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Information Technologies

Information Technologies. History of computers - dictionary. A abakus - abacus C centrální jednotka – central unit Č čip - chip číslo - number D defragmentace - defragmentation dešifrovat - decipher disketa - diskette displej - display drát - wire E

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Information Technologies

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  1. Information Technologies

  2. History of computers - dictionary A abakus - abacus C centrální jednotka – central unit Č čip - chip číslo - number D defragmentace - defragmentation dešifrovat - decipher disketa - diskette displej - display drát - wire E elektrická energie – electric energy elektrický impluls – electric impulse elektrický proud – electric current elektronka – vaccum tube G germanium - germanium CH chlazení - cooling chod - operation I informace - information integrovaný obvod – integrated circuit J jednička - one L logaritmus - logarithm K kalkulačka - calculator kapacita - capacity kombinace - combination kondenzátor - capacitor konstruovat - construct křemík - silicon M magnetická paměť – magnetic memory magnetická páska – magnetic tape malý - small matematik - mathematician mechanická součást – mechanical part mikroprocesor - microprocessor model - model N nula - zero O objevit - discover odpor - resistance operace - operation operační systém – operating system P pájený spoj – soldered bond plocha - screen počítat - count pokladna - cashier pomůcka - tool pravítko - ruler program - programme programovací jazyk – programming language příkaz - order R relé - relay rychlost - speed Ř řízení – control, operation S sekunda - second síť – net, network snížení - reduction součástka - component spoj – connection, bond spotřeba - use stroj - machine Š šifra - cipher T tabulka – chart, table teplo - heat tisk – print tiskárna jehličková – dot matrix printer tiskárna inkoustová – ink printer tiskárna laserová – laser printer tranzistor - transistor tuna - ton V vrstva - layer Z zdvojnásobení - doubling zvýšení - increase

  3. TASK Try to create a timeline and speak about each stage of the development of computers – try to say as much as possible about each stage. • Answer these questions • What were the first counting systems? • How did abacus work? • Name 3 people who were the pioneers of computer science • a) • b) • c) • What is RAM? What does it mean? • What was BASIC? • Can you name at least 4 other languages? • a) • b) • c) • d) • 7. Comment the following pictures


  5. History of computers – links • http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm - časová linka • http://www.computersciencelab.com/ComputerHistory/History.htm - podrobná historie a obrázky • http://www.historyofcomputer.org/ - historie podle generací • http://history-computer.com/ - historie a odkazy • http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/computing-history/ - rozcestník • http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/education/k12/the-journey-inside/explore-the-curriculum/intro-to-computers/lesson1.html historie, videa a odkazy • http://mason.gmu.edu/~montecin/computer-hist-web.htm - podrobná historie • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qundvme1Tik – první počítače –video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GQmtITMdas – výroba čipu • http://campus.udayton.edu/~hume/Computers/comp2.htm - historie s odkazy a linky • http://www.expertreviews.co.uk/general/278242/top-10-most-important-people-in-the-history-of-computers - nejdůležitější osobnosti ve vývoji počítačů • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_computer_hardware_in_Soviet_Bloc_countries - vývoj v zemích Sovětského bloku

  6. Personal computer and its compoments - dictionary A adaptér - adapter C procesorová jednotka – processor unit D data - data díl - part displej - display disk - disc E externí - external G grafická karta – graphic card H hodnota - value CH chlazení - cooling I integrovaný obvod – integrated circuit instrukce - instruction K kamera - videocamera karta - card klávesnice - keyboard komponent - component konektor - connector M mikrofon - microphone modem - modem monitor - monitor myš - mouse O obrazovka - screen operační paměť – operation memory otvor - socket P paměť - memory pevný disk – hard-disc plasty- plastics plech – sheet of tin počítač - computer podpora - support program - programme programovací jazyk – programming language prvek - element připojení - connection R registr - register reproduktor - speaker rozhraní - interface rozměr - dimension S síť – net, network složitý - complex skříň - case snímač - sensor soubor - file zdrojový kód – source code Š šasi - bay T tablet - tablet tiskárna - printer U uložení - saving uložit - save upevnění - fastening V víko - lid vnější paměť – external memory vstup - input výkonný - efficient vyrovnávací paměť – compensatory memory výstup - output W webová kamera – web camera Z základní deska - motherboard zobrazení - display zpracování - processing

  7. Answer these questions Which part is the "brain" of the computer? What is the permanent memory built into your computer called? Approximately how many bytes make one Megabyte? The capacity of your hard drive is measured in...? Which of the following is not an input device? Which of the following is not an output device? Which device allows your computer to talk to other computers over a telephone line as well as access the internet? How much information can a CD (Compact Disk) usually store? Which of the following is an operating system you would be using on the computer? What does RAM stand for? Quess the word C _______________ it´s a box where all the components are stored D _______________ it´s a thing I can burn my files to F _______________ it´s a device I can attach to the computer for saving files G _______________ it´s a part of a computer that enables us to watch movies H _______________ it´s a part of a computer where we store our files K _______________ it´s a part of a computer we use for writing M ______________ it´s a part of a computer that enables us to see what we write M ______________ it´s a device that enables me to surf the internet P _______________ it´s a machine that prints the documents S _______________ it´s a device that enables to listen to music Cross out the words that don´t belong to the computer vocabulary COMPUTER PEAR MOUSE KEYBOARD PILLOW MEMORY YOGHURT SYSTEM MOTHERBOARD BREAD FORMULA FONT DRIVE BAG CASE PANTS DRINK GRAPHIC JACKET SOCKS MONITOR BOOK ENTER APPLE CAMERA PROGRAM

  8. Choose whether these statements are ADVANTAGES or DISADVANTAGES of computers and discuss them They allow us to do boring, repetitive tasks quickly and easily. If we spend too much time using a computer, other areas of our life may be neglected, for example, relationships and study. Computers are more accurate than human beings. For example, calculations done within a spreadsheet will always be correct provided, of course, that the data has been input correctly. If used sensibly, computers can save us a great deal of time. Often, people using the Internet don’t respect the right to privacy of other individuals. They post information and photos of them without their knowledge or consent. Many services are conveniently provided online e.g. shopping, banking, job seeking, booking flight tickets and route planning. They can be fun to use. Playing computer games, using social networking sites like Bebo, downloading music and flirting in chat rooms are all fun ways to pass time. Technological advances have made it almost impossible to “switch off” from work. Employees bring home their laptops. They check and reply to emails outside of work hours. Often, employers expect their workers to be contactable at all times. Some societal problems are exacerbated by technology because it makes them easier to carry out e.g. credit card fraud, child pornography, gambling and bullying. Computers have made it so much easier to access information. The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of data. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is just a few keystrokes away. Those who spend too much time online risk losing touch with the real world.

