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COMSTAC RMWG OUTBRIEF OCTOBER 14, 2011. Chris Kunstadter Chairman, RMWG Senior Vice President XL Insurance. TOPICS. FAA outbrief to White House on review of 2004 Space Transportation Policy COMSTAC contribution on 10 issues

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  1. COMSTAC RMWG OUTBRIEFOCTOBER 14, 2011 Chris Kunstadter Chairman, RMWG Senior Vice President XL Insurance

  2. TOPICS • FAA outbrief to White House on review of 2004 Space Transportation Policy • COMSTAC contribution on 10 issues • FAA review of managing liability exposure of manufacturers, suppliers and operators of commercial human spaceflight programs • Methods to alleviate adverse impactsof unlimited liability • Development of industry standards for commercial human spaceflight • Best practices / lessons learned / experience database

  3. Observations, Findings and Recommendations • Finding #RMWG-F1 • Extension of the indemnification regime under the CSLA beyond the current expiration date of December 31, 2012, is critical to the viability of the commercial launch industry in the US • COMSTAC and the FAA must work together to ensure timely extension of the indemnification regime, preferably for an extended period

  4. Observations, Findings and Recommendations • Recommendation #RMWG-R1 • Limitation on liability for US commercial spaceflight manufacturers, suppliers and operators will enhance certainty in managing financial risks • Failure to limit liability presents significant hurdles to the industry • COMSTAC applauds the FAA’s research into liability limitation strategies • COMSTAC urges the FAA to pursue liability limitation with all requisite speed

  5. THANK YOU Christopher T.W. Kunstadter One World Financial Center chris.kunstadter@xlgroup.com Senior Vice President 200 Liberty Street, 3rd Floor (o) +1 212-915-6387 XL Insurance New York, NY 10281 (m) +1 201-214-1138 Questions?

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