting the Stage for War. MAIN Causes of the War. M – Militarism A – Assassination I – Imperialism N - Nationalism. Militarism. Glorifying war, readying forces Building up of weapons (armaments) Dreadnought Public support for buildup. Imperialism.

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Setting the Stage for War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Setting the Stage for War

  2. MAIN Causes of the War M – Militarism A – Assassination I – Imperialism N - Nationalism

  3. Militarism • Glorifying war, readying forces • Building up of weapons (armaments) Dreadnought • Public support for buildup

  4. Imperialism • Disputes over colonies in Africa and Asia • Germany and Italy – want to “catch up” with Great Britain and France • Jealousy and mistrust between countries.

  5. Nationalism • Not just a feeling of pride and superiority for one’s ethnic group; want to live together as one. • Certain areas controlled by regimes; want to gain back lost territories.

  6. Assassination – The Final Straw • Austria-Hungary (A-H): southern part, largely Serbian. • Serbian - GavriloPrincip wants a Slavic revolution. • Assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand (future king of A-H) and his wife. • A-H  Prinicpmust be punished

  7. Assassination (Part 2) • Austria-Hungary: gives ultimatum. (July 23, 1914). • End all anti A-H activities & let A-H investigate assassination. • Serbia’s decision  they will investigate. • July 28, 1914 Austria-Hungary declares WAR on Serbia.

  8. Chain Reaction/Domino Effect • July 30  Russia (Serbian ally) gets ready for war. • August 1  Germany (A-H ally) declares war on Russia. • August 3  France (Russian ally) declares war against Germany.

  9. Chain Reaction/Domino Effect (Cont.) • August 4  Great Britain (French ally) declares war on Germany.  (Colonies also) • August 23  Japan (ally of Britain) declare war on Germany. • May 1915  Italy sides with allied powers. (offensive, not defensive)

  10. Chain Reaction/Domino Effect (Cont.) • 1917  U.S. remained neutral till April 6, 1917  entered war – Germany attacked U.S. ships.

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