  9. Personal computer and its compoments - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_computer_hardware - hardware • http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/parts-of-a-computer - části, rozcestník • http://www.comptechdoc.org/hardware/pc/begin/hwcomputer.html - části • http://www.computerhope.com/cleaning.htm - jak čistit různé části počítače • http://www.apt.gc.ca/ap11100E.asp?pId=403 – rozdělení částí • http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Computer-Hardware - jak instalovat hardware • http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs101/how-computers-work-hardware.html - jak funguje počítač • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FnnGouYpQQ – video – základní části PC • http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=303 – video – základní části PC • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_computer_terms - veškerá slovní zásoba • http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/the-geek-blog/building-a-new-computer-part-1-choosing-hardware/ - jak si sestavit PC

  10. Antivirus programmes – dictionary A adresář - directory aktualizace - update analýza - analysis automatický - automatic autorizace - autorization C celek – unit, complex cizí - strange Č čtení - reading D data - data databáze - database disk - disc doplněk - complement E editace - editation F funkce - function H heslo - password CH chránit - protect chyba - error I identifikace - identification infekce - infection K kód - code kódování - coding komprimace - comprimation M metoda - method monitorování - monitoring N nastavení - setting nejnovější – the newest O obnovení - restoration odhalení - detection ochrana - protection omezení- limitation opatření - precaution P paměť - memory podezřelý - suspicious použití - usage prevence - prevention prohledat - search prostředek – mean, tool prověřit - check provoz - flow přihlášení – signing in přístup - access R rezidentní - residential rozsah - range S scanování - scan smazat - delete soubor - file spustitelný - launchable spuštění - launch správce - administrator systém - system Š škoda - damage štít - shield U údržba - maintenance upozornit – warn V vir - virus vlastní – personal, own vyhledání - searching vyléčit – cure, treat vytvořit - create Z záloha – back up zálohovat – back up zamykání - locking zápis - inscription závadný - defect zdroj - source znemožnit – prevent, make sth impossible zpomalit – slow down

  11. Answer these questions What is the difference between "Renewing" your Antivirus and "Upgrading" your Antivirus? What is a virus? Who makes viruses? What are Logic Bombs? What are Trojan Horses? What are antivirus programs? How can you choose a good antivirus program? What is malware? What is a sign that your computer may be infected? What should you do if you get an unexpected email attachment from a friend? What is a “backdoor” virus? How often should you update your antivirus software? Finish the sentence A virus is surreptitious when........ BLOS stands for.... A computer detects a virus by....... Virus detection is made when the computer does a ...... Antivirus databases are important because........ You help stop viruses from entering your computer by ..... Worm is a ..... You can find a Macro virus in ..... Choose whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE As long as my Antivirus program is updated, no viruses should get in. Antivirus programs help to speed up your computer. My computer came with Antivirus software already pre-installed from the manufacturer, so I never need to buy any Antivirus software to protect my computer. In general, "Free" Antivirus programs are just as good as "Paid" ones. Name some well known viruses:

  12. What would you do if your computer detected a virus? Write the instructions step by step. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) • Can you find the right translation of these words? • smazat a) code • najít b) protection • odstranit c) slow down • soubor d) source • heslo e) damage • kód f) disc • disk g) delete • zdroj h) infection • infekce i) find • chyba j) system • adresář k) error • prevence m) remove • identifikace n) newest • ochrana o) directory • škoda p) file • systém q) prevention • nejnovější r) memory • paměť s) password • vytvořit t) create • zpomalit u) identification

  13. Antivirus programmes - links • http://free.avg.com/cz-cs/homepage - AVG • http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ten-best-antivirus-programs/ - top 10 • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_antivirus_software - porovnání • http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000864.htm - vypnutí antiviru • http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000533.htm - zlepšení stávající verze • http://www.microsoft.com/security/pc-security/virus-whatis.aspx - popis viru • http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Top-Ten-Most-Destructive-Computer-Viruses.html - 10 nejhorších virů • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbV-U_amx4M – video • http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0872842.html- historie virů • http://www.neurophys.wisc.edu/comp/faqs/howto4.html - jak se vyhnout viru • http://www.nortonantiviruscenter.com/security-resource-center/prevention-tips.html - tipy jak se vyhnout virům • http://www.hky.com/virus_prevention.php - jak najít, vyléčit a nemít virus

  14. The most popular software – dictionary and phrases A adapter - adapter antivirový program – antivirus programme aplikace – application D dekomprese – decompression digitální - digital E editor - editor F format – format G grafika - graphics H historie - history hlas - voice hovor – call CH chat (pokec) - chat I informace - information K knihovna - library kód – code komprese – compression komunita – community konvert - convert kreativní – creative krok - step M možnost - option N nahrát si – download nahrát někam – upload nahrávání - recording nastavení - setting nástroj - tool nevýhoda – disadvantage O obdržet – receive ochránit – protect organizovat - organize P plocha - desktop podpora - support populární – popular poslat – send použití – usage pozadí - background prohlížeč – browser překladač - translator přehrávač – player přenášet - transmit přídavný – additional R rozsah - range Ř řešení - solution S sdílet – share slovník - dictionary smazat - delete soubor - file statistika – statistics T trh - market U uživatel – user V velikost - size video – video virus - virus vrstva – layer výběr - choice výhoda – advantage vypalovat – burn vytvořit - create Z zařízení - device zdroj – source zpráva - message

  15. Can you comment these PC programmes? What are they good for? What do you use them for and what do you think about them? GOOGLE CHROME _____________________________________________ FIREFOX _____________________________________________ WinRAR _____________________________________________ SKYPE _____________________________________________ VLC media player _____________________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger _____________________________________________ Torrent _____________________________________________ Winamp _____________________________________________ Adobe Photoshop _____________________________________________ Avast! _____________________________________________ What kinds of programmes would you use in these situations? Explain why. You want to download new MP3 files. You think you have a virus in your PC. You want to listen to music. You want to watch a movie. You want to browse the internet. You want to scan a document. You want to create a presentation. You want to talk to your friend who lives in Asia. You want to organize your photos. You want to find certain location. You want to burn a CD. You want to compress a few files. You want to upload a video. You want to download a movie. You want to translate a document. You want to protect your files. You want to share your screen with your friend. You want to talk to more than one friend via internet. You want to pay your bills. You want to buy your Christmas presents online.

