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Companion animals (2): Wider considerations 伴侶動物(2)深層思考

Module 19 模組 19. Companion animals (2): Wider considerations 伴侶動物(2)深層思考. This module will enable you to 本模組將使你能夠. Understand that the activities of animal protection societies and veterinarians must also be judged by agreed welfare standards 了解動物保護組織的活動與獸醫師都必須要接受福利標準之檢驗

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Companion animals (2): Wider considerations 伴侶動物(2)深層思考

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  1. Module 19 模組 19 Companion animals (2):Wider considerations伴侶動物(2)深層思考

  2. This module will enable you to本模組將使你能夠 • Understand that the activities of animal protection societies and veterinarians must also be judged by agreed welfare standards了解動物保護組織的活動與獸醫師都必須要接受福利標準之檢驗 • Appreciate that legislation must be well drafted, be enforceable and address the real problems了解立法必須妥善並應確實針對問題執法 • Identify ways in which poor welfare standards are not simply a reflection of economic factors.了解到動物福利標準低不單只是經濟的因素 • Identify how cultural differences may result in differences in interpretation不同文化差異有不同看法 module (模組) 19

  3. Stray dogs and cats:Dealing with the current problem流浪狗貓:處理眼前之問題 The considerations in Module 18 relate to a long-term solution 模組18是思考長期的解決辦法 Animal protection societies have limited resources to deal with the problem動物保護組織缺乏資源去處理問題 module (模組) 19

  4. The role of animal shelters:Animal protectionist’s dilemma收容所角色:動保之兩難 Vary from large ‘professional charities’ to small independent groups 非營利組織之規模差異很大,從專業慈善機構到獨立之小團體都有 Often volunteers aremotivated by a genuine desire to save animals通常義工之動力是出自真正救動物之熱心 May be veterinary input獸醫也可能介入 Local economy may restrict the feasibility of re-homing 在地之經濟力也會限制認養的可能性 Limited resources 有限的資源 照片:流浪狗吃垃圾,印度齋浦爾 module (模組) 19

  5. ‘No kill’ policy 不殺生政策 照片:烏克蘭的狗收容所 這是時髦的取寵口號,但台灣每年七萬隻狗的棄養數要如何處理? 唯有不棄養才能不殺生。 module (模組) 19

  6. Realities of ‘no kill’ & limited finance不殺生真況與有限的經費 Relative overcrowding in poorly constructed andmaintained facilities環境擁擠設備不好 Poor hygiene and sanitation衛生差 Reduced and unbalanced nutrition 營養與醫療均很差 Lack of prophylactic and therapeutic medications沒有疫苗注射也沒有醫療 Inability to quarantine or isolate 無法檢疫或隔離 照片:印度新德里收容所的狗 module (模組) 19

  7. Factors predisposing to the outbreak of infectious disease易發生傳染病之因素 Overcrowding 密飼 Poor hygiene and sanitation 惡劣之環境與健康 Continued contact with and exposure toinfected animals持續的接觸已感染之動物 Poor nutrition營養差 Intercurrent disease 併發各種疾病 照片:巴西里奧一所密飼的收容所正在洗狗。 module (模組) 19

  8. ‘No kill’: Is it practical with a poor economy? 在窮經濟條件下談不殺生是否務實? In Rio, Brazil module (模組) 19

  9. Euthanasia and humane selective culling 人道選擇性揀除 Euthanasia – ‘mercy killing’; performed for the sake of the individual animal itself安樂死是考慮個體的「慈悲殺」 Selective culling – killing in a humane way for the sake of the whole population or human society選擇性揀除是為了整體族群或人類社會而進行之人道宰殺 module (模組) 19

  10. Classification of dogs entering a shelter 進入收容所狗之分類(1) Dangerous to human health 對人類健康危險者 Dangerous to the health of other dogs in shelter 對其他狗的健康危險者 Severe injury or disease that cannot be treated 重病無法治療者 module (模組) 19

  11. Classification of dogs entering a shelter進入收容所狗之分類(2) Severe injury or disease that can be treated but at high cost嚴重受傷但醫療費貴 Minor injury or disease輕微的受傷或生病 Behaviour problems行為有問題 Healthy with no apparent problems健康且無明顯問題 module (模組) 19

