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CpE 242 Computer Architecture and Engineering Designing a Multiple Cycle Processor

CpE 242 Computer Architecture and Engineering Designing a Multiple Cycle Processor. Outline of Today’s Lecture. Recap and Introduction (5 minutes) Introduction to the Concept of Multiple Cycle Processor (15 minutes) Multiple Cycle Implementation of R-type Instructions (15 minutes)

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CpE 242 Computer Architecture and Engineering Designing a Multiple Cycle Processor

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  1. CpE 242Computer Architecture and EngineeringDesigning a Multiple Cycle Processor

  2. Outline of Today’s Lecture • Recap and Introduction (5 minutes) • Introduction to the Concept of Multiple Cycle Processor (15 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of R-type Instructions (15 minutes) • What is a Multiple Cycle Delay Path and Why is it Bad? (10 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Or Immediate (5 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Load and Store (15 minutes) • Putting it all Together (5 minutes)

  3. A Single Cycle Processor ALUop ALU Control ALUctr 3 RegDst func op 3 Main Control Instr<5:0> 6 ALUSrc 6 : Instr<31:26> Instruction<31:0> Branch Instruction Fetch Unit Jump Rd Rt <21:25> <16:20> <11:15> <0:15> Clk RegDst 1 0 Mux Rt Rs Rd Imm16 Rs Rt RegWr ALUctr 5 5 5 MemtoReg busA Zero MemWr Rw Ra Rb busW 32 32 32-bit Registers 0 ALU 32 busB 32 0 Clk Mux 32 Mux 32 1 WrEn Adr 1 Data In 32 Data Memory Extender imm16 32 16 Instr<15:0> Clk ALUSrc ExtOp

  4. 1 Mux PC 0 0 Adder Mux 1 Adder Clk Instruction Fetch Unit 30 Addr<31:2> 30 PC<31:28> Addr<1:0> “00” 4 Target Instruction Memory 30 Instruction<25:0> 26 30 32 30 “1” Jump Instruction<31:0> 30 SignExt 30 imm16 16 Instruction<15:0> Branch Zero

  5. . . . . . . op<5> op<5> op<5> op<5> op<5> op<5> . . . . . . <0> <0> <0> <0> <0> op<0> R-type ori lw sw beq jump The Main Control RegWrite ALUSrc RegDst MemtoReg MemWrite Branch Jump ExtOp ALUop<2> ALUop<1> ALUop<0>

  6. Drawbacks of this Single Cycle Processor • Long cycle time: • Cycle time must be long enough for the load instruction: • PC’s Clock -to-Q + • Instruction Memory Access Time + • Register File Access Time + • ALU Delay (address calculation) + • Data Memory Access Time + • Register File Setup Time + • Clock Skew • Cycle time is much longer than needed for all other instructions. Examples: • R-type instructions do not require data memory access • Jump does not require ALU operation nor data memory access

  7. Outline of Today’s Lecture • Recap and Introduction (5 minutes) • Introduction to the Concept of Multiple Cycle Processor • Multiple Cycle Implementation of R-type Instructions (15 minutes) • What is a Multiple Cycle Delay Path and Why is it Bad? (10 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Or Immediate (5 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Load and Store (15 minutes) • Putting it all Together (5 minutes)

  8. Overview of a Multiple Cycle Implementation • The root of the single cycle processor’s problems: • The cycle time has to be long enough for the slowest instruction • Solution: • Break the instruction into smaller steps • Execute each step (instead of the entire instruction) in one cycle • Cycle time: time it takes to execute the longest step • Keep all the steps to have similar length • This is the essence of the multiple cycle processor

  9. Overview of a Multiple Cycle Implementation • The advantages of the multiple cycle processor: • Cycle time is much shorter • Different instructions take different number of cycles to complete • Load takes five cycles • Jump only takes three cycles • Allows a functional unit to be used more than once per instruction

  10. The Five Steps of a Load Instruction Instruction Fetch Instr Decode / Address Data Memory Reg Wr Reg. Fetch Clk Clk-to-Q Old Value New Value PC Instruction Memory Access Time Rs, Rt, Rd, Op, Func Old Value New Value Delay through Control Logic ALUctr Old Value New Value ExtOp Old Value New Value ALUSrc Old Value New Value RegWr Old Value New Value Register File Access Time busA Old Value New Value Delay through Extender & Mux Register File Write Time busB Old Value New Value ALU Delay Address Old Value New Value Data Memory Access Time busW Old Value New

