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North Carolina Standard for School Executives

North Carolina Standard for School Executives. Standard 1 Aleen Besmer Barbara Bumgarner Kristy Christenberry James Westbrook. The following slide is an overview of what needs to be done for Standard One which is Strategic Leadership

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North Carolina Standard for School Executives

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  1. North Carolina Standard for School Executives Standard 1 Aleen Besmer Barbara Bumgarner Kristy Christenberry James Westbrook

  2. The following slide is an overview of what needs to be done for Standard One which is Strategic Leadership Welcome to'Group 1 Live Classroom' all material is available at: http://strategicleadership.wikispaces.com/ Lesson Plan

  3. Standard One Lesson Plan Outline • Review Power pointWatch video- Meet online March 15 at 8pm (or by group norms) to comment on(slide 5) • "What is Leadership to you?"(slide 6 & 7) • review and reflect- add what every you want(slide 8) • Now have the group vote on if they feel this is a good list.(slide 9) • Review Vocabulary words (slide 11 & slide 12) • Watch Video  then answer the following question on your discussion board (slide 13) • Has your interpretations of a leader changed? (slide 14) • What are good values for a leader ? (slide 14 ) • Do you agree with "say what you mean and mean what you say"?(slide 14) • What do you think of IMAGE?(slide 14) • Imagination • Merchant of wow • authenticity • guts • ethics and excellence • Review slides 15-31 which is an outline of Strategic Leadership per the state of North Carolina •  Post on your discussion board your reflection on the following (slide 32) • Why you think these attributes described previously are important for a strategic leader? • Email(slide to 33) • Email at least two student and tell them what qualities you see in them that will make them a good strategic leader. • Post in your discussion board (slide 38) • In the perfect world what would a strategic leadership look like? • How can you as a leader improve yourself to become a better strategic leader? • Make a list of artifacts that you believe are important to demonstrate a strategic leader. • ON THE DISCUSSION BOARD POST:(slide 39) • Give several examples of how you see Standard One being used in leaders you associate with? • Which attributes in standard one do you feel are the most important for you as a leader? • Choose one of the five articles and share your insights (slide 40) • Final task- meet last day as determined by group norms to discuss overall high points/ low points of presentation


  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHZ3tqM2J3k&feature=related view video

  6. Post on the discusion board What is Leadership to you?

  7. On the discusion board post what a Strategic Leader means to you.

  8. Review the list and look at the things other group members posted. What do you feel should be added or taken out? Reflect on your past experiences and add to the list.

  9. Now have the group vote on if they feel this is a good list.

  10. Focuses on Strategic Leadership. This is the basic of leadership. In order for one to be a leader they must be able to create, articulate and engage all concerning the schools vision, mission and focus on becoming a 21st century school. STANDARD ONE

  11. School mission statement- agenda the school wants to follow • vision statement- where one can see the school in the future • 21st century skills-technology, team work, higher order thinking • stakeholders- everyone involved in the school • School improvement plan- document which everyone agrees on to be a guide for improvement • NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey-NCTW- annual on-line anomynous survey administered to teachers in NC. Vocabulary(as a group discuss the definition of each vocabulary word)

  12. What does the literature say about Standard 1? • Needed balance of a leader between authoritative and collaborative natures (Jentz, 2009) • Leader must consider all aspects of a decision when dealing with parents (Jentz, 2009) • Gain community, parent and faculty input about what they believe the mission statement should be for a school (Nderu-Boddington, 2009) • Goals start small and personal and grow larger once success has been achieved (Nderu-Boddington, 2009) • Strategy within education is a field of practice and application (Eacott, 2008) • Leaders must understand the changes desired and how to faciltate the change (Heck, 2005)

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1kYBXNzp-w Robin Sharma"Humble and quiet- feirse and pasionet- authentic" View the video attached

  14. Have your interpretations of a leader changed? • What are good values for a leader ? • Do you agree with "say what you mean and mean what you say"? • What do you think of IMAGE? • Imagination • Merchant of wow • Authenticity • Guts • Ethics and Excellence After listening to Robin Sharma

  15. Read slides 16-31 and complete the next group activity     (slide 32). The following is an outline of Standard One which is Strategic Leadership.