  16. How would you solve these software problems? • You want to talk to your friend via Skype but you can´t hear your friend. • You want to write an email but your keyboard is not working. • You can´t close a programme. • You want to send a *.doc file but it´s too big. • You want to watch a movie but you can hear the sound. • You want to copy some files to a flash disc. • You can´t open a file that your friend sent you. • You can´t open a *.rar file. • You can´t open an image of a PC game. • You can´t find what you are looking for at www.seznam.cz Discussion Which software programmes do you find the most useful? What is „freeware“? What kind of programmes are you willing to pay for? What kind of programmes do you download for free? Do you ever download movies? Do you think it´s necessary to have an antivirus programme? Why is SKYPE so popular? What do people use various messangers for? Why do people want to have internet in their mobile phones? Is PC software similar to the software in mobile phones? Why do some people prefer listening to CDs to listening to MP3? What programmes are used for changing photos? What can Iusually do with those programmes? Is there any difference between various internet browsers? Which ones do you know? Which one do you prefer? Why?

  17. The most popular software - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software - Co je to software? • http://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/58-best-free-pc-software-apps-from-microsoft-914749 - 66 nejlepších software výrobků od firmy Microsoft • http://www.freewarefiles.com/top100_downloads.php - 100 nejpopulárnějších freeware programů • http://www.pcworld.com/category/software-news/ - novinky ze světa software • http://www.extremetech.com/category/computing - novinky ze světa PC • http://www.computerworld.com/ - novinky PC vs. business • http://www.pocket-lint.com/hub/pc-software - novinky ze světa technologií • http://downloadsquad.switched.com/2010/12/23/20-essential-programs-for-your-new-windows-computer/ - top 20 programů, které byste měli mít ve svém Windows operačním systému • http://www.tomsguide.com/us/pictures-story/390-new-pc-install-software.html - programy, které byste měli mít ve svém novém PC • http://downloadsquad.switched.com/2008/01/01/the-5-most-annoying-programs-on-your-pc/ - 5 nejvíce otravných PC programů • http://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/the-10-most-hated-programs-of-all-time-1060129 - 10 nejméně oblíbených PC programů

  18. Microsoft Windows – dictionary and phrases A aplikace – application B bezpečnost - security D distribuce - distribution dominovat – dominate dotykový - touch Eedice - edition F funkce - function G grafický – graphic I ikona - icon integrace – integration J jazyk - language K kalendář - calendar kalkulačka – calculator kompatibillita – compatibility kurzor - cursor M menu – menu minimalistický - minimalistic mobilní – mobile model – model N nabídka - offer nahrát si – download nahrát někam – upload nevýhoda - disadvantage O odstranit - remove operační – operating osobní – personal P paměť – memory plocha - desktop počítač – computer podpora - support projekt – project program - programme prostředí - environment předchozí - previous přehrávač - player R rozhraní – interface rychlost - speed S server – server schéma – scheme síť – net, network skener – scanner smazat - delete specifikace - specification systém – system T tlačítko - button trh – market V verze – version vybrat – choose výhoda - advantage výhodný – convenient vylepšit - upgrade vývoj - development Z zaměření - focus zařízení – device změna - change

  19. History of Microsoft Windows Who were the fathers of this operating system? Why was it invented? What kind of functions did the first Windows have? Which version of Windows do you think was the best one? Why? Which version of Windows do you think was the worst one? Why? Why is it said that Windows XP is better than Windows Millenium edition? Do you think that Microsoft will develop a great new operating system? What can you say about the latest version of Windows? What is a touch screen? What are the advantages of having a touch screen? What does a „minimalistic computer“ mean? Explain these terms APPLICATION ________________________________________________ INTERFACE ________________________________________________ IMAGE ________________________________________________ NETWORK ________________________________________________ EDITION ________________________________________________ CALCULATOR ________________________________________________ PLAYER ________________________________________________ MULTILINGUISTIC ________________________________________________ NETWORK ________________________________________________ SECURITY ________________________________________________ Which 10 programmes do you think are the most important to have in your PC? Can you explain why? 1) _________________________________________________________________ 2) _________________________________________________________________ 3) _________________________________________________________________ 4) _________________________________________________________________ 5) _________________________________________________________________ 6) _________________________________________________________________ 7) _________________________________________________________________ 8) _________________________________________________________________ 9) _________________________________________________________________ 10) _________________________________________________________________

  20. Can you comment all these icons and say what they mean? Which of these do you use the most? Which ones are useless? Which ones are not used as often as they should? Is there any application you would like to have in your Windows? What would you change in your operating system? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-142693528/stock-vector-metro-style-system-icons-custom-versions.html?src=uFe_1r9QDfi1EdeNsivmRw-1-14 Discussion Which programme do you use for working with photos? Do you ever listen to the radio via the internet? Which station is your favourite? Do you share your files on the internet? Which site do you use for it? What can I find under „Options“ – what can be changed there? What is firewall? What is it good for? Do you allow automatical updates in your computer? What can be dangerous when you click „do it automatically“? Can data be saved once you put it into the recycle bin? What is personalization? What is important for you when you want to personalize your PC? What do you usually download? Is it legal? Do you have any favourite sites for downloading? How and where do you keep your contacts? What do you you not to lose your contacts? Do you connect your PC with your mobile? Why? How can you protect your PC from being abused or used by others? Do you always have the same password or do you change it? How difficult should our passport be and whx?

