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CSC Proprietary 9/14/2014 6:47:18 PM 008_P2_CSC_white 1

Active Server Pages (ASP). CSC Proprietary 9/14/2014 6:47:18 PM 008_P2_CSC_white 1. Session 1 - Introduction to ASP. ASP Syntax, Variables & Procedures. Include Files. Session 2 - HTTP Protocol. Introduction to ASP Objects. Request Object. Response Object.

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  1. Active Server Pages (ASP) CSC Proprietary 9/14/2014 6:47:18 PM 008_P2_CSC_white 1

  2. Session 1 - Introduction to ASP. ASP Syntax, Variables & Procedures. Include Files. • Session 2 - HTTP Protocol. Introduction to ASP Objects. Request Object. Response Object. • Session 3 - Application Object. Session Object. Global.asa • Session 4 - Server Object. • Session 5 - ObjectContext Object. Error Object.

  3. Active Server Pages Session - 1

  4. Introduction to ASP • What is ASP? • ASP stands for Active Server Pages. • ASP is a program that runs inside IIS. • IIS stands for Internet Information Services. • ASP is Microsoft’s solution to building advanced Web sites.

  5. Introduction to ASP • How Does ASP Differ from HTML? • HTML file generates static pages, but ASP file generates dynamic pages. • HTML file has the extension .html/.htm, but ASP file has the extension .asp • When a browser sends a requests to the web server for an HTML file the server returns the file as it is to the browser, but when a browser sends a request to the web server for an ASP file, IIS passes the request to the ASP engine having a special program ASP.dll. This ASP file is processed line by line and executes the server side scripts(<% %>) in the file. Finally, the ASP file is returned to the browser as plain HTML.

  6. Introduction to ASP • Processing of an HTML Page Browser Request Web Server Memory-HTML file HTML File

  7. Introduction to ASP • Processing of an ASP Page Browser Request Web Server Processing Memory-ASP File HTML File

  8. Introduction to ASP • What can ASP do for you? • ASP file generates dynamic web pages displaying different contents for different users and at different times of the day. • Responds to user’s queries or data submitted from HTML forms. • Accesses any data or databases and return the results to a browser. • Customizes a Web page to make it more useful for individual users. • The advantages of using ASP instead of CGI and Perl, are those of simplicity, speed and it minimizes the network traffic.

  9. Introduction to ASP ASP page can consists of the following: • HTML tags. • Scripting Language (JavaScript/VBScript). • ASP Built-In Objects. • ActiveX Components eg. : ADO – ActiveX Data Objects. So, ASP is a standard HTML file with extended additional features.

  10. ASP Syntax • The Basic Syntax Rule • An ASP file normally contains HTML tags, just as a standard HTML file. • In addition, an ASP file can contain server side scripts, surrounded by the delimiters <% and %>. Server side scripts are executed on the server, and can contain any expressions, statements, procedures, or operators that are valid for the scripting language you use.

  11. ASP Syntax • Scripts • Script is nothing but a set of commands that are written to perform a specific task • These commands are VBScript or JavaScript commands • There are two types of Scripts: • Client-Side Script : Runs On Browser (default : JavaScript) • Server-Side Script : Runs On Server (default : VBScript) • Scripts in an ASP file are executed on the server.

  12. ASP Syntax • Scripts • Client-Side Script is embedded into the HTML file using tags: <scriptlanguage=JavaScript/VbScript> {JavaScript/Vbscript Code} </script> • Server-Side Script is embedded into the ASP file using tags: <script language=Vbscript/JavaScript RunAt=SERVER> {Vbscript/JavaScript Code} </Script> OR <%@ Language = VBScript/JavaScript %> <% {VBScript/JavaScript Code} %>

  13. ASP Syntax • Scripts • Difference Between using <Script> Tag and <% %> delimiters • <Script> tag is executed immediately no matter where it appears. • By using <Script> tag it is possible to mix multiple scripting languages within single ASP page. • Before using <% %> delimiters, this line of code is mandatory <%@ Language = VBScript/JavaScript %> which specifies the language being used.