  11. WrEn Adr 32 Ideal Memory Din Dout 32 32 Clk WrEn Adr 32 Ideal Memory Din Dout 32 32 Register File & Memory Write Timing: Ideal vs. Reality • In previous lectures, register file and memory are simplified: • Write happens at the clock tick • Address, data, and write enable must bestable one “set-up” time before the clock tick • In real life: • Neither register file nor ideal memory has the clock input • The write path is a combinational logic delay path: • Write enable goes to 1 and Din settles down • Memory write access delay • Din is written into mem[address] • Important: Address and Data must bestable BEFORE Write Enable goes to 1

  12. RegWr Ra 5 Rb busA 5 32 Reg File Rw busB 5 32 busW 32 WrEn Adr 32 Ideal Memory Din Dout 32 32 Race Condition Between Address and Write Enable • This “real” (no clock input) register file may notwork reliably in the single cycle processor because: • We cannot guarantee Rw willbe stable BEFORE RegWr = 1 • There is a “race” between Rw (address)and RegWr (write enable) • The “real” (no clock input) memory may not workreliably in the single cycle processor because: • We cannot guarantee Address willbe stable BEFORE WrEn = 1 • There is a race between Adr and WrEn

  13. How to Avoid this Race Condition? • Solution for the multiple cycle implementation: • Make sure Address is stable by the end of Cycle N • Assert Write Enable signal ONE cycle later at Cycle (N + 1) • Address cannot change until Write Enable is disasserted

  14. MemWr 00 RAdr<1:0> <31:2> 30 Ideal Memory 32 WrAdr Din Dout 32 32 Dual-Port Ideal Memory • Dual Port Ideal Memory • Independent Read (RAdr, Dout) and Write (WAdr, Din) ports • Read and write (to different location) can occur at the same cycle • Read Port is a combinational path: • Read Address Valid --> • Memory Read Access Delay --> • Data Out Valid • Write Port is also a combinational path: • MemWrite = 1 --> • Memory Write Access Delay --> • Data In is written into location[WrAdr]

  15. ALU 32 ALU Control 32 Instruction Fetch Cycle: In the Beginning • Every cycle begins right AFTER the clock tick: • mem[PC] PC<31:0> + 4 Clk One “Logic” Clock Cycle You are here! PCWr=? PC 32 MemWr=? IRWr=? 32 32 RAdr Clk 4 32 Ideal Memory Instruction Reg WrAdr 32 Dout Din 32 ALUop=? 32 Clk

  16. ALU 32 ALU Control 32 Instruction Fetch Cycle: The End • Every cycle ends AT the next clock tick (storage element updates): • IR <-- mem[PC] ; PC<31:0> <-- PC<31:0> + 4 Clk One “Logic” Clock Cycle You are here! PCWr=1 PC 32 MemWr=0 IRWr=1 32 00 32 RAdr Clk 4 32 Ideal Memory Instruction Reg 32 WrAdr Dout Din ALUOp = Add 32 32 Clk

  17. Ifetch ALUOp=Add 1: PCWr, IRWr x: PCWrCond RegDst, Mem2R Others: 0s Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 1 32 ALU Control Instruction Fetch Cycle: Overall PictureCycle 1 PCWr=1 PCWrCond=x PCSrc=0 BrWr=0 Zero ALUSelA=0 IorD=0 MemWr=0 IRWr=1 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 32 RAdr 32 busA Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg 32 4 0 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Din Dout busB 32 2 32 3 ALUSelB=00 ALUOp=Add

  18. 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control Register Fetch / Instruction Decode:Cycle 2 • busA <- RegFile[rs] ; busB <- RegFile[rt] ; • ALU is not being used: ALUctr = xx PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x Zero ALUSelA=x IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=x RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Op Go to the Control 6 Imm ALUSelB=xx Func 6 16 ALUOp=xx