  12. Management policy decisions管理政策之決定 What is the realistic capacity of the shelter?收容所真正能力 What happens if this capacity is exceeded? 若能力被超出會發生什麼事? If selective culling isperformed – what are the criteria for choice?若執行選擇性剪除那選擇標準為何? What is the role of the shelter? 什麼是收容所之角色 module (模組) 19

  13. The role of animal shelters – The practical reality收容所之角色 – 真正的角色 To keep lost pets for a sufficient time to allow collection by owners 讓走失寵物有充分的時間與飼主會合 To keep strays to enable them to be re-homed 讓流浪動物能被認養 To keep strays for a temporary period as part of a neuter and release program 協助TNR做暫時留置場所 module (模組) 19

  14. Identification and re-homing辨識與認養 Identification can:辨識可以: Distinguish owned and unowned dogs and cats區分有主與無主之狗貓 Identify repeat offenders辨識重覆違法者 Monitor success of re-homing 監視認養是否成功 module (模組) 19

  15. Neutering dogs and cats: Is it welfare-friendly?絕育狗貓:是否是福利友善? Prevents animal exhibiting natural behaviour 動物不能展現自然行為 Surgical intervention inflicts pain and stress手術會痛/緊迫 Pain and stress limited by good anaesthesia, analgesia and surgical technique 好的麻醉/止痛/外科技術可降低痛與緊迫 On balance, considered that benefits outweigh the problems思考[優點比缺點重要]之平衡 照片:等待絕育手術的公狗 module (模組) 19

  16. The Five Freedoms五項自由 Freedom from hunger and thirst 免除饑渴的自由 Freedom from discomfort免除不適的自由 Freedom from pain, injury and disease 免除傷/痛/病的自由 Freedom from fear and distress免除恐懼/緊迫的自由 Freedom to express natural behaviour展現自然行為的自由 module (模組) 19

  17. 市府捕狗者用兇殘的捕狗鉗,印度 手術後之狗身上都是泥,印度 狗被捕捉後在車上都繫繩,印度 module (模組) 19

  18. Minimum surgical standards最低之外科標準 無菌技術之外科手術 外科手術粗糙 module (模組) 19

  19. Basic requirements for ‘welfare-friendly’ neutering福利友善絕育之基本需求 Humane methods of catching 人道捕捉 Hygienic and comfortable kennelling 衛生舒適之犬舍 Proper handling 適當之照顧 Adequate analgesia 優良之止痛 Adequate anaesthesia 優良之麻醉 An adequate standard of surgical facility and technique 外科設備與技術之適當標準 Adequate post operative nursing care 適當之術後照顧 Monitoring for a period after release野放後適當之監測 module (模組) 19

  20. The pet trade:Pet shops and markets寵物買賣:寵物店與市場 Variation in standards and regulation worldwide 全世界標準不一 Should take into account the welfare of the animal: 應該考慮福利 In the supply chain prior to the shop/market 進入市場前供應線之福利 During its stay in the market/shop 停留在寵物店內之福利 After being sold 售後之福利 韓國街頭販賣小犬 module (模組) 19

  21. Possible welfare problems in the supply chain供應鏈之動物福利 Breeding farms in poor and stressful conditions may predispose to disease繁殖場條件差且緊迫容易生病 In-breeding may result in congenital defects近親繁殖會造成先天缺陷 Transportation in inappropriate conditions運輸條件差 Failure to provide appropriate prophylactic medication 未提供適當之預防性醫療措施 Animal may have been captured inhumanely from the wild 可能是以不人道方式從野外抓來賣的 module (模組) 19

  22. Pet shops:Regulation and legislation寵物店:規定與立法 May involve licensing and inspection 涉及執照規定與督察 Requires a structured method of policing and enforcement 需要政策與執法之整套做法 Sets minimum standard of husbandry and care of the pets 設立寵物飼養繁殖及照料之最低標準 May restrict particular species that can be sold特殊物種應限制買賣 May require evidence of staff training or qualification 需要人員訓練或能力之認定證書 寵物界的確有好商人,關鍵是他們守法並與動保團體合諧相處,並確實按照法律保護動物,能夠維持高工作水平。而不是用賤價去與非法商人競爭,這需要政策與執法力。 module (模組) 19