  16. "Is able to share a vision of the changing world in the 21st century that schools are preparing children to enter " • Create a clear vision, and mission statement on how to pursue students for the 21st century • Clearly articulate to the community, teachers, and students the focus • Investigate the current capabilities and resources • Create a plan to improve what is lacking

  17. "Systematically challenges the status quo by leading change with potentially beneficial outcomes" • Continually improve the schools culture, needs and communication • Always be aware of what changes and how they impact other portions of the school • Look at the school as parts of a whole - by improving one part does it effect the whole positively

  18. "Systematically consider new ways of accomplishing tasks and is comfortable with major changes in how processes are implemented" • Through careful reflection and strategic thinking calculate and everchanging path to impoving the school with out devistating effects • Ask everyone what they feel is needed-teachers, students, staff, parents and the community • Use survey, formal and informal meetings to continually investigate the heartbeat of change

  19. "Utilized data from the NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey in developing the framework for continual improvement in the School Improvement Plan" • Access data from NCTW-reflect on the data from year to year • What changed in the positive/negative? • Why?  • What more can be done? • Who/what is needed to improve and work on the implementation of the School Improvement Plan?

  20. Always being vigilant looking for what is on the horizon • new computer system • software • technology • standard operations for high tech industries • Staying involved with: • busnesses • universities • research establiments • being aware of cutting edge technology and discoveries • all enabling the introduction to young students "Is a driving force behind major initiative that help student acquire 21st century skills"

  21. Involve faculty, students, parents in the process • Local community members should be involved as well since schools are publicly funded organizations  • Involvement creates ownership and increased participation "Creates with all stakeholders a vision for the school that captures peoples’ attention"

  22. "Creates processes that provide for the periodic review and revision of the school’s vision, mission and strategic goals by all school stakeholders" • Create staff development opportunities about the school's mission and goals for faculty  • Increase student involvement and awareness by promoting and rewarding their active participation • Provide opportunities for feedback from parents and local community members

  23. "Creates processes to ensure the school’s identity (vision, mission, values, beliefs and goals) actually drive decisions and inform the culture of the school" • Develop, share, and implement school-wide expectations as well as rewards and consequences for all students, faculty, and administration • Develop standard protocols for handling specific situations • Adhering to such processes prevents rash or emotional decisions in an emergency situations

  24. "Adheres to statutory requirements regarding the School Improvement Plan" • Meet with the School Improvement Committee regularly for strategic planning • Ensure that all decisions are made in the best interest of all stake-holder

  25. "Facilitates the collaborative development of annual school improvement plans to realize strategic goals and objectives" • Create opportunities for feedback on the school's progress • Allow for people rather than policy to drive a school's mission • Accept that missions and goals can change to meet the needs of the community

  26. Elect school improvement team committee that represents the entire faculty and departments • The use of PGP's to strategically align teacher growth according to school improvement plan. • Communicate and empower teachers to have input on the goals of the school improvement plan. • Demonstrate knowledge of the mission and goals of the State BOE through aligning the mission statement of the school to correlate the state BOE. "Facilitates the successful execution of the school improvement plan aligned to the mission and goal set by the State Board of Education"

  27. Staff Development meetings that reinforce and educate the BOE policies and visions. • Facilitate lesson plans that incorporate 21st Century Learning • Encourage collaborative learning in the classroom "Facilitates the implementation of State Board of Education Policies inside the classroom"

  28. "Facilitate the setting of high, concrete goals and the expectations the all students meet them" • The use of previous test data to establish goals for students, teachers and school to achieve. • Establish and post classroom testing goals for each class. • Initialize a School wide promotional campaign to encourage student enthusiasm and understanding of achievement in testing. • A positive reward program for achieving stepping stones of meeting expectations. • Develop a positive reward program for teachers for meeting goals and motivations of student. • Establish a built in time frame during school hours for remediation and tutoring.

  29. "Communicates strong professional beliefs about schools, teaching and learning that reflects latest research and best practice in preparing students for success incollege or in work" • Establish team lesson planning to align, encourage and develop teacher to use best pratices in their lesson plan through collaborative work. • Develop a system where teachers use cross integration in their planning to assist and broaden student learning. • Develop staff development that instructs tand communicates teachers how to use research and develop new strategies.