  14. ASP Syntax • Example <%@ Language=VBScript %> <HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" RunAT="SERVER"> function sayhello() { response.write("Welcome") } </SCRIPT> <% For i=1 to 10 sayhello() Next %> </BODY> </HTML>

  15. ASP Variables • Variables • Variables are used to store information • This example demonstrates how to create a variable, assign a value to it, and insert the variable value into a text. <html> <body> <% Dim name name=“Tripti Arora" Response.Write("My name is: " & name) %> </body> </html>

  16. ASP Variables • Arrays • Arrays are used to store a series of related data items. • This example demonstrates how you can make an array that stores names. <%Dim name(5)name(0) = "Jan Egil"name(1) = "Tove"name(2) = "Hege"name(3) = "Stale"name(4) = "Kai Jim"name(5) = "Borge"For i = 0 to 5 Response.Write(name(i) & "<br />")Next%></body></html>

  17. ASP Variables • Lifetime of Variables • A variable declared outside a procedure(subroutine or a function) can be accessed and changed by any script in the ASP page in which it is declared • A variable declared inside a procedure is created and destroyed every time the procedure is executed. No scripts outside that specific procedure can access or change that variable • To make a variable accessible to several ASP pages, declare it either as a session variable or as an application variable

  18. ASP Variables • Session Variables • Session variables store information about one single user, and are available to all pages in one application. Common information stored in session variables are Username and UserID. To create a session variable, store it in a Session Object • Application Variables • Application variables are also available to all pages in one application. Application variables are used to hold information about all users in a specific application. To create an application variable, store it in an Application Object

  19. ASP Procedures • Calling a Procedure • When calling a VBScript procedure from an ASP page, you can use the "call" keyword followed by the procedure name. • If a procedure requires parameters, the parameter list must be enclosed in parentheses when using the "call" keyword. • If you omit the "call" keyword, the parameter list must not be enclosed in parentheses. • If the procedure has no parameters, the parentheses are optional. • When calling a JavaScript procedure from an ASP page, always use parentheses after the procedure name.

  20. ASP Procedures • Example <html> <head> <% Sub vbProc(num1,num2) Response.Write(num1*num2) End Sub %> </head> <body> The result of the calculation is: <%call vbProc(3,4)%> </body> </html>

  21. ASP Procedures • Example • Insert the <%@ language="language" %> line above the <html> tag to write procedures or functions in a scripting language other than the default. <%@ language="javascript" %> <html> <head> <% function jsproc(num1,num2) { Response.Write(num1*num2) } %> </head> <body> The result of the calculation is: <%jsproc(3,4)%> </body> </html>

  22. Including Files • The #include Directive • It is possible to insert the content of another file into an ASP file before the server executes it, with the server side #include directive. • The #include directive is used to create functions, headers, footers, or elements that will be reused on multiple pages.

  23. Including Files • How to Use the #include Directive • Here is a file called "mypage.asp": <html> <body> <h3>Words of Wisdom:</h3> <p><!--#include file="wisdom.inc"--></p> <h3>The time is:</h3> <p><!--#include file="time.inc"--></p> </body> </html> • Here is the "wisdom.inc" file: "One should never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything." • Here is the "time.inc" file: <% Response.Write(Time) %>

  24. Including Files • Source code in a browser, it will look something like this: <html> <body> <h3>Words of Wisdom:</h3> <p>"One should never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything."</p> <h3>The time is:</h3> <p>11:33:42 AM</p> </body> </html>

  25. Including Files • Syntax for Including Files • To include a file into an ASP page, place the #include directive inside comment tags: <!--#include file ="somefilename"--> • A file can be included in 2 ways : <!-- #include file ="headers\header.inc" --> OR <!-- #include virtual ="/html/header.inc" --> Using the File Keyword: • Use the file keyword to indicate the physical path. The file to be included must be located either in the current directory/subdirectory or higher-level directory where your ASP file is present. • For example, if you have an ASP file in the directory html, and the file header.inc is in html\headers, the line above would insert header.inc in your file.

