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FRANCESCO FEDELE Goddard Earth Sciences Technology center

EXPLAINING FREAK WAVES BY A THEORY OF STOCHASTIC WAVE GROUPS. FRANCESCO FEDELE Goddard Earth Sciences Technology center University of Baltimore County, Maryland, USA Global Modeling Assimilation Office NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Maryland, USA. A NATURAL BEAUTY !. Freak waves.

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FRANCESCO FEDELE Goddard Earth Sciences Technology center

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  1. EXPLAINING FREAK WAVES BY A THEORY OF STOCHASTIC WAVE GROUPS FRANCESCO FEDELE Goddard Earth Sciences Technology center University of Baltimore County, Maryland, USA Global Modeling Assimilation Office NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Maryland, USA


  3. Freak waves Giant waves Rogue waves Extreme waves

  4. Rogue waves Extreme waves Giant waves Freak waves

  5. DRAUPNER EVENT JANUARY 1995 Hmax=25.6 m ! 1 in 200,000 waves


  7. OBJECTIVE • Nonlinear statistics on wave heights & crests TWO APPROACHES • Stochastic Wave Groups (theory of quasi-determinism of prof. Boccotti*) Zakharov equation • Gram-Charlier Approximations (with prof. Aziz Tayfun) Gram-Charlier model *from Boccotti P. Wave Mechanics 2000 Elsevier



  10. TYPICAL WAVE SPECTRA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA* Time covariance Spectrum *from Boccotti P. Wave Mechanics 2000 Elsevier

  11. NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR THE OCCURRENCE OF A HIGH WAVE IN TIME* *Theory of quasi-determinism,Boccotti P. Wave Mechanics 2000 Elsevier

  12. What happens in the neighborhood of a point x0 if a large crest followed by large trough are recorded in time at x0 ? SPACE-TIME covariance *Boccotti P. Wave Mechanics 2000 Elsevier

  13. SUCCESSIVE WAVE CRESTS IN TIME* * Fedele F., Successive wave crests in a Gaussian sea, Probabilistic Eng. Mechanics 2005 vol. 20, Issue 4, 355-363

  14. EXPECTED SHAPE OF THE SEA LOCALLY TO TWO SUCCESSIVE WAVE CRESTS * What happens in the neighborhood of a point x0 if two large successive wave crests are recorded in time at x0 ? What is hidden “behind” this equation ? * Fedele F., 2006. On wave groups in a Gaussian sea. Ocean Engineering 2006 ( in press)

  15. A SINGLE WAVE GROUP CAUSES TWO SUCCESSIVE WAVE CRESTS !* SPACE-TIME covariance STOCHASTIC WAVE GROUPamplitude h random variabledistributed according to Rayelighstochastic family of wave groups * Fedele F., 2006. On wave groups in a Gaussian sea. Ocean Engineering 2006 ( in press)

  16. NONLINEAR RANDOM SEAS cont’d Third order effects : FOUR-WAVE RESONANCE (WEAK WAVE TURBULENCE) Conserved quantities : Hamiltonian Wave action Wave momentum Second order effects: BOUND WAVES

  17. NONLINEAR EVOLUTION OF A STOCHASTIC WAVE GROUP Third order effects : FOUR-WAVE RESONANCE Second order effects: BOUND WAVES Crest-trough symmetry kurtosis>3 Modulation instability Effects on slow time scale >> wave period DOMINANT ONLY IN UNIDIRECTIONAL NARROW-BAND SEAS ! Crest–trough asymmetry skewness>0 TAYFUN DISTRIBUTION FOR PDF CREST Effects on Short time scale : wave period

  18. NONLINEAR EVOLUTION OF A STOCHASTIC WAVE GROUP* NONLINEAR EVOLUTION OF A STOCHASTIC WAVE GROUP* t=0 t=-t0 (linear wave group) hNL>h h x wave action and wave momentum Always conserved : identities x=0 Hamiltonian invariant Symmetric third order effects Hmax=f(h)+α f(h)2 Asymmetric second order effects h Rayleigh distributed *Fedele F. 2006. Extreme Events in nonlinear random seas. J. of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Eng., ASME, 128, 11-16.