  30. Develop committees that enpower teacher to have input on policies and procedures to improve the school. • The School improvement team would be centralized force in leading the school. • Ensure all staff participates in NCTWS Survey. "Creates processes to distribute leadership though out the school"

  31. Be able to articulate a vision, mission and future statement of the school. • They must be forward thinking. • A strategic leader must be a strong comunicator with all whom are stakeholders in the school Knowledge, skills, and disositon a leader needs to be a strategic leader

  32. Why do you think these attributes described previously are important for a strategic leader? After reviewing the standard please post in the discussion board

  33. Email at least two students and tell them what qualities you have seen in a current or past administrator that made them a good strategic leader. Email two students

  34. Standard One Exemplar Building a Better Teacher (see pdf on wiki) Green, E. (2010, March 07). Building a better teacher.New York Times.

  35. Information from the school • Information from the district • Information from the state • Information from the Federal Goverment Artifacts:

  36. "NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey"

  37. EOG • EOC • Iowa test Students test data

  38. In a perfect world what would a strategic leadership look like? How can you as a leader improve yourself to become a better strategic leader? Make a list of artifacts that you believe are important to demonstrate a strategic leader. Post on the discussion board

  39. ON THE DISCUSSION BOARD POST: Give several examples of how you see Standard One being used in leaders you associate with? Which attributes in standard one do you feel are the most important for you as a leader? Assessment

  40. Chen, P. (2008). Strategic leadership and school reform in Taiwan. School Effectiveness & School Improvement, 19(3), 293-318.  Davies, B. J., & Davies, B. (2004). Strategic leadership. School Leadership & Management, 24(1), 29-38. Dimmock, C., & Walker, A. (2004). A new approach to strategic leadership: Learning-centredness, connectivity and cultural context in school design. School Leadership & Management, 24(1), 39-56. Leithwood, K., Jantzi, D., Earl, L., Watson, N., Levin, B., & Fullan, M. (2004). Strategic leadership for large-scale reform: The case of England's national literacy and numeracy strategy. School Leadership & Management, 24(1), 57-79. Processes not plans are the key to strategic development.(2006). Management in Education, 20(2), 11-15. 5 Additional References for Standard 1Please comment on one of the articles and list any new insights you have found about Strategic Leadership on the discussion board. (articles can be found on the wiki)

  41. Blackmore, P., & Blackwell, R. (2006). Strategic leadership in academic development. Studies in Higher Education, 31(3), 373-387. Chen, P. (2008). Strategic leadership and school reform in taiwan. School Effectiveness & School Improvement, 19(3), 293-318.  Davies, B. J., & Davies, B. (2004). Strategic leadership. School Leadership & Management, 24(1), 29-38. Dimmock, C., & Walker, A. (2004). A new approach to strategic leadership: Learning-centredness, connectivity and cultural context in school design. School Leadership & Management, 24(1), 39-56. Eacott, S. (2008). Strategy in educational leadership; in search of unity.  Journal of Educational Administration, 46(3), 353-375. Works Cited

  42. ”Education First North Carolina School Report Card.” Education First. 2009. Public Schools of North Carolina, Web. 5 Feb 2010. http://www.ncreportcards.org/src/sch Details.jsp Page=2&pSchCode=363&pLEACode=800&pYear=2008-2009. Department of Public Instruction,  (2006). North Carolina standards for school executives . State Board of Education, Green, E. (2010, March 07). Building a better teacher.New York Times Heck, D. J., Weiss, I. R., & Consortium for Policy Research, in Education. (2005). Strategic leadership for education reform: Lessons from the statewide systemic initiativesprogram. CPRE policy briefs RB-41Consortium for Policy Research in Education. Works Cited

  43. Jentz, B. (2009). First time in a position of authority. Phi Delta Kappan, 91(1), 56-60. Leithwood, K., Jantzi, D., Earl, L., Watson, N., Levin, B., & Fullan, M. (2004). Strategic leadership for large-scale reform: The case of england's national literacy and numeracy strategy. School Leadership & Management, 24(1), 57-79. Myers, R. B., & Pierce, A. C. (2009). On strategic leadership. JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly, (54), 12-13. Nderu-Boddington, E. (2009). Organizational goals and mission statements in educational institutions.  Online Submission, retrieved from ERIC database. Processes not plans are the key to strategic development.(2006). Management in Education, 20(2), 11-15. Works Cited

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