  19. Rfetch/Decode ALUOp=Add 1: BrWr, ExtOp ALUSelB=10 x: RegDst, PCSrc IorD, MemtoReg Others: 0s Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control << 2 Extend Register Fetch / Instruction Decode:Cycle 2 (Continue) busA <- Reg[rs] ; busB <- Reg[rt] ; Target <- PC + SignExt(Imm16)*4 PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=1 Zero ALUSelA=0 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=x RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Control Beq Op Rtype Imm 6 ALUSelB=10 Ori Func Memory 6 16 32 ALUOp=Add : ExtOp=1

  20. BrComplete ALUOp=Sub ALUSelB=01 x: IorD, Mem2Reg RegDst, ExtOp 1: PCWrCond ALUSelA PCSrc Target 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control << 2 Extend Branch Completion: Cycle 3 • if (busA == busB) • PC <- Target PCWr=0 PCWrCond=1 PCSrc=1 BrWr=0 Zero ALUSelA=1 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=x RegWr=0 1 32 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm ALUSelB=01 16 32 ALUOp=Sub ExtOp=x

  21. Outline of Today’s Lecture • Recap and Introduction (5 minutes) • Introduction to the Concept of Multiple Cycle Processor (15 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of R-type Instructions • What is a Multiple Cycle Delay Path and Why is it Bad? (10 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Or Immediate (5 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Load and Store (15 minutes) • Putting it all Together (5 minutes)

  22. Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control << 2 Extend Instruction Decode: Cycle 2, We have a R-type! • Next Cycle: R-type Execution PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=1 Zero ALUSelA=0 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=x RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Control Beq Op Rtype Imm 6 ALUSelB=10 Ori Func Memory 6 16 32 ALUOp=Add : ExtOp=1

  23. RExec 1: RegDst ALUSelA ALUSelB=01 ALUOp=Rtype x: PCSrc, IorD MemtoReg ExtOp Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 << 2 Extend 16 R-type Execution: Cycle 3 • ALU Output <- busA op busB PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=0 Zero ALUSelA=1 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=1 RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm 32 ALUOp=Rtype ExtOp=x MemtoReg=x ALUSelB=01

  24. Rfinish ALUOp=Rtype 1: RegDst, RegWr ALUselA ALUSelB=01 x: IorD, PCSrc ExtOp Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 32 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 << 2 Extend 16 R-type Completion: Cycle 4 • R[rd] <- ALU Output PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=0 Zero ALUSelA=1 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=1 RegWr=1 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm 32 ALUOp=Rtype ExtOp=x MemtoReg=0 ALUSelB=01

  25. Outline of Today’s Lecture • Recap and Introduction (5 minutes) • Introduction to the Concept of Multiple Cycle Processor (15 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of R-type Instructions (15 minutes) • What is a Multiple Cycle Delay Path and Why is it Bad? (10 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Or Immediate (5 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Load and Store (15 minutes) • Putting it all Together (5 minutes)

  26. 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 Mux 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 A Multiple Cycle Delay Path • There is no register to save the results between: • Register Fetch: busA <- Reg[rs] ; busB <- Reg[rt] • R-type Execution: ALU output <- busA op busB • R-type Completion: Reg[rd] <- ALU output Register here to save outputs of Rfetch? ALUselA PCWr Register here to save outputs of RExec? Zero Rs Ra 5 busA 32 Rt Rb 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 1 Rd 32 busW busB 32 2 3 ALUselB ALUOp

  27. A Multiple Cycle Delay Path (Continue) • Register is NOT needed to save the outputs of Register Fetch: • IRWr = 0: busA and busB will not change after Register Fetch • Register is NOT needed to save the outputs of R-type Execution: • busA and busB will not change after Register Fetch • Control signals ALUSelA, ALUSelB, and ALUOpwill not change after R-type Execution • Consequently ALU output will not change after R-type Execution • In theory (P. 320, P&H), you need a register to hold a signal value if: • (1) The signal is computed in one clock cycle and used in another. • (2) AND the inputs to the functional block that computes this signal can change before the signal is written into a state element. • You can save a register if Cond 1 is true BUT Cond 2 is false: • But in practice, this will introduce a multiple cycle delay path: • A logic delay path that takes multiple cycles to propagate from one storage element to the next storage element

  28. 0 Zero Rs Mux Ra 5 busA 32 Rt 1 Rb 32 ALU Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 0 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 Mux 1 Rd 32 busW busB 32 1 2 ALU Control Mux 1 0 3 ALUselB Pros and Cons of a Multiple Cycle Delay Path • A 3-cycle path example: • IR (storage) -> Reg File Read -> ALU -> Reg File Write (storage) • Advantages: • Register savings • We can share time among cycles: • If ALU takes longer than one cycle, still “a OK” as longas the entire path takes less than 3 cycles to finish