  21. Microsoft Windows - links • http://www.thegatesnotes.com/ - Bill Gates • http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/M/Microsoft_Windows.html - definice Microsoft Windows • http://www.computerhope.com/history/windows.htm - historie Microsoft Windows • http://www.youtube.com/user/WindowsVideos - videa pro Microsoft Windows • http://inventors.about.com/od/mstartinventions/a/Windows.htm - historie a zakladatelé firmy Microsoft • http://news.cnet.com/microsoft-news/- novinky v Microsoftu • http://sproutsocial.com/insights/windows-8-pros-and-cons/ - plusy a minusy Windows 8 • http://office.microsoft.com/cs-cz/ - aplikace produktu Microsoft Office • http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/4810-73-windows-cons - plusy a minusy Windows 8 – diskuse • http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/apps#Cat=t1 – aplikace pro Windows 8 • http://blog.laptopmag.com/top-10-windows-8-apps - 25 nejoblíbenějších aplikací pro Windows 8 • http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/windows-9-release-date-news-and-rumours-1029245 - Windows 9

  22. Internet – dictionary and phrases A adresa – address adresa internetová – link aktivita - activity B bezdrátový - wireless C celosvětový – worldwide cena – cost cenzura - censorship D data - data distribuce – distribution domácí úkol – homework dopis - letter dosah – reach F forum - forum G gambling - gambling globální – global H hudba – music CH chytrý telefon - smartphone I informace - information K kabel – cable klient - client kniha – book konference - conference komunita - community N nakupování - shopping noviny - newspaper O obchod – business obchodník - businessman objem - amount obtěžování - harassment optický – optical P partner - partner platit - pay podvádět – cheat pokec - chat poskytovatel - provider prostor – space přenos - transmission příloha - attachement přístup - access Ř řetězec - chain S satelite - satellite sdílet - share servis - service síť – network služba – service soubor - file spojení - connection systém – system Š šikana - bullying T technologie – technology telefon – telephone telefonní hovor – telephone call televize – television U účastnit se - participate V veřejný – public virtuální - virtual vizuální - visual vyhledávač - browser vyhledávat - search vzdálenost - distance vzdělání - education Z zábava - entertainment zdroj - source

  23. Discussion What do you personally use the internet for? How did the internet affect your life? Do you still buy newspaper or do you read it online? Do you read e-books? Do you buy DVDs or do you download movies from the internet? Where do you get music? Do you go to internet forums? What is blogging? How is the internet used in education? What can you find on the internet for small children? What can be found for teenagers (in terms of education)? What do university students seach for (in terms of education)? Does the internet help to teachers anyhow? What is distance education? What do you think about it? Do the students use the internet for cheating at school as well? How? How does the internet help to business? How do we use the internet during business meetings and negotiations? How do we use the internet when we want to buy or sell goods? How do we use the internet for communication? Which way of mail is the most used? Why? What is the most common way of abusing the internet? What is social network? Why is Facebook so popular? What is Twitter? What is Wikipedia? What are the biggest disadvantages of internet? Do you use internet banking? Can your money be stolen from your account via the internet? Who is a hacker? Is it OK to share your photos online? What is „e-commerce“? What can you say about advertising on the internet? Does it influence you anyhow? What is „file sharing“ good for? Do you use this service as well? Do you ever go chatting? What do women use the internet for? What do men use the internet for? Do old people use the internet? How old should a person be to start using the internet?

  24. Explain these terms PROVIDER _______________________________________________ NETWORK _______________________________________________ WEBCAM _______________________________________________ BROWSER _______________________________________________ LINK _______________________________________________ SHARE _______________________________________________ UPLOAD _______________________________________________ DOWNLOAD _______________________________________________ COMMENT _______________________________________________ CLICK _______________________________________________ ATTACHEMENT _______________________________________________ CHAT _______________________________________________ PAYMENT _______________________________________________ CUSTOMER _______________________________________________ BLOG _______________________________________________ Why do people go to these sites? www.seznam.cz ____________________________________ www.google.com ____________________________________ www.youtube.com ____________________________________ www.facebook.com ____________________________________ www.eurosport.com ____________________________________ www.cnn.com ____________________________________ www.ulozto.cz ____________________________________ www.slunecnice.cz ____________________________________ www.magicenglish.cz ____________________________________ www.vodafone.cz ____________________________________ www.ebay.com ____________________________________ www.wikipedia.com ____________________________________ www.blesk.cz ____________________________________ www.yahoo.com ____________________________________ What are the sites you go to? Why? 1) _______________________________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________________________________ 3) _______________________________________________________________ 4) _______________________________________________________________ 5) _______________________________________________________________

  25. Can you comment these problems and their connection to the internet? GAMBLING PORNOGRAPHY IDENTIFICATION THEFT VIDEO GAMES BETTING SELLING BAD QUALITY GOODS BULLYING ADDICTIONS SEXUAL HARASSMENT SPREAD OF IDEOLOGIES What do you think? Why is Facebook so catchy for teenagers? Why do people tend to join various communities? Why do people put their naked photos on the internet? Why do teenagers bully others? How can someone get addicted to internet? What do people bet on when they use the internet? How can people find out your personal information? Can strange people get to your email? How? Why do some shops sell things, take the money and then they never send the goods to their customers? What do you think is the most negative thing about the internet? Do you think that anyone should have the access to the internet? Do you think internet should be free? What is the last thing you bought online? Do you use the internet in these situations: a) directions b) TV guide c) weather forecast d) political situation e) recipes f) various advice g) medical help h) travel information i) finding a new partner j) studying online k) buying a new car

  26. Internet - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Internet - historie internetu • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hIQjrMHTv4 – historie internetu video • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_networking_websites - seznam sociálních sítí • http://www.ebizmba.com/articles/social-networking-websites - seznam nejpopulárnějších sociálních sítí • http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging - co je to „blog“? • http://www.proconlist.com/pro-con-lists/internet - pro a proti internetu • http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-disadvantages-business-using-internet-business-activity-27359.html - internet vs. business • http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-using-internet-business-320.html - výhody používání internetu v obchodu • http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-cyber-bullying - cyberšikana • http://iml.jou.ufl.edu/projects/STUDENTS/Lui/index3.htm - internet vs. vzdělání • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_the_Czech_Republic - internet v České republice