  26. Including Files Using the Virtual Keyword : • Use the Virtual keyword to indicate a path beginning with a virtual directory. That means the included file can be located in any directory of your web-site. For example, if a file named header.inc resides in a virtual directory named /html, the above line would insert the contents of header.inc into the file containing the line. • The Included file can have any name & any extension. By convention the included files end with extension .inc, but ASP file can include files with extensions .asp,.htm,.html or any other extension also.

  27. Active Server Pages Session - 2

  28. HTTP Protocol(Request and Response Protocol) Request Client OR Response Server Browser • Request:The Browser/Client sends an input to the Web Server. This can be used to gain access to any information that is passed with an HTTP request. This includes parameters passed from an HTML form using either the POST method or the GET method. • Response: Output is send back to the Browser from the Web Server.

  29. ASP Objects: • ASP has 7 built-in Objects: Request Response Application Session Server ObjectContext Error These Objects have • Collection : An Object’s collections constitute different sets of keys and value pairs related to that object. • Properties : An Object’s properties can be set to specify the state of the object. • Methods : An Object’s methods determines the things one can do with the ASP Object. Eg : OBJECT : A Book. METHOD : Read a book. PROPERTIES : No. of pages. COLLECTION : Each page(key) has a particular text(value).

  30. ASP Objects Request Session Response Server Application ObjectContext Error

  31. Request Object Collections Properties QueryString Form ServerVariables TotalBytes

  32. ASP Forms and User Input • User Input • To get information from forms, you can use the Request Object • Example <form method="get" action="../pg.asp"> First Name: <input type="text" name="fname"><br> Last Name: <input type="text" name="lname"><br> <input type="submit" value="Send"> </form> • There are two ways to get form information: The Request.QueryString command and the Request.Form command.

  33. Request Object - Collections • Request.QueryString • This collection is used to retrieve the values of the variables in the HTTP query string. • Information sent from a form with the GET method is visible to everybody (in the address field) and the GET method limits the amount of information to send. • If a user typed “Bill" and "Gates" in the form example above, the url sent to the server would look like this: http://www.asp.com/pg.asp?fname=Bill&lname=Gates

  34. Request Object - Collections • Request.QueryString • The ASP file "pg.asp" contains the following script: <body> Welcome <% response.write(request.querystring("fname")) response.write("&nbsp;") response.write(request.querystring("lname")) %> </body> • The example above writes this into the body of a document: Welcome Bill Gates

  35. Request Object - Collections • Request.QueryString • The HTTP query string can be specified in the following ways: • By the values following the question mark (?) http://www.hotmail.com/hello.asp?username=Tripti • By using GET method of <Form> Tag. <Form Name=“form1” Action=“123.asp” Method=“GET”> … </form> • By using Action attribute of <Form> Tag. <Form Name=“form1” Action=“hello.asp?username=Tripti” Method=“POST”> … </form> • With the hyper link attribute < a href> Tag. <a href=“hello.asp? username=Tripti”>Hello</a>

  36. Request Object - Collections • Request.Form • It is used to retrieve the values of form elements posted to the HTTP request body, using the POST method of the <Form> Tag. • Information sent from a form with the POST method is invisible to others. • The POST method has no limits, you can send a large amount of information. • If a user typed "Bill" and "Gates" in the form example above, the url sent to the server would look like this: http://www.asp.com/pg.asp

  37. Request Object - Collections • Request.Form • The ASP file "pg.asp" contains the following script: <body> Welcome <% response.write(request.form("fname")) response.write("&nbsp;") response.write(request.form("lname")) %> </body> • The example above writes this into the body of a document: Welcome Bill Gates

  38. Request Object - Collections • Form Validation • The form input should be validated on the browser, by client side scripts. • Browser validation has a faster response time, and reduces the load on the server. • You should consider using server validation if the input from a form is inserted into a database. • A good way to validate the form on a server is to post the form into itself, instead of jumping to a different page. The user will then get the error messages on the same page as the form. This makes it easier to discover the error.