  19. More precisely after some boring math ….. Symmetric Third order effects Second order Bound effects Self-focusing parameter

  20. COMPARISONS with WAVE-FLUME DATA : Wave Crests* unidirectional narrow-band waves ( Onorato et al. 2005) Rayleigh *Fedele F., Tayfun A.Explaining extreme waves by a theory of Stochastic wave groups. PROCEEDINGS of OMAE 2006 ( in press)

  21. COMPARISONS with WAVE-FLUME DATA : Wave Heights unidirectional narrow-band waves ( Onorato et al. 2005) Rayleigh

  22. THE PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE Wave tank experiments: unidirectional narrow-band seas ( Onorato et all. 2005) unrealistic ocean conditions MODULATION + SECOND ORDER EFFECTS TERN platform, time series ( 6,000 waves) realistic ocean conditions SECOND ORDER EFFECTS DOMINANT TAYFUN Rayleigh TAYFUN Rayleigh


  24. GRAM-CHARLIER APPROXIMATIONS( GC Model) • Wave Envelope *~ ξ = h/σ Prob{ ξ› x } =Eξ=exp(- x2 / 2)[1+ Λ x2 ( x2 – 4) ] Λ= ( λ40 + 2λ22 + λ04 ) / 64 • Narrow-band wave heights: H/σ ~ 2ξ E2ξ= exp(- x2 / 8) [ 1+ (Λ / 16) x2 ( x 2 – 16) ] * Tayfun & Lo, 1990. Nonlinear effects on wave envelope and phase. J. Watwerways, Port, Coastal & Ocean Eng’g. 116(1), ASCE, 79-100.

  25. WAVE HEIGHTS 2D wave-flume data from Onorato et al. (2004)

  26. WAVE CRESTS(NB Model) • Wave steepness: μ~ σ k ~ λ3 / 3 • Second-order corrections: NB model for wave crests crests ~ξ+ = ξ + ( μ / 2 ) ξ2 • Exceedance probability distribution E ξ+= exp{ -[-1 + ( 1 + 2 μξ )1/2 ] 2/ 2 μ 2 }

  27. MODIFIED THIRD-ORDER MODEL(NB-GC Model) Modify Gram-Charlier: ―›replaceE R = exp(- ξ 2 / 2) ―› with E ξ+= exp{ -[-1 + ( 1 + 2 μξ )1/2 ] 2/ 2 μ 2 } Wave Crests: NB - GC model E+ = Eξ+[ 1 + Λξ2 ( ξ2 – 4) ]

  28. WAVE CRESTS 3D numerical simulations from Socquet-Juglard et al. (2005)

  29. WAVE CRESTS 2D wave-flume data from Onorato et al. (2005)

  30. CONCLUSIONS • Theory of quasi-determinism of Boccotti identifies a “gene” of the Gaussian sea at high energy levels : WAVE GROUP • The statistics of large events in a nonlinear random sea can be related to the nonlinear dynamics of a wave group • new analytical formula for the probability of exceedance of a large wave crest for the case of a Zakharov system is derived

  31. Questions ?

  32. THE PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE Wave tank experiments: unidirectional narrow-band seas ( Onorato et all. 2005) MODULATION + SECOND ORDER EFFECTS Wave height Wave crest *Tayfun A.,Fedele F., Wave height distributions and nonlinear effects. PROCEEDINGS of OMAE 2006 ( in press) **Fedele F., Tayfun A.Explaining extreme waves by a theory of Stochastic wave groups. PROCEEDINGS of OMAE 2006 ( in press)

  33. THE PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE Wave tank experiments: unidirectional narrow-band seas ( Onorato et all. 2005) unrealistic ocean conditions MODULATION + SECOND ORDER EFFECTS TERN platform, time series ( 6,000 waves) realistic ocean conditions SECOND ORDER EFFECTS DOMINANT TAYFUN Rayleigh TAYFUN Rayleigh

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