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雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR. 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures. 非馬 藝術世界. (3). MORNING from the blackened paper of nightmares a lucid profile emerges. 晨 塗滿惡夢的 黑紙上 一個清秀的輪廓 浮現. 你再怎麼 捏起拳頭捶我 用滂沱的淚水 淋我 我都只能給你 一個無奈的 苦笑 至于掠過我臉上 那陣紅暈

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雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

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  1. THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures 非馬 藝術世界 (3)

  2. MORNING from the blackened paper of nightmares a lucid profile emerges 晨 塗滿惡夢的 黑紙上 一個清秀的輪廓 浮現

  3. 你再怎麼 捏起拳頭捶我 用滂沱的淚水 淋我 我都只能給你 一個無奈的 苦笑 至于掠過我臉上 那陣紅暈 我早告訴你 是夕照 你不信 我也沒法 石頭記 THE STORY OF A ROCK no matter how hard you pound me with your clenched fists or drench me with your tears I can only give you a helpless smile as to the flush you saw flying across my face I already told you it was the light from the setting sun there is nothing I can do if you don't believe me

  4. 芝加哥 海市蜃樓中 突然冒起 一座四四方方 純西方的 塔 一個東方少年 僕僕來到它的跟前 還來不及抖去 滿身風塵 便急急登上 這人工的峰頂 但在見錢眼開的望遠鏡裡 他只看到 畢卡索的女人 在不廣的廣場上 鐵青著半邊臉 她的肋骨 在兩條街外 一座未灌水泥的樓基上 根根暴露 這鋼的现實 他悲哀地想 無論如何 塞不進 他小小的行囊 CHICAGO Rising from the mirage a rectangular tower in the western style Traveling far from the orient a youth arrives at its foot before sundown without shaking off the dust he hurriedly ascends to the top But what he sees through the coin-opening eyes of the scope is half of the face of Picasso’s woman, iron-dark in a square reminding him of a rice paddy while her ribs are sticking out of a building foundation several blocks away This fact of steel he thinks sadly can never fit into his backpack

  5. 不帶地圖我旅行 沒有起點 便也無所謂終點 在這風光宜人的國度 小丘,湖泊,緩緩的斜坡 深不可測的山谷 將我靈魂的歷險 引入迷津 溫存的掌心和凝视探過 泉眼中的水 火山岩下的熔漿 都嘩嘩響應 來吧,來吧! 到處是關卡的放行與殷殷的接納 为了不让我迷路 你把自己展開 如一張地圖 鋪在我生命的旅途上 CARRYING NO MAP I TRAVEL in this land of beautiful scenery there's no starting point nor ending point hills, lakes, gentle slopes, unfathomable valleys all try to lure my adventurous soul into a perplexing maze under the tender strokes of hands and exploring gaze the water in the springs the lava in the volcanos all rush to the surface in response come! come! everywhere gates open with greeting arms and to make sure I won't lose my way you spread yourself like a roadmap on the path of my life

  6. 腳與沙 知道腳 歷史感深重 想留下痕跡 沙 在茫茫大漠上 等它們 FEET AND SANDS Knowing feet with a deep sense of history want to leave behind some of their marks Sands wait for them in the desert

  7. 夜遊密西根湖 從摩天樓的頂層伸手摘星 應該不會太難 但多半,我猜 是星星們自己走下來 為這華麗的一哩 錦上添花 在巧奪天工的玻璃窗口欣欣炫耀 或在無人一顧的天空默默暗淡 沒有比這更現實的選擇 船到馬康密克場便掉頭了 再過去是黑人區 黑黝黝 沒什麼看頭 NIGHT CRUISE ON LAKE MICHIGAN Standing on top of a skyscraper one can no doubt pick the stars with ease yet from here it seems more likely that the stars descend from the sky themselves to decorate the Magnificent Mile Shining bright in the fabulous windows or growing pale in the darkening sky— what a choice Near McCormick Place the ship turns around farther down are ghettos pitch-dark not much to see

  8. 鼓聲 毛茸茸的 拳頭 一下下 扎實地 落在 一個 欲辯無力 文明的 胸膛上 DRUM BEATS A hairy fist bangs relentlessly on a civilized chest that tries in vain to make some flimsy arguments

  9. 摘掉眼鏡 赤裸 看 世界 FOG take off your glasses look the world nakedly in the eye

  10. 花‧瓶 風在叫些什麼 鳥在叫些什麼 樹什麼顏色 雲什麼顏色 天空什麼顏色 這些來自廣大 原野的花 只顧勾著頭 爭看窗外 卻沒想到 把花瓶的脖子 扯得又細 又長 FLOWERS AND THE VASE what is the wind howling about? what are the birds chirping about? what colors are the trees? what colors are the clouds? what color is the sky? fighting to see the world outside the wild flowers stretch the neck of the vase long and thin

  11. AUTUMN Loud and clear Is it a screech of an insect frightened at the sudden solitude or a ringing in the hollow ears after the noisy festival? 秋 這般嘹亮 是不甘寂寞 的蟲聲 抑是 熱鬧過後 空洞的耳鳴

  12. 吉他 我用力扯斷了 那把吉他的弦 多少個黃昏 我靜靜坐在旁邊 听你的曲調 但現在我要全神貫注 欣賞你 美妙的挑撥姿勢 Guitar I broke purposely the strings of your guitar many evenings I had been quietly sitting by your side listening to the beautiful tunes but now I want to enjoy with all my eyes the graceful movements in your music

  13. 中秋夜 冰箱裡 冰了 整整十三個 鐘頭的 故鄉月 餅(唐人街 買來的) 嘗起來 就是 不對 勁 MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL having been sitting in the fridge for a whole thirteen hours the Chinese moon cakes (bought from Chinatown) somehow taste a bit strange

  14. 從窗裡看雪 下著下著 在想家的臉上 竟成了 亞熱帶 滾燙的 陣雨 WATCHING SNOW FROM THE WINDOW falling on the feverish face of a homesick boy the snow melts and turns into a warm tropical shower

  15. DAYBREAK a pair of birds making love on the branch shake down an innocent leaf smack! with the slap of a huge palm a newborn utters its first cry while the exhausted moon shuts her eyes to the sun’s ever reddening face 破曉 一對鳥兒在枝頭 做愛,搖落了 一片莫名其妙的 葉子 轟然一擊,巨掌下 傳出嬰兒痛苦的初啼 產後的夜一直把眼睛閉著 不敢看她丈夫難看的臉色

  16. I've found it! I've found it! the best pigment for painting the sunset ──from "Sunset" 找到了!找到了! 畫日落的最佳 顏料 ──選自〈日落〉

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