  27. Common peripherals - links A adaptér - adapter B bezdrátový - wireless Č část – part čtečka - reader D data – data detail - detail digitální - digital dokument - document dotykový - touch F fax - fax flash disk – flash drive fotoaparát – camera fotokopírka - photocopier G grafika – graphics H hra - game CH chytrý telefon – smartphone J joystick - joystick K karta - card klávesnice – keyboard kliknout - click kód – code kvalita - quality M mikrofon – microphone modem - modem monitor - monitor myš – mouse N nezávislý – independent O objekt - object obrazovka – screen oroginál - original P paměť - memory projektor – projector propojení - connection R reproduktory – speakers rotovat – rotate rozlišení - resolution S skener - scanner spojit – connect T tablet – tablet telefon - phone tiskárna – printer tlačítko - button typ – type U uskladnění - storage V vstup – input výstup - output Z zařízení – device zásuvka - plug závislý – dependent zvuk – sound zvuková karta – sound card

  28. http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-110469380/stock-photo-multimedia-projector-on-white-background.html?src=EXPEwEazrViHw2cAkl0vkw-1-17http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-110469380/stock-photo-multimedia-projector-on-white-background.html?src=EXPEwEazrViHw2cAkl0vkw-1-17 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-118196278/stock-photo-flatbed-scanner-on-white-background.html?src=b5l6GFSyxFYzbrQN_EAQng-1-10 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-95568295/stock-photo-wireless-computer-mouse-isolated-on-white-background.html?src=a5Cbo-ji2aCrMYYGO3VaBw-1-1 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-71736865/stock-photo-typing-on-keyboard.html?src=KhBfzE1Z0n8e-tE9DhlVeg-1-52 Keyboard What is it used for? What are its parts? Can you name some buttons and their function? Are there more kinds of keyboards? Can you compare PC keyboards and phone and tablet keyboards? Computer mouse What is it used for? Are there more kinds? Do you prefer using a mouse or a touch pad? Can you find any advantages that a touch pad has? What can I do with a mouse? What parts does it have? Do you use all of them? Scanner What is a scanner used for? Which machine did people use before the invention of scanner for working with images? Are there any new machines, better than the scanner that we can use? Projector What is a projector used for? Are there any other machines that we can use in a similar way? What are the advantages of the projector when we give a presentation? What do we need for giving a presentation? Are there any other tools and devices we can use?

  29. Divide these peripherals into groups KEYBOARD MICROPHONE WEBCAM PROJECTOR DVD-ROM PRINTER EXTERNAL HARD-DRIVE TABLET DISC-DRIVE SMARTPHONE CD-ROM INPUT DEVICE OUTPUT DEVICE STORAGE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Comment the use of these peripherals – their advantages and disadvantages MODEM DVD-ROM FLASH-DRIVE PRINTER EXTERNAL HARD-DRIVE SMARTPHONE MICROPHONE WEBCAM BARCODE READER TOUCHSCREEN Discussion What peripherals do you have? Which ones would you miss the most? Do you think that we´ll have some new peripherals in the future? What kind of peripheral would you like to have? Which kind of peripheral do you think is quite useless? Do you think computers and peripherals are expensive? What do you think about the quality of peripherals? How often do you buy a new device for your PC?

  30. Common peripherals - links • http://pc.net/helpcenter/answers/peripheral_device_examples - obvyklá periferní zařízení • http://openbookproject.net/courses/intro2ict/hardware/peripherals.html - periferní zařízení, druhy vstupů a výstupů • http://www.english4it.com/reading/31 - vysvětlení periferních zařízení a aktivity • http://www.ehow.com/list_6896125_common-computer-peripherals.html - krátké vysvětlení periferních zařízení • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/List_10_peripherals_of_computer#slide=1&article=List_10_peripherals_of_computer- periferní zařízení – časté otázky • http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/certification/aplus/0789730626 - kniha počítač a periferie + instalace • http://www.geog.ubc.ca/courses/klink/gis.notes/ncgia/u03.html - úvod do počítačů a periferních zařízení • http://www.maximumpc.com/article/features/future_interfaces_15_peripherals_straight_out_science_fiction - budoucí periferní zařízení • http://www.evotechmachine.com/the-future-of-electronics-peripherals/ - budoucí zařízení • http://www.evotechmachine.com/the-future-of-electronics-peripherals/ - budoucí herní periferní zařízení

  31. E-learning - dictionary and phrases C cíl - goal cvičení – exercise Č čtení - readning D debata – debate dialog - dialogue diskuse – discussion dotazování - questioning dovednost - skill E experiment – experiment F fakt – fact H hodnotit - assess I informace - information inspirace - inspiration instrukce – instruction internet - internet K kapacita - capacity komunikace - communication M memorizace - memorization metoda – method motivace – motivation O orientace - orientation P paměť – memory porozumění - understanding poslech – listening povinný - compulsory povzbudit – encourage poznámky - notes prezentace - presentation problém – problem propadnout, neuspět - fail prostředí – environment průzkum - research příklad – example příležitost - opportunity psaní - writing Ř řešit – solve S společnost - society spolupráce - cooperation T téma – topic tempo - pace teorie - theory třída – class týmová práce – team-work U učebnice - textbook učit – teach učit se – learn učitel – teacher udělat zkoušku – pass an exam ukázka - demonstration V vědecký - scientific vysvětlení – explanation vytvořit - create vývoj - development vzdělání - education Z zájem – interest zařízení – device zdroj - resource zkušenost - experience znalosti - knowledge známka - mark

  32. Discussion What kind of student are you? How fast do you learn? Are you good at languages? Do you prefer studying on your own or with a teacher? What kind of teacher do you prefer? What do you do when you want to learn something? What are some methods that you use to learn? What are some methods that teachers use to teach their students? What are some devices that a teacher can use? What is e-learning? Can you compare it with face-to-face learning? Why would anyone choose e-learning? Do you think e-learning is the future of learning? Why do people want to learn new and new things? What is the worst thing for you to learn? What is observational learning? What is multimedia learning? What is formal and informal learning? Why do old people return back to schools? What kind of things people usually study when they are older? Do you think that all people should educate themselves? Do you prefer traditional or modern methods of teaching? Can you compare learning now and 50 years ago? How do technologies help us in our studying? How do remember things? How do you learn for exams? How do you deal with stress before exams? Are you able to memorize things or do you have to understand them? When you want to study something do you find a private teacher or find some institution? What are some PROs and CONs of having a private teacher? What kind of goals do you set for yourself when you start studying something? What do you think about assessment and grades? What do you think about teaching your children at home and not sending them to school? What kind of course would you like to go to if you could and had time?

