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Churches of Christ Teaching<br>in Sacred Scripture<br>from Daniel Keeran, MSW<br>1. total immersion in water now saves as per 1 Peter 3:21 <br>2. total immersion is a work of God, not man as per Colossians 2:11-13. <br>4. total immersion is more than a ritual, sacrament, symbol, or sign <br>but is when one is raised to new life as per Romans 6:4<br>5. total immersion is something God does as per Acts 2:38-39 <br>6. total immersion is when one is crucified and raised with Christ as per Romans 6:6, <br>Ephesians 2:1-6, and Colossians 2:11-13 <br>7. total immersion is saved by grace through faith as per Ephesians 2:1-6 <br>8. total immersion is required for salvation as per Mark 16: 15-16<br>9. total immersion is the good-conscience pledge between God and man as per <br>1 Peter 3:21<br>10. one is NOT justified by faith alone as per James 2:24<br>11. there is no believers/sinneru2019s prayer for salvation in scripture<br>12. total immersion washes away sins as per Acts 22:16 and Acts 2:38. <br>13. born again refers to water and spirit, required to enter the kingdom of heaven as per <br>John 3:5 and Titus 3:5<br>14. babies were not baptized ..... total immersion would drown some babies or cause <br>them to contract a terminal respiratory illness so only people old enough to survive <br>were totally immersed as per Acts 8:12<br>15. people who had not heard of the Spirit, were re-immersed as per Acts 19:1-4 <br>16. Paul's gospel included immersion as per Acts 18:8 and I Corinthians 1:13 <br>17. the gospel includes believing what God says about total immersion as per <br>18. Despite Origenu2019s declaration and the misinterpretation of Davidu2019s intention in <br>Psalms 51:5, babies are conceived in innocence, free from any stain, sin, or guilt <br>inherited from Adam and Eve as per Ezekiel 18:19-24. <br>19. total immersion in water is into Christ and his death as per Romans 6:3 <br>20 maybe you have thought about being immersed. If help is needed/wanted email me <br>at collegemhc@gmail.com<br>21. immersion is ...... add your thoughts in the comments below<br>22. Baptism in water is not a work of man as per John 3:5 and Titus 3:5<br>"he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. <br>He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit"<br>The Timing of Baptism in the Earliest Church<br>https://www.academia.edu/34873169/The_Timing_of_Baptism_in_the_Earliest_Church_For_A<br>_More_Biblical_Practic

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