  29. 0 Zero Rs Mux Ra 5 busA 32 Rt 1 Rb 32 ALU Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 0 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 Mux 1 Rd 32 busW busB 32 1 2 ALU Control Mux 1 0 3 ALUselB Pros and Cons of a Multiple Cycle Delay Path (Continue) • Disadvantage: • Static timing analyzer, which ONLY looks at delay between two storage elements, will report this as a timing violation • You have to ignore the static timing analyzer’s warnings • But you may end up ignoring real timing violations • We always TRY to put in registers between cycles to avoid MCDP assume we add registers A,B, ALUOut, and Mem. Data register A ALUOut (Can also be Used intead of the Target reg.) B Mem Data

  30. Outline of Today’s Lecture • Recap and Introduction (5 minutes) • Introduction to the Concept of Multiple Cycle Processor (15 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of R-type Instructions (15 minutes) • What is a Multiple Cycle Delay Path and Why is it Bad? (10 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Or Immediate (5 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Load and Store (15 minutes) • Putting it all Together (5 minutes)

  31. Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control << 2 Extend Instruction Decode: Cycle 2, We have an Ori! • Next Cycle: Ori Execution PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=1 Zero ALUSelA=0 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=x RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Intruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Control Beq Op Rtype Imm 6 ALUSelB=10 Ori Func Memory 6 16 32 ALUOp=Add : ExtOp=1

  32. OriExec ALUOp=Or 1: ALUSelA ALUSelB=11 x: MemtoReg IorD, PCSrc Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 << 2 Extend Ori Execution: Cycle 3 ALU output <- busA or ZeroExt[Imm16] PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=0 Zero ALUSelA=1 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=0 RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm 16 32 ALUOp=Or ExtOp=0 MemtoReg=x ALUSelB=11

  33. OriFinish ALUOp=Or x: IorD, PCSrc ALUSelB=11 1: ALUSelA RegWr Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 32 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 << 2 Extend 16 Ori Completion: Cycle 4 • Reg[rt] <- ALU output PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=0 Zero ALUSelA=1 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=0 RegWr=1 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm 32 ALUOp=Or ExtOp=0 MemtoReg=0 ALUSelB=11

  34. Outline of Today’s Lecture • Recap and Introduction (5 minutes) • Introduction to the Concept of Multiple Cycle Processor (15 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of R-type Instructions (15 minutes) • What is a Multiple Cycle Delay Path and Why is it Bad? (10 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Or Immediate (5 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Load and Store (15 minutes) • Putting it all Together (5 minutes)

  35. Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control << 2 Extend Instruction Decode: Cycle 2, We have a Memory Access! • Next Cycle: Memory Address Calculation PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=1 Zero ALUSelA=0 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=x RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Control Beq Op Rtype Imm 6 ALUSelB=10 Ori Func Memory 6 16 32 ALUOp=Add : ExtOp=1

  36. Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 << 2 Extend Memory Address CalculationCycle 3 AdrCal 1: ExtOp ALUSelA ALUSelB=11 ALUOp=Add x: MemtoReg ALU output <- busA + SignExt[Imm16] PCSrc PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=0 Zero ALUSelA=1 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=x RegWr=1 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm 16 32 ALUOp=Add ExtOp=1 MemtoReg=x ALUSelB=11

  37. Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 32 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 << 2 Extend 16 Memory Access for StoreCycle 4 SWmem 1: ExtOp MemWr ALUSelA ALUSelB=11 ALUOp=Add x: PCSrc,RegDst PCWr=0 • mem[ALU output] <- busB PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=0 MemtoReg Zero ALUSelA=1 IorD=x MemWr=1 IRWr=0 RegDst=x RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm 32 ALUOp=Add ExtOp=1 MemtoReg=x ALUSelB=11

  38. LWmem 1: ExtOp ALUSelA, IorD ALUSelB=11 ALUOp=Add x: MemtoReg PCSrc Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 << 2 Extend Memory Access for LoadCycle 4 • Mem Dout <- mem[ALU output] PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=0 Zero ALUSelA=1 IorD=1 MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=0 RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm 16 32 ALUOp=Add ExtOp=1 MemtoReg=x ALUSelB=11