  33. How would you use these devices in your lessons – or during e-learning? Smart board ________________________________________________ Projector ________________________________________________ Tablet ________________________________________________ Microphone ________________________________________________ Speakers ________________________________________________ Laptop ________________________________________________ Scanner ________________________________________________ Printer ________________________________________________ Flash-drive ________________________________________________ CD-ROM ________________________________________________ Smartphone ________________________________________________ CD player ________________________________________________ Talk about these quotes. Do you agree with them? We spend the 1st twelve months of our children´s lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next 12 years telling them to sit down and shut up. Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. We can teach from our experience, but we cannot teach experience. Don’t try to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed. There are three things to remember when teaching: know your stuff; know whom you are stuffing; and then stuff them elegantly. You can pay people to teach, but you can’t pay them to care. I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn. Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts. The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. You can’t direct the wind but you can adjust the sails. Explain these words LEARN TEACH TEACHER METHOD E-LEARNING DIALOGUE ROLE-PLAY VISUAL AID PROJECTOR HANDOUT NOTES MEMORY DEGREE UNIVERSITY COURSE SCHOOL SKILL IGNORANT SELF-STUDY

  34. E-learning - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-learning – co je to e-learning • http://www.starcitygames.com/article/23777_Modern--Methods-Of-Self-Education.html - metody sebevzdělávání • http://www.celt.iastate.edu/creativity/techniques.html - techniky kreativního učení • http://teaching.uncc.edu/articles-books/best-practice-articles/instructional-methods/150-teaching-methods - 150 známých metod učení • http://esl.about.com/od/esleflteachingtechnique/ESL_EFL_Teaching_Techniques_and_Strategies.htm - techniky učení cizích jazyků • http://it.tamu.edu/Academics/Classroom_Equipment/ - vybavení třídy • http://www.oxbridgeessays.com/blog/the-pros-and-cons-of-e-learning-and-education-technology-717/ - výhody a nevýhody e-learningu • http://www.ecsd.net/online_courses/pros_cons.html - online kurzy a jejich plusy a minusy • http://www.soundfeelings.com/free/studying.htm - typy jak vylepšit domácí studium • http://www.buzzle.com/articles/study-tips-and-techniques.html - jak lépe studovat

  35. Microsoft Office - dictionary and phrases A akcie - stock aplikace – application C celosvětový – worldwide Č část – part D databáze – database design – design dokument - document dostupný – available Eedice - edition F funkční – functional H hardware – hardware heslo - password J jádro - core jazyk – language K klient – client konstrukce - construction konzole - console L licence - license M minulost – past možnost - option N nabídka - offer nahradit – replace O obsahovat - include obrazovka – screen operace – operation P partner – partner plán - plan platforma - platform plocha – desktop podpora – support porovnání - comparison pozice – position požadavek – requirement prezentace - presentation program - programme prostředí - environment předchozí – previous přidat - add přístup – access R rozšířený – extended Ř řetězec - chain S sdílet - share server – server schopnost - ability simulace - simulation služby – service software - software soubor - file systém – system T technologie – technology tvar - shape trend - trend U účet - account uživatel – user V vizualizace- visualization vydat - publish vývoj – development vývojář – developper Z závazek - commitment

  36. Discussion How would you comment Microsoft Office? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What is Microsoft Word? What operations can I do with a file? How would you copy a paragraph? Can you change the ending of a file? How? What is a „font“ – how can I change it? How can I insent an imagine into the text? Which programme can I use for drawing? What is Microsoft Excel? What do we need tables and charts for? What is a formula? Can you give a few examples? Is it easy to learn to work with Microsoft Excel? What mathematical functions can you use in Microsoft Excel? Why do people sometimes need to have the date in the alphabetical order? What is Microsoft Outlook? Can you compare using Outlook and your own email account? What would you find as the biggest disadvantage of Outlook? Are older versions compatible with newer ones? What about vice versa? How can I set a new user´s account into your Outlook programme? Can I send one email to multiple users? Can you compare using attachements in Outlook and in your email account? What is Microsoft Access? What is it used for? What is Microsoft Power Point? What do firms used it for? Can you prepare a nice presentation? What features can your presentation have? What is Microsoft Front Page/Visual studio? Are you a good programmer? Where did you learn programming? What is Microsoft Lync? Can you compare Microsoft Lync with Skype? What do people use it for? What advantages does Lync have compared with mobile phones and email? What do you personally think about Microsoft Office? Which programme do you use the most? Which one do you think needs a lot of improvement? What kind of programme would you like Microsof Office to have?

  37. Can you comment these important dates and events?

  38. Microsoft Office- links • http://www.cnet.com/microsoft-office/ - Microsoft Office – moderní edice • http://www.youtube.com/user/officevideos - Microsoft Office - videa • http://www.certiport.com/portal/desktopdefault.aspx?tabid=664&roleid=101 – nové Microsoft Office • http://www.microsoftofficedemos.com/ - Microsoft dema • http://lifehacker.com/tag/microsoft-office - novinky ze světa Microsoft Office • http://www.dummies.com/how-to/computers-software/ms-office.html - Microsoft Office pro začátečníky • https://login.live.com/ - úložný prostor uživatelů Microsoftu • http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Microsoft-Office - zprávy ze světa Microsoft Office • http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/showcase/details.aspx?uuid=e7728af1-3fe4-4e25-a907-3dbf689fe11a – vize pro budoucnost • http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/microsoft/10263503/Whats-the-future-for-Microsoft.html - jaká je budoucnost Microsoftu? • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Microsoft_Office - historie Microsoft Office • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CrXX95klag – historie Microsoft Office - video