  23. The Pet trade:Basic requirements寵物買賣:基本需求 To help the potential pet owner make the right choice in selecting the most appropriate pet, considering their individual needs and circumstances 幫助想要買狗的人,根據他的需要與環境條件選擇適當的狗 Provide him/her with all the information necessary to be a responsible pet owner 提供一切成為[責任飼主] 之資料 Many agencies share in this responsibility 很多寵物商人也主動分擔提升責任飼主之成本。企業長期之生存要靠 [責任飼主] module (模組) 19

  24. Aggressive dogs攻擊性狗 A major problem in Europe and the USA 在歐美是重要之問題 Size of the problem magnified by intense media interest 媒體誇大報導 Governments pressurised to introduce inappropriate ‘breed specific’ legislation政府強制立特殊品種之不當法律 Linked to ‘dog fighting’ – but most bites by owned dogs on their own property 與鬥狗有關,但大部分狗咬人案例是在主人家中被家狗咬 module (模組) 19

  25. The UK Dangerous Dogs Act 1991:Poor legislation causing welfare problems英國危險狗法律1991:立法不良造成動物福利問題 Breed specific 特殊品種 Strict provisions 規定過嚴 Automatic destruction order 自動安樂死之命令 Practical difficulty of interpretation 解釋困難 Court given no discretionary powers 法庭無裁量權 Reversal of burden of proof 舉證責任之倒置 彼特犬 module (模組) 19

  26. Aggressive dogs: The problem of breed specific legislation 攻擊性犬:特殊品種之立法 Aggressive and non-aggressive dogs of all breeds 所有狗之品種都有攻擊或非攻擊可能性 Most bites in home by non aggressive breeds大部份在家中發生咬人的都不是攻擊性狗 Difficulty of specifically identifying breeds品種難鑑定 Penalties aimed at dog rather than owner處分偏重狗而非不負責任的飼主 module (模組) 19

  27. Aggressive dogs: The real issue 攻擊性犬:真正的議題 The problem is that many dogs are owned by dangerous and irresponsible people 問題是許多狗被危險與不負責的飼主飼養 Reflects a need for improved public awareness and education 故需要增進社會教育(對飼主) Reflects a need for improved socialisation and training of dogs 狗也需要社會化訓練 module (模組) 19

  28. Aggressive dogs:Implications for shelters攻擊性犬:收容所經營 If aggression in individual dogs is partly a reflection on socialisation and training, and if the role of a shelter is to re-home dogs to new families若狗之攻擊性是因缺乏社會化與訓練,且如果收容所是為狗找新家,那麼: 1.Should the shelter protocol aim to improve the chances of good socialisation?收容所之工作目標是否應該是提升狗之社會性? 2.Failure to do this could increase the risk of abandonment 若未提升將增加棄養風險 等 待 安 樂 死 的 比 特 犬 module (模組) 19

  29. Breeding and showing dogs:Welfare implications繁殖與狗展所隱藏的福利問題 Involvement for financial gain, as hobby or status 涉及金錢利益,像是嗜好或地位 Selective breeding may have resulted in significant hereditary defects and disease 選擇性育種會造成顯著之先天性疾病 Fashion and breed standards may encourage mutilations for cosmetic purposes 為逢迎時尚與純種標準會應加以美容為目的之截肢手術 May be problems of transport over long distances and housing during shows 參加狗展之長途旅行與住宿可能會引發問題 module (模組) 19

  30. Breed standards:Hereditary defects品種標準:先天性缺憾 髖關節發育不良之德國牧羊犬 短鼻之鬥牛幼犬 module (模組) 19

  31. Breed standards: Mutilations品種標準:截肢 module (模組) 19

  32. ‘Unnecessary’ mutilations非必要之截肢 A mutilation is any surgical removal or modification of a body part 截肢是用手術割除或改變某些部位 Sometimes necessary in an individual for therapeutic purposes 有時為了治療而動手術是必要的 If performed, should be by a veterinarian with adequate anaesthesia and analgesia 手術應由獸醫師施行且需要適當的麻醉 ‘Cosmetic mutilations’ are unnecessary and should be banned “美容截肢”是不必要的且應予禁止 Requires education and active co-operation with breeders and kennel clubs 需要教育以及主動與狗繁殖業和犬會合作 module (模組) 19

