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Mkdsn Dmskamckd Dklsam dksmakld Vfmalkmv fldlvfldpv. Mkdsn Dmskamckd Dklsam dksmakld Vfmalkmv fldlvfldpv. Mkdsn Dmskamckd dklsamkld. MCCC Time & Attendance Tracking System. Employee manually records attendance daily on departmental sheets.
Mkdsn Dmskamckd Dklsam dksmakld Vfmalkmv fldlvfldpv Mkdsn Dmskamckd Dklsam dksmakld Vfmalkmv fldlvfldpv Mkdsn Dmskamckd dklsamkld MCCC Time & Attendance Tracking System Employee manually records attendance daily on departmental sheets Department attendance hard-copies filed in HR Department attendance hard copy Every 2 weeks HR compare & verify process Discrepancies returned to department for correction Department head or supervisor reviews, approves & submits to HR for data entry biweekly Hard-copy to HR for monthly verification x Submit to HR for monthly verification Integrow monthly accrual calculations job(vacation, sick) ITS data entry enters T/A records into Integrow Entry rejected - insufficient balance HR Informs data entry of resolution for correct data entry Integrow T/A db Contacts employeeresolves deficit issue Integrow T/A activity report Once a month Every 2 weeks Employeepay stubw/ balancesprinted Employee can view balances and time used via MLink’s Integrow Employee Portal (IEP) Last revised 3/31/04
Notes • Sick leave is accrued in 12 equal distributions (1 day per month) • Vacation leave is accrued in 4 equal distributions (every 3 months starting on hire anniversary month) • Vacation and Sick leave balances will show a history record with an initial data entry date of 2/28/04 • Moving forward, history of leave use will be reported displaying date of use and leave type • When Floating Holidays and Personal days are replenished (i.e., July 1 & January 1), you will see a “0 Usage” record in your history for those leave types and your balances will be reset to 2 and 3 days respectively • Leave balances printed on pay check stubs will be reported in hours (divide by 7 or 8 hours for days)