  39. Graphic design, digital art - dictionary and phrases A animace - animation aplikace – application architektura - architecture B barva - colour Č časopis - magazine D diagram - diagram dimenze - dimension dovednost – skill Eeditovat – edit efekt - effect F film – movie formát - format fotografie – photography G graf - graph I ilustrace – illustration informace - information interaktivní - interactive inzerát - advertisement K kniha – book kompozice - composition komunikace – communication koordinace - coordination kreativita – creativity kreslit – draw kvalita – quality L linka - line M malba - painting manuální – manual mapa - map metoda – method N nahlížet - view nástroj - tool O obraz – picture, image orientace - orientation P paprsek - ray plakát – poster platnost - validity počítač – computer počítačová hra – computer game pohyb – motion pokročilý - advanced pozorování – observation prezentace - presentation proces – process produkt - product prostor – space přesnost - accuracy R rozvržení - layout S schéma - scheme simulace - simulation software – software stín - shade strana - page styl – style symbol – symbol Š šipka - arrow T tisk – print tiskárna – printer tradiční - traditional U umění – art V vyjádření - expression vývoj – development vzdělání - education

  40. Discussion • What is graphic design? • What is it good for? • Do you know any good programmes for graphic design? • What do you know about these sub-branches of graphic design and digital art? • a) game graphics • b) digital art • c) digital photography • d) digital painting • e) fractal art • f) virtual reality • g) photo manipulation • What is web design? • What are some effects you can use to make your photos better? • What exactly is „3D“? • Is there anything like „4D“ as well? • What do you know about technical drawing? • How different is technical drawing to digital art? • What is „infographic“? • Can you comment the use of infographic in the creation of maps, hierarchies and time maps? • What is a graph? What kinds of graphs do you know? Can you draw some of them and say something about them? • What is typography? • Do you know anything about the evolution of typography? • How did people use to copy materials before the invention of computers? • What is an electronic map? • Do you use „Google maps?“ What is it? • What is a GPS? • How do you think computers will be used in the future for creating new images, sculptures and other pieces of art?

  41. Comment these pieces of digital art What tools were used? What do you personally think about it? What do these pictures symbolize? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-124939058/stock-photo-romantic-beauty-with-magnificent-hair-wandering-in-clouds-digital-painted-multicolored-pop-art.html?src=UifiiPT4fIbfecw5J1tXTw-1-1 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-126752852/stock-vector-digital-art-painting-of-rural-landscape-vector-version.html?src=UifiiPT4fIbfecw5J1tXTw-1-2 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-75988480/stock-photo-colorful-abstract-digital-art.html?src=UifiiPT4fIbfecw5J1tXTw-1-5 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-82118452/stock-photo-designed-background-digital-collage-made-of-newspaper-clippings.html?src=UifiiPT4fIbfecw5J1tXTw-1-21 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-61238371/stock-vector-vector-digital-art.html?src=UifiiPT4fIbfecw5J1tXTw-1-17 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-140177443/stock-photo-abstract-generated-black-and-white-pattern-background.html?src=UifiiPT4fIbfecw5J1tXTw-1-11 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-84143209/stock-photo--d-rendering-illustration-of-a-wire-made-couple.html?src=UifiiPT4fIbfecw5J1tXTw-1-57 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-131289851/stock-photo-pixel-skull.html?src=UifiiPT4fIbfecw5J1tXTw-3-40 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-115713880/stock-photo-haloween-women-color-face-art-mad-portrait-black-crumpled-torn-paper-background-white-teeth-evil.html?src=UifiiPT4fIbfecw5J1tXTw-1-29

  42. Graphic design, digital art - links • http://unie-grafickeho-designu.cz/en/ - Česká unie grafického designu • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUeiZ6c6EBw – Co je to „grafický design“? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmEIWgFYtGU – grafický design pro začátečníky • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHvMm4HgRCg – jak se naučit grafický design • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHvMm4HgRCg – grafický design rozcestník • http://www.lacda.com/ - muzeum digitálního umění • http://www.digitalartistdaily.com/ - digitální umění noviny • http://moca.virtual.museum/ - virtuální muzeum digitálního umění • http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/designandcreate/tp/artsoftware.htm - software zaměření na výtvarná umění • http://www.digitalartistdaily.com/blog/2012/01/top-5-free-art-programs/ - 5 nejlepších programů pro práci s uměním • http://mashable.com/2007/10/27/graphics-toolbox/ - nejlepší grafické programy zdarma • http://graphicssoft.about.com/ - grafický software – základní informace • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_3D_computer_graphics_software - seznam softwaru pro práci ve 3D

  43. Computer games - dictionary and phrases A akční – action auto - car B boj – fight budovat - build C cesta - path cíl - goal Ddobrodružství – adventure drak - dragon F fantazie - fantasy G grafika - graphics H historický - historical hra – game hrad - castle hrdina – hero K komunita – community kouzelník – magician, wizzard L let - flight letadlo - plane M mapa – map monstrum – monster mystický - mystical N navigovat – navigate O obtížnost - difficulty P perspektiva – perspective podvádět - cheat postava – charater prohrát - lose prostředí - environment průvodce – guide překážka – obstacle příběh - story R reálný – real realistický – realistic RPG – role play game Ř řešit - solve S simulace - simulation souboj – combat soutěž - competition sport - sport strach – fear strategie - strategy střílet - shoot T taktika – tactics team - team téma – topic tma – dark trpaslík - drarf U úkol – task únik - escape uživatel – user V válka – war vesmír – space vetřelec – alien vědecký - scientific vlak – train vyhrát – win vývoj – development vývojář - developervýzva – challenge vztah - relationship Z zařízení – device zbraň - weapon Ž žánr – genre život - life

  44. Discussion Do you like PC games? Which game is your favourite game ever? What game genres do you know? Can you say a little bit about action games? Can you name a few action games and say what they are about? Why are they so popular? Some people say that action games make children aggressive, what do you think about it? Why do teenagers and kids like shooting games? What is the difference between action and adventure games? Can you name any popular adventure games? Do you know any horror games? Which one made you really scared and why? What does RPG stand for? Do you like these kinds of games? Why are they popular? Can you name any characters you can play for? What are some typical tasks in RPG games? What mythical characters can I meet in computer games? What skills do game characters have? What is a simulation game? What kinds of simulation games do you know? Have you ever played a good similation game? Which one? Why did you like it? What are racing games about? What are war games about? What are logical games about? Can you remember any that you played and liked? What is an educational game? What should they teach us? Do you think that a game can help us to learn English? How? What do you need to play a game? Do you buy games or do you download them from the internet? Do you use a joystick? Do you use any other devices to play games? What kinds of games do you absolutely dislike? Why? What kind of games can I find in modern mobile phones? What kind of games can I find in Microsoft Windows? Why is gaming industry such a huge business? Have you ever played a 3D game? What kind of games will people play in the future? What kind of game would you personally like to play in the future?