  39. Request Object - Collections • ServerVariables Collection • It is used to retrieve the values of predetermined environment variables.These values originate when client requests the server. • Syntax: Request.ServerVariables (server environmentvariable)

  40. Request Object - Collections • Server Variables Collection Some of the Server Environment Variables: • Request_Method– returns GET or POST depending on how the request was made. • Query_String- returns the unparsed query string as in the request • Remote_Addr - returns the IP address of User • Logon_User - returns logon account of the user • ALL_HTTP- returns whole HTTP string • HTTP_User_Agent- returns the type of the client browser • HTTP_Accept_Language- determines which language is supported by the client’s browser • Path_Info - gives the full name of current file starting from the Web root directory. • Remote_Host - provides the visitor’s text URL

  41. Request Object - Properties • TotalBytes • It specifies the total number of bytes the client has sent in the body of the request. • This property is read-only • Syntax: Counter = Request.TotalBytes Counter - Specifies a variable to receive the total number of bytes that the client sends in the request. • Example: <% Dim bytecount bytecount = Request.TotalBytes %>

  42. ASP Objects Request Session Response Server Application ObjectContext Error

  43. Response Object • Response • It can be used to send output to the client. • Its method and properties control how the information is sent to the client.

  44. Response Object Properties Methods Buffer CacheControl ContentType Expires ExpiresAbsolute IsClientConnected Status AddHeader AppendToLog Clear End Flush Redirect Write

  45. Response Object - Properties • Buffer • It provides control of when the data is to be sent to the client.Normally the O/P from the page is sent immediately to the browser after each command. Eg.:For Loop. • When it is set to True (default value)the server won’t respond to client until whole page is processed or until Flush or End method are called (i.e, whole page is kept in a buffer and showed after completion). Adv : The whole image seen at once and not in parts. Disadv : User looses patience. • If it is set to False then server streams the page to the client as it is created. • Syntax: Response.Buffer [= flag] Flag is True or False. This line is put on the top of the ASP page.

  46. Response Object - Properties • CacheControl • It is used to control whether the page will be cached by the proxy server or not. • Syntax: Response.CacheControl [= Cache Control Header ] Cache Control Header - Value is Public or Private Default value is Private – This setting tells the proxy server that the contents of an ASP are private to a particular user and should not be cached.

  47. Response Object - Properties • Expires • It specifies the length of time after which page caching on a browser expires and fresh copy is retrieved. • Syntax: Response.Expires [= number] number - The time in minutes after which the page caching expires. • Example: <%Response.Expires = 5%> • The page will be removed form cache and a fresh page picked up after 5minutes.

  48. Response Object - Properties • ExpiresAbsolute • This property specifies the date and time at which a page caching on a browser expires.When a page will not be changed very often, to extend the amount of time that the browser uses its copy of a page from the cache. • Syntax: Response.ExpiresAbsolute [= [date] [time]] number - The time in minutes before the page expires • Example: <% Response.ExpiresAbsolute=#Apr 1,2001 00:00:00# %> • The page will be removed form cache and a fresh page picked up on 1st April’2001.

  49. Response Object - Properties • ContentType • It’s value indicates what kind of information the browser should expect. If no ContentType is specified, the default is text/HTML. • Syntax: Response.ContentType [= ContentType ] ContentType - A string describing the content type. This string is usually formatted type/subtype where typeis the general content category and subtypeis the specific content type. • Examples: <% Response.ContentType = "text/HTML" %> <% Response.ContentType = "image/GIF" %> <% Response.ContentType = "text/plain" %>

  50. Response Object - Properties • IsClientConnected • This indicates whether client is connected/disconnected from the server. • Importance : When a user requests your ASP page and then moves to another Web-Site, your web-server unnecessarily is under pressure. • Syntax: Response.IsClientConnected • Example: <% If Not (Response.IsClientConnected) Then session.abandon End If %>

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