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The Book of Hosea

The Book of Hosea. The Book of Hosea assures us of God’s unconditional love for His people. The Book of Hosea. Love. Keyword:.

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The Book of Hosea

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  1. The Book of Hosea

  2. The Book of Hosea assures us of God’s unconditional love for His people. The Book of Hosea

  3. Love Keyword:

  4. Hos 1:1 The word of the Lord that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and during the reign of Jeroboam son of Jehoash king of Israel: Background and Circumstances

  5. The Northern and Southern Kingdoms are in existence. • 2 Kings 14 - 2 Kings 20 provide history. • Message was against the N. Kingdom (Israel)and would serve as a lesson for the S. Kingdom (Judah) Setting

  6. Prophet

  7. 2 When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, "Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the Lord." 3 So he married Gomer daughter of Hosea 1:2-3

  8. Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son. Hosea 1:2-3

  9. Prophet

  10. Jezreel – son • No mercy • Lo-Ruhamah – daughter • Not loved • Lo-ammi – son • Not my people

  11. Israel’s False Worship • God’s Frustration • His Unbroken Love • A Hope for Repentance What’s at Issue

  12. We have to be careful not to frustrate God with mere lip service allegiance to him. So what?

  13. Avoid the trap of only seeking God to make our circumstances better. So what?

  14. What a heart looks like that turns back to God is clearly seen. -- A clear picture of repentance So what?

  15. Wisdom teaches practical living and the character of a wise person is revealed. So what?

  16. Ask the tough questions. • Learn from Hosea’s message. • Don’t take his love for granted. • Practice the power of repentance. • Walk in practical wisdom. Responding to Hosea

  17. 1. Cry out to him. Seek forgiveness and new passion for him. ASK. • 2. Write God a Love letter. • 3. Sow acts of righteousness – do right things, because of his great love. Convicted?

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