  45. Comment these games - What genre is it? What is the main goal? THE SIMMS WORLD OF WARCRAFT DIABLO ROLLER COASTER TYCOON DOOM AGE OF EMPIRES MAFIA QUAKE HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC 4 MONOPOLY RAILROAD TYCOON WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE There are many various characters in the games – can you say a little bit about these? What are their skills? Why do players like / dislike them? WIZZARD _______________________________________________ PRINCESS _______________________________________________ HERO _______________________________________________ NECROMANCER _______________________________________________ UNICORN _______________________________________________ SPIDER _______________________________________________ SKELETON _______________________________________________ ORGE _______________________________________________ MAFIA _______________________________________________ PROSTITUTE _______________________________________________ ZOMBIE _______________________________________________ VAMPIRE _______________________________________________ WEREWOLF _______________________________________________ WITCH _______________________________________________ SNIPER _______________________________________________ SOLDIER _______________________________________________

  46. Computer games - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_video_games – historie počítačových her • http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/history-of-computer-games--2 - časová linka historie her • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x24KoVNliMk - historie počítačových her - video • http://compactiongames.about.com/od/freegames/a/freegamesatoz.htm - hry zdarma • http://www.gamespot.com/pc/ - novinky • http://www.ea.com/pc - novinky • http://www.addictinggames.com/ - online hry • http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ - žebříčky a reference • http://www.cgonline.com/ - internetový časopis o PC hrách • http://www.gametrailers.com/pc - novinky • http://www.ign.com/pc - best of 2013 • http://www.ubi.com/US/Games/Search.aspx?plTag=pc – Ubisoft hry • http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/02/16/the-100-best-pc-games-of-all-time/ - top 100 games • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFP0QdjcmW8 – top hry pro rok 2014 • http://www.gamesradar.com/worst-games-all-time/ - 50 nejhorších her všech dob

  47. Computers in the world around us - dictionary and phrases B banka – bank bankomat – ATM (automatic teller machine) bezpečnost - safety bomba – bomb burza – stock market C cestovat - travel D diagnóza - diagnosis dokument – document E editovat – edit F film – film forum - forum H hazard - gambling hotel - hotel CH chyba – mistake I informace - information internet - internet K kalkulace – calculation kasino - casino kompozice – composition komunita - community kopie – copy knihovna – library kreditní karta – credit card kurz - course L léčit - cure lístek - ticket M média - media model - model N nástroj – tool nemoc – disease O obchod – shop obchodování - business obrana - defense operace - surgery orgán - organ P peníze – money plagiátorství - plagiatorism plánování – planning počasí - weather použití – use předpověď - forecast přístup – access psát - write psát na počítači – type R rada - advice rezervace – reservation rezervovat - book S složitý - complex spisovatel – writer sport - sport střela – missile supermarket - supermarket T telekomunikace - telecommunication tisk – print transakce - transaction U učebnice – textbook účet – bill účet v bance - account uživatel – user V vnitřní – internal výsledek - result vyšetřit - examine Z zákazník - customer zařízení – device zbraň – weapon zisk - profit zkouška – exam zprávy - news

  48. Discussion Are computers important in your life? Can you think of the world without computers? Do you have a PC? What do you use it for? Do you use word processing programmes? How often? Can you imagine that people would switch to writing real letters and use mail instead of e-mail? What problems would it bring if we had no word processing programmes? Are computers important in film making? How? How do we use computers in making advertisements, book printing and other fields of publishing? How are computers use in hospitals? Can you imagine that some surgeries would be done without the use of computers? Are computers used for inventing new medicines? How? How are computers used in banking? Do you use interent banking? How does it work? Can your money be stolen from your bank account? Is business done via the internet and computers? Can you compare business with and without the use of computers? What is stock market? How are computers used in that part of business? What operations does a bank use the PC for? Do you ever book your holiday via the internet? Can you compare choosing your holiday from the catalogue or from the internet? How are computers use for defending our country? How are computers used in defence in general? Do you think that it is OK to have online casinos and slot machines? What are the dangers of online betting and gambling? Do you use the computer for reading news and finding out information? What is plagiatorism? Do you think that the internet and the use of computers helped people cheat more or vice versa (we have more tools for checking and finding cheaters)? How did sports change with the use of computers? Do you think sport is more fair now? How are computers used in meteorology? Do you think computers help in education? Are there any other parts of human life that have been influenced by computers?

  49. Can you make a definition of these terms? MEDICINE _______________________________________________ CURE _______________________________________________ NEWSPAPER _______________________________________________ NEWSLETTER _______________________________________________ WEATHER FORECAST _____________________________________ 3D MOVIE _______________________________________________ BANK TRANSFER _______________________________________________ BANK ACCOUNT _______________________________________________ ATM _______________________________________________ E-LEARNING _______________________________________________ TEXTBOOK _______________________________________________ AUDIO FILE _______________________________________________ PROGRAMMING _______________________________________________ WORLD PROCESSING PROGRAMME __________________________ ONLINE BROADCASTING ______________________________________ World of future How will we use the computers concerning these everyday problems and activities? Shopping ________________________________________________ Education ________________________________________________ Medicine ________________________________________________ Defence ________________________________________________ Weather ________________________________________________ Film making ________________________________________________ Music making ________________________________________________ Marriage and relationship ______________________________________ Travelling ________________________________________________ Getting to know new information ______________________________________ Having children ________________________________________________ Space travel ________________________________________________ New inventions ________________________________________________ Chemistry ________________________________________________ Physics ________________________________________________ Food producing ________________________________________________ Free time acitivies ________________________________________________ Our job ________________________________________________ Online meeting and chatting ______________________________________ New communication methods ______________________________________

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