  39. LWwr 1: ALUSelA RegWr, ExtOp MemtoReg ALUSelB=11 ALUOp=Add x: PCSrc IorD Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 << 2 Extend Write Back for LoadCycle 5 • Reg[rt] <- Mem Dout PCWr=0 PCWrCond=0 PCSrc=x BrWr=0 Zero ALUSelA=1 IorD=x MemWr=0 IRWr=0 RegDst=0 RegWr=0 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd 32 Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm 16 32 ALUOp=Add ExtOp=1 MemtoReg=1 ALUSelB=11

  40. Outline of Today’s Lecture • Recap and Introduction (5 minutes) • Introduction to the Concept of Multiple Cycle Processor (15 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of R-type Instructions (15 minutes) • What is a Multiple Cycle Delay Path and Why is it Bad? (10 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Or Immediate (5 minutes) • Multiple Cycle Implementation of Load and Store (15 minutes) • Putting it all Together (5 minutes)

  41. Target 32 0 Mux 0 Mux 1 ALU 0 1 Mux 32 1 ALU Control Mux 1 0 << 2 Extend 16 Putting it all together: Multiple Cycle Datapath PCWr PCWrCond PCSrc BrWr Zero ALUSelA IorD MemWr IRWr RegDst RegWr 1 Mux 32 PC 0 Zero 32 Rs Ra 32 RAdr 5 32 Rt Rb busA 32 Ideal Memory 32 Instruction Reg Reg File 5 32 4 Rt 0 Rw 32 WrAdr 32 1 32 Rd Din Dout busW busB 32 2 32 3 Imm 32 ALUOp ExtOp MemtoReg ALUSelB

  42. Summary • Disadvantages of the Single Cycle Proccessor • Long cycle time • Cycle time is too long for all instructions except the Load • Multiple Cycle Processor: • Divide the instructions into smaller steps • Execute each step (instead of the entire instruction) in one cycle • Do NOT confuse Multiple Cycle Processor with Multiple Cycle Delay Path • Multiple Cycle Processor executes eachinstruction in multiple clock cycles • Multiple Cycle Delay Path: a combinational logic path between two storage elements that takes more than one clock cycle to complete • It is possible (desirable) to build a MC Processor without MCDP: • Use a register to save a signal’s value whenever a signal is generated in one clock cycle and used in another cycle later

  43. Ifetch Rfetch/Decode BrComplete ALUOp=Add 1: PCWr, IRWr ALUOp=Add ALUOp=Sub x: PCWrCond 1: BrWr, ExtOp ALUSelB=01 RegDst, Mem2R ALUSelB=10 x: IorD, Mem2Reg Others: 0s RegDst, ExtOp x: RegDst, PCSrc IorD, MemtoReg 1: PCWrCond ALUSelA Others: 0s PCSrc RExec 1: RegDst ALUSelA ALUOp=Or ALUSelB=01 1: ALUSelA ALUOp=Rtype ALUSelB=11 x: PCSrc, IorD MemtoReg x: MemtoReg ExtOp IorD, PCSrc Rfinish 1: ALUSelA ALUOp=Rtype ALUOp=Or RegWr, ExtOp 1: RegDst, RegWr MemtoReg x: IorD, PCSrc ALUselA ALUSelB=11 ALUSelB=11 ALUSelB=01 ALUOp=Add 1: ALUSelA x: IorD, PCSrc x: PCSrc RegWr ExtOp IorD Putting it all together: Control State Diagram beq AdrCal 1: ExtOp ALUSelA ALUSelB=11 lw or sw ALUOp=Add x: MemtoReg Ori PCSrc Rtype lw sw OriExec SWMem LWmem 1: ExtOp ALUSelA, IorD 1: ExtOp MemWr ALUSelB=11 ALUSelA ALUOp=Add ALUSelB=11 x: MemtoReg ALUOp=Add PCSrc x: PCSrc,RegDst MemtoReg OriFinish LWwr

  44. Where to get more information? • Next two lectures: • Multiple Cycle Controller: Appendix C of your text book. • Microprogramming: Section 5.7 of your text book. Appendix C will e added from the CD to the notes folder in the new ecampus

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