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Building Relationships with Community &the Created World

Building Relationships with Community &the Created World. Namaste! I bow to you (and the Divinity in you) SS: Gen. 1:26-27 – We are created in the image and likeness of God. Prayer: of St. Francis of Assisi – to the 4 directions.

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Building Relationships with Community &the Created World

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  1. Building Relationships with Community &the Created World

  2. Namaste! I bow to you (and the Divinity in you)SS:Gen. 1:26-27 – We are created in the image and likeness of God.Prayer: of St. Francis of Assisi – to the 4 directions

  3. Eco- Metanoia: (Pope St. JP II)- Laudato Si’- Central question: What kind of world do I want to leave to the next generation? (whisper in your neighbor’s ear)- Axn: 3 steps fwd, turn around tread softly – 3 steps back

  4. Aim: Feel – our interconnectedness with God, cmty, with nature Hear – the cries of Mother Earth and the poor and vulnerable See – how have we been collectively responsible for this situation Respond – with faith and love

  5. Where are our (mere miming)Inputs? (fill head filling)Handouts? (pass cards around)Power-points? (point in all 6 directions)!!(Thanks to Dr. Raymond Reyes from Gonzaga Univ.)

  6. Inter-connected beings • Activity: • Groups of around 10-15 • Pass curtain ribbon (string) through each other’s shirt sleeves until all are connected as one whole w/o damaging string. • Reflection: • What happened? • How did you feel? (Uncomfortable, - wonderful!) • Deeper understanding – how are we connected to other humans? To other creatures? To our sister Earth? • What is my purpose in this world? (Write in your booklet) Share • SS: • Mt. 25: Whatever you do to the least of my sisters and brothers, you do unto me. Forgive me, Lord, for not seeing you in others.

  7. Youtube video: Who’s under your carbon footprint.Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McdULlbg1_0

  8. Cries of Mother Earth and the poor Activity: Stand by your quote Less is more (challenge a culture of waste and consumerism) Preserve biodiversity (challenge anthropocentrism) Support the poor and hungry (challenge unbridled capitalism) Protect sacredness of human life (challenge practical relativism) We belong to one family of God (challenges individualism) Decrease pollution (challenges “development” that is neither sustainable nor equitable. Activity 2: Groups discuss, sit on floor if possible (closer to the poor) and share what they have done with regard to the chosen quote. Draw symbols/captions – make poster – lighting a candle in the darkness of environmental degradation, global warming, and bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. Not impossible.

  9. Response–able disciples and passionate teachers in Catholic education: • The Catholic Teacher’s Dance Card: • Share 1 concrete action you will take to change your lifestyle to be in solidarity with the poor and protect our sister Earth. (Eg. Never waste food, stop grumbling about the weather). • Write down 5 new ideas from others. If someone writes down your idea, do a little dance jig. • Choose a dance partner – to help you make life more meaningful for the next 6 months: (a pen pal to keep you committed to your decision and will check on you once a month). • Helps me remember who I am and what I am here for – that I am called to serve, inspire, and leave this place a better place. To keep me connected with cmty and creation.

  10. Review:What did we do today? Feel – connected with God, cmty, cosmos Hear – cries of the Earth and the poor See – how I have personally contributed to this problem Respond – with faith and love

  11. The St. Francis Pledge: I / We pledge to: PRAY and REFLECT on the duty to care for God’s Creation and protect the poor and vulnerable. LEARN about and educate others on the causes and moral dimensions of climate change. ASSESS how we-as individuals and in our families, parishes and other affiliations-contribute to climate change by our own energy use, consumption, waste, etc. ACT to change our choices and behaviors to reduce the ways we contribute to climate change. ADVOCATE for Catholic principles and priorities in climate change discussions and decisions, especially as they impact those who are poor and vulnerable

  12. Thank you!

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