  33. Surgical operations for the purpose of modifying the appearance of a pet animal or for other non-curative purposes shall be prohibited and, in particular禁止因非治療之目的用手術變更寵物外觀,尤其是: The docking of tails 剪尾巴 The cropping of ears 剪耳 Devocalisation 剪聲帶 Declawing and defanging 去爪與拔犬齒 European Convention on Pet Animals:Article 10 – surgical operations歐洲寵物會議第10條:外科手術 module (模組) 19

  34. Welfare and advances in veterinary therapy獸醫治療之福利與水平 Advances in veterinary science may follow some years behind human medicine獸醫學之進步較醫學遲數年 In affluent societies, pet owners demand similar therapies for their pets as for themselves富有的社會會要求對狗比照對人的方式治療 Is there a danger of sometimes providing a service to the owner for financial gain rather than considering the welfare of the pet?不定時(偶爾)為了賺錢而犧牲動物福利的做法是否危險? Example 1: Cancer therapy 例一: 癌症治療 Example 2: Kidney transplantation in cats例二: 貓腎移植 module (模組) 19

  35. Consumption of dog meat 吃狗肉 Some Asian cultures e.g. Korea 某些亞洲國家如韓國有此習慣 The meat is said to impart special health giving and aphrodisiac properties 據說是強身壯陽補品 Said to be enhanced by increased sufferingbefore death據說較殘忍 Brutal killing methods屠宰方式殘暴 Poor welfare conditions in market市場上動物福利不好 module (模組) 19

  36. Consumption of dog meat: What is the ethical problem? 吃狗肉:倫理問題 Is it inherently wrong to eat dog meat? 吃狗肉先天上錯嗎? Is it acceptable to eat dog meat as long as dogs do not suffer prior to and during slaughter?如果狗是無痛之人道屠宰,是否可被接受? Does poor control increase the risk of human disease? 不好的管理是否會增加人類罹患疾病之風險? module (模組) 19

  37. Consumption of dog meat: The Chinese dimension 吃狗肉:中國規格 Importation of St Bernard dogs to cross breed with local ‘meat’ breeds 進口聖伯納與本土肉狗配 Improved litter size, meat yields and temperament 增進每胎頭數、產肉量、與特性 Is this immoral or simply standard agricultural practice? 這樣做是不道德還是標準之農業程序? module (模組) 19

  38. Summary and conclusions摘要與結論 Animal protection societies face a real dilemma, and must ensure the consequences of their activities do not result in welfare problems 動物保護團體面對一個真正的兩難,且必須確保其做法之結果沒有造成福利問題 Veterinarians have a moral obligation to consider the welfare of the animals in their care 獸醫執業時有動物福利之道德義務 The pet trade requires regulation 寵物交易需要規範 Poor legislation may result in additional problems 不好的立法會造成更多問題 module (模組) 19

  39. Summary and conclusions摘要與結論 Pet owners and breeders must ensure that their imposition of breed standards does not impose unacceptable welfare problems 寵物飼主與繁殖業必須確保不能因純種而破壞動物福利 We must take account of multicultural views 我們必須想到多文化觀點 module (模組) 19

  40. Further Reading進修書目 • Chang YF, McMahon JE, Hennon DL, LaPorte RA Coben JH. 1997 Dog bite incidence in the city of Pittsburgh: a capture-recapture approach American Journal of Public Health, 87: 1703-1705 • Lindsay SR 2000 Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Volumes 1: Adaptation and Learning. Ames: Blackwell • Ostanello F, Gherardi A, Caprioli A, La Placa L et al 2005 Incidence of injuries caused by dogs and cats treated in emergency departments in a major Italian city Emerg Med J 2005; 22:260-262 • Weiss HB, Friedman DI, Coben JH. Incidence of dog bite injuries treated in emergency departments. J American Medical Association. 1998;279:51-53. Photo: An American pitbull terrier with fight wounds to the head module (模組) 19

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